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strokeHirnschlag {m}
stroke Apoplex {m} [ugs.] [kurz für: Apoplexie]
stroke Schlag {m} [ugs.] [Schlaganfall]
stroke [caress] Streicheleinheit {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
stroke [hit, blow] Hieb {m}
stroke [image processing] Kontur {f}
stroke [in diplomacy, business etc.]Schachzug {m} [fig.]
stroke [keystroke] Anschlag {m} [Schreibmaschine]
stroke [keystroke] Tastenanschlag {m}
stroke [keystroke] Typenanschlag {m}
stroke [of fate] Schicksalsschlag {m}
stroke [of work] Handschlag {m} [Handgriff, Bewegung]
stroke [punch]Schlag {m}
stroke [push] Stoß {m}
stroke [rowing, swimming, tennis]Schlag {m} [Rudern, Schwimmen, Tennis]
stroke [rowing]Ruderschlag {m}
stroke [swimming]Schwimmstoß {m}
stroke [swimming]Schwimmart {f}
stroke [writing, painting] Strich {m} [Pinselstrich etc.]
stroke [writing]Schriftzug {m}
stroke adjustment Hubverstellung {f}
stroke analysis [e.g. tennis]Schlaganalyse {f} [z. B. Tennis]
stroke cases Schlaganfälle {pl} [ugs. Schlaganfallpatienten]
stroke counterHubzähler {m}
stroke data bank <SDB> Schlaganfalldatenbank {f} <SDB>
stroke distanceHubweg {m}
stroke frequency [heart pulse rate]Schlagfrequenz {f} [Herz]
stroke guidance Strichführung {f}
stroke indicator [valves] Rohrzeigerwerk {n}
stroke lengthHublänge {f}
stroke moduleHubmodul {n}
stroke monitoring Stroke-Monitoring {n} [kontinuierliches/apparatives Monitoring akuter Schlaganfallpatienten]
stroke monitoring Hubüberwachung {f}
stroke of a pen Federstrich {m}
stroke of business geschicktes Geschäft {n}
stroke of clockGlockenschlag {m}
stroke of fateSchicksalsschlag {m}
stroke of fateSchickung {f} [geh.]
stroke of fateFügung {f} des Schicksals
stroke of fist Faustschlag {m}
stroke of geniusgenialer Einfall {m}
stroke of geniusgenialer Zug {m}
stroke of geniusGeniestreich {m}
stroke of hammerHammerschlag {m}
stroke of lightningBlitzschlag {m}
stroke of luck Glücksfall {m}
stroke of luck Glückssträhne {f}
stroke of luckGlückstreffer {m}
stroke of luckTreffer {m} [fig.] [Glückstreffer]
stroke of paralysisSchlaganfall {m}
stroke of pistonKolbenhub {m}
stroke of the brushPinselstrich {m}
stroke of the brush / hairbrush Bürstenstrich {m}
stroke of the gongGongschlag {m}
stroke of the penFederstrich {m}
stroke of the sword Schwertstreich {m}
stroke of wingFlügelschlag {m}
stroke orderStrichreihenfolge {f}
stroke patient Schlaganfallpatient {m}
stroke range Hubbereich {m}
stroke registry Schlaganfallregister {n}
stroke riskSchlaganfallrisiko {n}
stroke sawStichsäge {f}
stroke sports [Am.] Schlagsport {m} [ugs.]
stroke technique [e.g. tennis] Schlagtechnik {f} [z. B. Tennis]
stroke unitStroke Unit {f} [Schlaganfall-Intensivstation]
stroke upon stroke Schlag auf Schlag
stroke volume <SV> Schlagvolumen {n} <SV>
stroke volume <SV>Herzschlagvolumen {n} <HSV>
stroke volume <SV> Hubvolumen {n} [z. B. Kolbenmaschine, Dosierpumpe]
stroke volume index <SVI>Schlagvolumenindex {m} <SVI>
stroke width Strichstärke {f}
stroke with an axeSchlag {m} mit der Axt
stroked liebkost
strokelet leichter Schlaganfall {m}
strokesSchlaganfälle {pl}
strokes Schläge {pl}
strokesStöße {pl}
strokes Hiebe {pl}
strokes Hübe {pl}
strokes [lines, dashes etc] Striche {pl}
strokes of fate Schicksalsschläge {pl}
strokes of lightning Blitzschläge {pl}
strokeside [rowing]backbord
strokesman Schlagmann {m}
stroksman Vorruderer {m}
stroll Bummel {m}
stroll Spaziergang {m}
stroll gardenSchlendergarten {m} [Spaziergarten]
stroll garden Spaziergarten {m}
stroll through the city Stadtbummel {m}
stroll through the flea market Flohmarktbummel {m}
stroll through town Stadtbummel {m}
strolled gebummelt
stroller Spaziergänger {m}
stroller Wanderschauspieler {m}
stroller Landstreicher {m}
strollerStrolch {m}
« stristristristristristrostrostrostrostrostro »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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