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English-German Dictionary

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studded with islands [postpos.]inselreich
studded with sth. [postpos.] gespickt mit etw. [Dat.] [fig.] [Fehlern, Fakten etc.]
studdingGewindestange {f}
studding [of a tube]Bestiften {n} [eines Rohrs]
studding sailLeesegel {n}
studding sail tack bendGordingstek {m} [Gordingknoten]
Studenica [river]Studenica {f} [Fluss]
studenitsite [NaCa2 [B9O14(OH)4]·2H2O]Studenitsit {m}
student Student {m} <Stud.>
student studentisch
studentHörer {m}
student Kursteilnehmer {m}
studentStudiosus {m} <stud.> [veraltend] [auch ugs., hum.]
student Scholar {m} [altertümlich]
student [attr.] studentisch
student [Am.] [schoolchild] Schulkind {n}
student [female]Studierende {f}
student [female]Studentin {f}
student [female]Studiosa {f} [hum.]
student [medieval]Scholast {m} [veraltet]
student [particularly of something secret or exotic] [also hum.]Adept {m}
student [pre-university] Eleve {m} [geh.]
student [school pupil]Schüler {m}
student [university student] Studierender {m}
student / students' association Studentenvereinigung {f}
student achievementSchülerleistung {f}
student age groupStudierendenjahrgang {m}
student album Studentenalbum {n} [veraltet]
student allowance Stipendium {n}
student apartmentStudentenwohnung {f}
student apprentice Praktikant {m}
student apprentice Famulant {m}
student apprentice [female] Praktikantin {f}
student assistant studentische Hilfskraft {f}
student assistant studentischer Mitarbeiter {m}
student assistant [female] studentische Mitarbeiterin {f}
student associate studentische Hilfskraft {f}
student association Studentenverband {m}
student associationFachschaft {f}
student audience studentisches Publikum {n}
student band [esp. Am.]Schülerband {f}
Student Bodies Student Bodies – Die total verrückte Schülerzeitung
student bodyStudentenschaft {f}
student bodySchülerschaft {f}
student body [of an institution of higher education] Studierendenschaft {f}
student bulgeStudentenschwemme {f}
student cap Studentenmütze {f}
student card Studentenausweis {m}
student cardStudentenkarte {f}
student childrens nurse Kinderkrankenschwester {f} in Ausbildung
student children's nurseKinderkrankenschwester {f} in Ausbildung
student children's nurse [female] Kinderkrankenschwesternschülerin {f}
student children's nurse [female]Schwesternschülerin {f} für Kinderkrankenpflege
student circleStudentenzirkel {m}
student clubStudentenclub {m}
student community [religious]Studentengemeinde {f}
student concert Schülerkonzert {n}
student conferenceSchülerkonferenz {f}
student congregation [at a university] Studentengemeinde {f}
student councilStudentenrat {m}
student council Schülermitverwaltung {f}
student councilstudentische Fachschaft {f}
student council elections {pl}Studentenschaftswahl {f}
student counseling [Am.] Studentenberatung {f}
student counselling [Br.] Studienberatung {f}
student counsellor [Br.] Studienberater {m}
student days {pl} Studienzeit {f}
student demonstrationStudentendemonstration {f}
student dictionary Schülerwörterbuch {n}
student digs {pl} [esp. Br.] [coll.] Studentenbude {f} [ugs.]
student digs {pl} [esp. Br.] [coll.]Studentenbutze {f} [ugs.] [nordd.] [auch: Studenten-Butze]
student discountStudentenrabatt {m}
student discount Studentenermäßigung {f}
student disturbanceStudentenunruhe {f}
student doctorMedizinstudent {m}
student dormStudentenwohnheim {n}
student driver [Am.]Fahrschüler {m}
student driver [female] [Am.]Fahrschülerin {f}
student employee Werkstudent {m}
student exchange Studentenaustausch {m}
student exchange Schüleraustausch {m}
student exchange program [Am.]Studentenaustauschprogramm {n}
student exchange programme [Br.]Studentenaustauschprogramm {n}
student experimentSchülerversuch {m}
student experiment Schülerexperiment {n}
student experimentstudentisches Experiment {n}
student file Schülerakte {f}
student filmStudentenfilm {m}
student flat [esp. Br.]Studentenwohnung {f}
student generation Studentengeneration {f}
student hall Studentenheim {n}
student hostel Studentenwohnheim {n}
student housing Studentenwohnung {f}
student IDStudierendenausweis {m}
student ID cardStudentenausweis {m}
student (ID) card Studierendenausweis {m}
student identity card <student ID>Studentenausweis {m}
student internship Schülerpraktikum {n}
student jobWerkstudententätigkeit {f}
« strustrustrustubstucstudstudstudstudstudstud »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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