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student tutor [female] studentische Tutorin {f}
student union [organization]Studentenvereinigung {f}
student unrest {sg}Studentenunruhen {pl}
student uprisingsStudentenunruhen {pl}
student visa Studentenvisum {n}
student visaVisum {n} für Studienzwecke
student visas Studentenvisa {pl}
[student about to take his / her diploma]Diplomand {m}
[student during the second semester (in the historical sense)] Brandfuchs {m} [ursprüngliche Bedeutung für einen Fuchs (Jungmitglied einer Studentenverbindung) im zweiten Semester]
[student during the second semester (in the historical sense)] Brander {m} [Brandfuchs]
[student of a Swiss Kantonsschule]Kantischüler {m} [ugs.] [schweiz.] [auch: Kanti-Schüler] [Schüler einer Kantonsschule]
[student shortly before his final exams]Candidatus {m} <cand.> [veraltend]
(student) fraternityBurschenschaft {f}
student-centered [Am.]schülerzentriert
student-centred [Br.] schülerzentriert
studentdom {sg} [rare] [students collectively] Studierende {pl}
studenthood Studentendasein {n}
studenthoodStudentenzeit {f}
studenting [Br.] Studententum {n}
student-run von Studenten geleitet
student-run von Studenten geführt
studentry [rare]Studentenschaft {f}
students Studenten {pl}
studentsStudierende {pl}
students {pl} [school pupils] Schülerinnen und Schüler <SuS> [Abkürzung Lehrerjargon]
students' [attr.] studentisch
students [female] Studentinnen {pl}
students [school pupils] Schüler {pl}
student's abacusSchulrechenrahmen {m}
students' association / corporationStudentenverbindung {f}
students' conceptionsSchülervorstellungen {pl} [Ideen, Konzepte]
students' concertSchülerkonzert {n}
students council Studentenvertretung {f}
student's desk Schülerpult {n}
student's deskSchülertisch {m}
students' duel Mensur {f} [akademisches Fechten]
student's editionStudienausgabe {f} [Studien-Ausgabe]
students' edition [also: student edition] Studienausgabe {f} [Studien-Ausgabe]
student's elbow [coll.] [Bursitis olecrani] [olecranon bursitis] Studentenellenbogen {m} [ugs.]
students' eventSchülerveranstaltung {f}
students' flat-sharing community Studenten-Wohngemeinschaft {f}
students' flat-sharing community Studenten-WG {f}
students' fraternity Studentenverbindung {f}
students' hall Studentenheim {n}
student's health [pupils] Gesundheitszustand {m} des Schülers
students' hostel Studentenheim {n}
students' hostel Studentenwohnheim {n}
student's identity card Studentenausweis {m}
students in their first degree of studies [undergraduates]Studierende {pl} im Erststudium
student's lifeStudentenleben {n}
students' living communityStudenten-WG {f}
students' microscope Schülermikroskop {n}
students of a / the departmentFachschaft {f}
students of a second-rate school Klippschüler {pl} [nordd.] [abwertend]
students of medicine Medizinstudenten {pl}
students of medicine [female] Medizinstudentinnen {pl}
students of religion Religionswissenschaftler {pl}
students' prankStudentenulk {m}
student's transcript Schülerstammblatt {n}
student's uniform Schuluniform {f}
students' union Studierendenvertretung {f}
students welfare organizationStudentenhilfswerk {n}
(Student's) t-distribution(studentsche) t-Verteilung {f}
(Student's) t-distribution (Student-)t-Verteilung {f}
studentship [Br.]Stipendium {n}
studenty [Br.] [coll.] Studenten-
studied vorgespielt
studied wohl durchdacht [Rsv.]
studied wohl überlegt [Rsv.]
studied [calm, casualness] ostentativ [geh.]
studied [examined] untersucht
studied [archaic] [learned, bookish]gelehrt
studied [deliberate]absichtlich
studied [premeditated] vorbedacht
studied [premeditated] vorsätzlich
studied [reasoned, well-conceived] durchdacht
studied [rehearsed, not natural] einstudiert [nicht natürlich]
studied [well conceived] wohldurchdacht
studied [well read] belesen
studied [well versed] bewandert
studied [well-considered]wohlüberlegt [geh.]
studied gesturewohleinstudierte Geste {f}
studied insultvorbedachte Beleidigung {f}
studied insultvorsätzliche Beleidigung {f}
studied neglectvorsätzliche Fahrlässigkeit {f}
studied politeness vorgespielte Höflichkeit {f}
studied scientifically wissenschaftlich untersucht
studies Studien {pl}
studies Untersuchungen {pl}
studies {pl} Studium {n}
studies {pl} Wissenschaft {f}
studies {pl} [research] Forschung {f}
studies {pl} in architecture Architekturstudium {n}
studies {pl} in biologyBiologiestudium {n}
studies {pl} in chemistryChemiestudium {n}
studies {pl} of architectureArchitekturstudium {n}
« strustubstucstudstudstudstudstudstudstufstuf »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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