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English-German Dictionary

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strongly resolvable [design] stark auflösbar [Blockplan; endliche Geometrie]
strongly typedstreng typisiert
strongly uniquestark eindeutig
strongly-built horse stark gebautes Pferd {n}
strongly-worded protest scharfer Protest {m}
strongman Kraftmensch {m}
strongman Machthaber {m}
strongman Diktator {m}
strongman [strength athlete]Kraftsportler {m}
strongman game [funfair attraction] Hau-den-Lukas {m} [ugs.] [Jahrmarktattraktion]
strong-minded willensstark
strong-mindednessWillensstärke {f}
strong-nerved nervenstark
strongpoint Stützpunkt {m}
strongroom Stahlkammer {f}
strongroomTresor {m}
strong-roomStahlkammer {f}
strongroomTresorraum {m}
strongscented / strong-scented lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis cilianensis, syn.: E. major, Poa cilianensis] Großes Liebesgras {n}
strongscented / strong-scented lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis cilianensis, syn.: E. major, Poa cilianensis]Großähriges Liebesgras {n}
strong-selling umsatzstark
strong-willed entschlossen
strong-willed eigensinnig
strong-willed durchsetzungsstark
strongyloidiasis Strongyloidiasis {f} [Strongyloidose]
strongyloidosis Strongyloidose {f}
strongylophthalmyiid flies [family Strongylophthalmyiidae]Bastfliegen {pl}
strongylophthalmyiids [family Strongylophthalmyiidae] Bastfliegen {pl}
strontianite [SrCO3] Strontianit {m}
strontiochevkinite [(Sr,La,Ce,Ca)4(Fe,Fe)(Ti,Zr)3Si4O12O10] Strontiochevkinit {m}
strontiodresserite [(Sr,Ca)Al2(CO3)2(OH)4·H2O]Strontiodresserit {m}
strontiofluorite [SrF2] Strontiofluorit {m}
strontioginorite [(Sr,Ca)2B14O23·8H2O] Strontioginorit {m} [Volkovit]
strontiohurlbutite [SrBe2(PO4)2] Strontiohurlbutit {m}
strontiojoaquinite [Sr2Ba2(Na,Fe)2Ti2Si8O24(O,OH)2·H2O]Strontiojoaquinit {m}
strontiomelane [(Sr,K,Ba)(Mn,Mn)8O16] Strontiomelan {m}
strontiowhitlockite [Sr7(Mg,Ca)3(PO4)6 [PO3(OH)]]Strontiowhitlockit {m}
strontium <Sr> Strontium {n} <Sr>
strontium aluminate [SrAl2O4]Strontiumaluminat {n}
strontium atomStrontiumatom {n}
strontium boride [SrB6] Strontiumborid {n}
strontium bromate [SrBr2O6, Sr(BrO3)2] Strontiumbromat {n}
strontium bromide [SrBr2]Strontiumbromid {n}
strontium carbonate [SrCO3] Strontiumcarbonat {n}
strontium chloride [SrCl2]Strontiumchlorid {n}
strontium chromate [SrCrO4]Strontiumchromat {n}
strontium compound Strontiumverbindung {f}
strontium contentStrontiumgehalt {m}
strontium dibromide [SrBr2] Strontiumdibromid {n}
strontium difluoride [SrF2] Strontiumdifluorid {n}
strontium fluoride [SrF2]Strontiumfluorid {n}
strontium formate [C2H2SrO4, C2H2O4Sr, Sr(CHO2)2]Strontiumformiat {n}
strontium hexaboride [SrB6] Strontiumhexaborid {n}
strontium hydride [SrH2] Strontiumhydrid {n}
strontium hydroxide [Sr(OH)2] Strontiumhydroxid {n}
strontium isotope Strontiumisotop {n} [auch: Strontium-Isotop]
strontium nitrate [Sr(NO3)2]Strontiumnitrat {n}
strontium oreStrontiumerz {n}
strontium ore Strontium-Erz {n} [Rsv.]
strontium oxide [SrO] Strontiumoxid {n}
strontium peroxide [SrO2] Strontiumperoxid {n}
strontium sulfate [SrSO4] [Am.] Strontiumsulfat {n}
strontium sulphate [SrSO4] [Br.] Strontiumsulfat {n}
strontium telluride [SrTe] Strontiumtellurid {n}
strontium tellurite [SrTeO3, O3SrTe]Strontiumtellurit {n}
strontium titanate [SrTiO3] Strontiumtitanat {n}
strontium(II) fluoride [SrF2] Strontium(II)-fluorid {n}
stroon [portmanteau of a straw and spoon] [Trinkhalm-Löffel-Kombination]
Stroop effect Stroop-Effekt {m}
Stroop testStroop-Test {m}
stroopwafel Sirupwaffel {f}
strop Streichriemen {m}
strop [Br.] [coll.] schlechte Laune {f}
strop pasteStreichriemenpaste {f}
strophanthinStrophanthin {n}
stropheStrophe {f}
strophes Strophen {pl}
strophic strophisch
strophic formStrophenform {f}
strophic songStrophenlied {n}
strophic structure Strophenbau {m}
Strophius Strophios {m}
strophulusZahnausschlag {m}
strophulusSchälknötchen {pl}
strophulus Friesel {m} {n} [bei Säuglingen]
strophulus Strophulus {m} [Hauterkrankung bei Kleinkindern]
stroppily [Br.] [coll.]unwirsch
stroppiness [coll.] [Br.]Pampigkeit {f}
stropping abziehend
stroppy [Br.] [coll.]patzig [ugs.]
stroppy [Br.] [coll.]unwirsch
stroppy [Br.] [coll.]pampig [ugs.] [frech]
stroppy [Br.] [coll.] [quarrelsome] streitsüchtig
stroppy [Br.] [coll.] [bad-tempered] übellaunig
Strouhal number <Sr>Strouhal-Zahl {f} <Sr>
Strowger switch [an early electromechanical telephone switching system]Hebdrehwähler {m}
« stristrostrostrostrostrostrostrustrustrustru »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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