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style manual Stilwörterbuch {n}
style of a product Ausführung {f} eines Produkts
style (of address) [title]korrekte Anrede {f}
style of art Kunststil {m}
style of clothing Kleidungsstil {m}
style of communication Kommunikationsstil {m}
style of composition Gestaltungsweise {f}
style of composition Kompositionsstil {m}
style of dance Tanzstil {m}
style of dancing Tanzstil {m}
style of designDesignstil {m}
style of dialog [Am.]Dialogstil {m}
style of dialogue Dialogstil {m}
style of doing sth.Art {f}, etw. zu tun
style of drawing Zeichenstil {m}
style of dressKleidungsstil {m}
style of driving Fahrstil {m}
style of engraving Gravurstil {m}
style of furniture Möbelstil {m}
style of governingRegierungsstil {m}
style of governmentRegierungsstil {m}
style of (horse) riding Reitweise {f} [Reitstil]
style of interpretation Interpretationsstil {m}
style of interviewing Interviewstil {m}
style of leadershipFührungsstil {m}
style of lifeLebensstil {m}
style of life Lebensweise {f}
style of managementGeschäftsführungsstil {m}
style of management Managementstil {m}
style of management Führungsstil {m}
style of musicMusikrichtung {f}
style of musicMusikstil {m}
style of narrationErzählstil {m}
style of painting Malstil {m}
style of performance Vortragsweise {f}
style of playSpielweise {f}
style of play Spielstil {m} [Spielweise]
style of playing [an instrument, a game, or a sport]Spielweise {f}
style of politics [political style]Politikstil {m}
style of preaching Predigtstil {m}
style of programming Programmierstil {m}
style of proseProsastil {m}
style of racingRennstil {m}
style of riding Reitstil {m}
style of rule Regierungsstil {m}
style of ruleHerrschaftsstil {m}
style of singing Gesangstil {m}
style of singing Singweise {f}
style of speakingRedestil {m}
style of speaking Sprechstil {m}
style of speech Sprachstil {m}
style of speech Redestil {m}
style of teachingUnterrichtsstil {m}
style of teaching Lehrstil {m}
style of thoughtDenkstil {m}
style of wine Weinstil {m}
style of workingArbeitsstil {m}
style of writingSchreibstil {m}
style of writing Schreibart {f}
style (of writing) Schreibe {f} [ugs.]
style punditStilpapst {m}
style scoresHaltungsnoten {pl}
style section [in a newspaper][Ressort in englischsprachigen Zeitungen mit Unter-Ressorts wie Comics, Klatsch, Mode, Modernes Leben, Kunst etc.]
style sheet [spec.] [GUI programming]Formatvorlage {f} [für GUI-Programmierung]
style shiftingÄnderung {f} des Redestils
style variantBauformvariante {f}
styled gestylt
style-defining stilprägend
styleguide [rare]Stilanleitung {f}
styler Modezeichner {m}
stylerModegestalter {m}
styles Ausdrucksweisen {pl}
styles Stile {pl}
style-setting stilgebend
stylesheet Formatvorlage {f}
stylet Stilett {n}
stylet Führungsstab {m} [Stylet]
styletStylet {n} [Führungsstab, Mandrin]
styletMandrin {m}
styletteStylette {f}
styliGriffel {pl}
stylidStylid {m}
styling Formgestaltung {f}
styling Ausführung {f}
stylingDesign {n}
stylingFormgebung {f}
stylingGestaltung {f}
stylingMachart {f}
stylingStyling {n}
styling brush Frisierstab {m}
styling brush Stylingbürste {f}
styling gelStylinggel {n}
styling gelHaargel {n}
styling iron Haarglätter {m}
styling ironGlätteisen {n} [Haarglätter]
styling mousseStylingschaum {m}
styling tongs {pl} Volumenstab {m}
(styling) mousse Schaumfestiger {m}
stylisation [Br.] Stilisierung {f}
« stufstumstunStupSturstylstylstymsuavsub-subb »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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