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submachine gun <SMG> Maschinenpistole {f} <MP, MPi>
sub-machine gun <SMG> Maschinenpistole {f} <MP, MPi>
submain Nebenleitung {f}
submammary submammär
submandibular submandibular [unter dem Unterkiefer befindlich]
submandibular duct Submandibulargang {m} [Ausführungsgang der Unterkieferspeicheldrüse]
submandibular ganglion Ganglion mandibulare {n}
submandibular ganglion [Ganglion submandibulare]Unterkieferganglion {n}
submandibular ganglion [Ganglion submandibulare] Ganglion submandibulare {n}
submandibular gland [Glandula submandibularis]Unterkieferspeicheldrüse {f}
submandibular gland [Glandula submandibularis] submandibulare Speicheldrüse {f}
submandibular triangle [Trigonum submandibulare]Unterkieferdreieck {n}
submanifoldUntermannigfaltigkeit {f}
submarginal unrentabel
submarginal unter dem Grenzwert liegend
submarginal submarginal
submarginal cellSubmarginalzelle {f}
submarginal cell Cubitalzelle {f}
submarine submarin
submarineU-Boot {n}
submarineUnterseeboot {n}
submarine unterseeisch
submarineUboot {n} [bundeswehramtliche Rsv.]
submarine untermeerisch
submarine [Am.] [coll.] [sandwich] Jumbosandwich {n} {m}
submarine ace U-Boot-Ass {n}
submarine base U-Boot-Basis {f}
submarine boat U-Boot {n}
submarine boat Unterseeboot {n}
submarine bubble target <SBT> [Br.] [WW II German sonar decoy for submarines] Bold {m} [dt. U-Boot-Täuschkörper gegen die ASDIC-Ortung]
submarine cableTiefseekabel {n}
submarine cable Seekabel {n}
submarine cable Unterwasserkabel {n}
submarine cameraUnterwasserkamera {f}
submarine chaser U-Bootjäger {m}
submarine combat clasp [WW II German Navy]U-Boots-Frontspange {f} [dt. Kriegsmarine]
submarine commanderU-Boot-Kommandant {m}
submarine contours Tiefenlinien {pl}
submarine crewU-Bootbesatzung {f}
submarine earthquakeSeebeben {n}
submarine hunterU-Boot-Jäger {m}
submarine laying [of pipelines, cables, etc.] Meerverlegung {f}
submarine museum U-Bootmuseum {n}
submarine navigation Unterwassernavigation {f}
submarine penU-Boot-Bunker {m}
submarine permafrost submariner Permafrost {m}
submarine power cable Seekabel {n}
submarine reliefRelief {n} des Meeresbodens
submarine sandwich [Am.]Sub-Sandwich {n} {m}
submarine sandwich [Am.] U-Boot-Sandwich {n} {m}
submarine saw Unterwassersäge {f}
submarine sillunterseeische Schwelle {f}
submarine slides(submarine) Rutschungen {pl}
submarine threshold unterseeische Schwelle {f}
submarine turretU-Boot-Turm {m}
submarine vegetation submarine Vegetation {f}
submarine vegetation Unterwasservegetation {f}
submarine vehicleUnterwasserfahrzeug {n}
submarine volcano unterseeischer Vulkan {m}
submarine volcano submariner Vulkan {m}
submarine volcano Unterwasservulkan {m}
submarine war U-Boot-Krieg {m}
submarine war badge [WW II German Navy] U-Boot-Kriegsabzeichen {n} [dt. Kriegsmarine]
submarine warfare U-Boot-Kriegsführung {f}
submarine warfare U-Boot-Krieg {m}
submarine wreck U-Boot-Wrack {n}
(submarine) telephone cable Telefonkabel {n} [Seekabel]
submarine-launched ballistic missile <SLBM>U-Boot-gestützte ballistische Rakete {f}
submariner U-Boot-Fahrer {m}
submariner U-Bootmann {m} [auch U-Boot-Mann]
submarinerU-Boot-Matrose {m}
submariner [female] U-Boot-Fahrerin {f}
submarines Unterseeboote {pl}
submarining Untertauchen {n}
submarket Teilmarkt {m}
submarketUntermarkt {m}
submatrixTeilmatrix {f}
submatrix Untermatrix {f}
submaxillary submaxillar
submaxillary submaxillär [unter dem Oberkiefer gelegen]
submaxillary duct Submaxillargang {m} [Ausführungsgang der Unterkieferspeicheldrüse]
submaxillary ganglion [Ganglion submandibulare] [obs.] [submandibular ganglion]Unterkieferganglion {n}
submaxillary gland [Glandula submandibularis] Unterkieferspeicheldrüse {f}
submaxillary gland [Glandula submandibularis] Submaxillardrüse {f}
submaximum submaximal
submediantSubmediante {f} [Stufe VI einer Dur- oder Molltonleiter]
submediant Untermediante {f}
submediterranean submediterran
submental fat [fat deposits under the chin] submentales Fett {n} [Fettdepots unter dem Kinn]
submenuUntermenü {n}
submerged unter Wasser liegend
submerged submers
submerged [fig.]verschüttet [fig.]
submerged [submarine] abgetaucht [U-Boot]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers