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English-German Dictionary

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Sucker State [pej.] [dated] [nickname] [Illinois] [veraltender und abwertender Spitzname für Illinois, USA]
suckerfish / suckerfishes [family Echeneidae] Schiffshalter {pl} [Fischfamilie]
suckerfish / suckerfishes [family Echeneidae] Echeneiden {pl}
sucker-footed bat [Myzopoda aurita]Madagassische Haftscheibenfledermaus {f}
suckermouth Saugmaul {n}
suckermouth catfish [Hypostomus plecostomus]Saugmaulwels {m}
suckers Saugnäpfe {pl}
suckhole [Aus.] [Can.] [vulg.] [sycophant]Schleimscheißer {m} [derb] [pej.]
sucking aussaugend
sucking saugend
sucking [not yet weaned] noch nicht entwöhnt [abgestillt]
sucking action Saugakt {m}
sucking activity [e.g. of babies]Saugaktivität {f} [z. B. von Säuglingen]
sucking activity [of mites, mosquitoes, etc.]Saugtätigkeit {f}
sucking bit [coll.] Saugteil {n}
sucking calfMilchkalb {n}
sucking catfish [Hypostomus plecostomus] Saugmaulwels {m}
sucking cushion Bichat-Wangenfettpfropf {m}
sucking in ansaugend
sucking lice [order Phthiraptera, suborder Anoplura]Saugläuse {pl}
sucking mouthparts saugende Mundwerkzeuge {pl}
sucking noise Sauggeräusch {n}
sucking nozzle Saugstutzen {m}
sucking off absaugend
sucking part Saugteil {n} [bei Mundstück]
sucking reflex Saugreflex {m}
sucking reflexLutschreflex {m}
sucking sweets [Br.] Lutschbonbons {pl}
sucking weakness Trinkschwäche {f} [Säugling]
sucking weaknessSaugschwäche {f} [Säugling]
sucking-pig Spanferkel {n}
sucking-related open bite lutschoffener Biss {m}
suckler cow Mutterkuh {f}
suckler cow husbandryMutterkuhhaltung {f}
suckler herd [Br.] Mutterkuhhaltung {f}
sucklingSäugling {m}
suckling babeSäugling {m}
suckling clover [Trifolium dubium, syn.: T. filiforme, T. minus]Zwerg-Klee / Zwergklee {m}
suckling clover [Trifolium dubium]Faden-Klee {m}
suckling clover [Trifolium dubium]Kleiner Klee {m}
suckling clover [Trifolium dubium]Zweifelhafter Klee {m}
suckling clover [Trifolium dubium] Kleinklee {m}
suckling lamb Milchlamm {n}
suckling pig Spanferkel {n}
suckling pig Saugferkel {n}
suckling pig Milchferkel {n}
Sucks to be you! [Am.] In deiner Haut will ich jetzt nicht stecken!
suck-up [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] Schleimer {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
suck-up [Am.] [coll.] [pej.]Radfahrer {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Speichellecker]
sucky [Am.] [sl.] beschissen [vulg.] [ugs.]
sucralose [E-955] Sucralose {f}
SucreSucre {n}
sucrier (banana) [Musa acuminata (AA Group) 'Lady's / Lady Finger', syn.: Musa × paradisiaca L.] Ladyfinger-Banane {f} [Frucht, Staude]
sucrine [Am.] [lactuca sativa] [nordamerik. Salatsorte, Kreuzung zwischen Römer- und Kopfsalat]
sucrine [Lactuca sativa]Sucrine-Salat {m}
sucrine [Lactuca sativa] Römischer Salat {m}
sucroglycerides [E-474]Zuckerglyceride {pl}
sucrologist Zuckersammler {m}
sucrologist [female]Zuckersammlerin {f}
sucrology [hobby of collecting sugar sachets, packets, sticks] Zuckersammelleidenschaft {f} [Sammelleidenschaft von Zuckerwürfeln, -tütchen und -sticks]
sucrose Rohrzucker {m}
sucrose Saccharose {f}
sucroseSucrose {f}
sucrose Haushaltszucker {m} [ugs.] [Saccharose]
sucrose acetate isobutyrate [E-444] Saccharoseacetatisobutyrat {n}
sucrose acetate isobutyrate [E-444] Saccharose-Acetat-Isobutyrat {n}
sucrose enrichmentSaccharoseanreicherung {f}
sucrose esters of fatty acids [E-473]Zuckerester {pl} von Speisefettsäuren
sucrose intolerance Saccharoseintoleranz {f}
sucrose synthesisSaccharose-Synthese {f} [auch: Saccharosesynthese]
sucrose-phosphate synthase Saccharosephosphat-Synthase {f}
suction Ansaug-
suction Saugfähigkeit {f}
suction Sog {m}
suction Ansaugen {n}
suctionSaugen {n}
suctionAbsaugung {f}
suctionSaugwirkung {f}
suctionAbsaugen {n}
suction Ansaugung {f}
suction Suktion {f}
suction / irrigation tubes Saug- / Spülrohre {pl}
suction and irrigation systemSaug- und Spülsystem {n}
suction apparatusSaugapparat {m}
suction aspiration [abortion] Saugkürettage {f} [Schwangerschaftsabbruch]
suction bellAbsaugglocke {f}
suction biopsy Saugbiopsie {f}
suction capacity Saugleistung {f}
suction capacity Ansaugleistung {f}
suction catheterAbsaugkatheter {m}
suction chamber Saugkammer {f}
suction couch rollZellensaugwalze {f} [Papierherstellung]
suction cup Sauger {m}
suction cup Gummisauger {m}
suction cup Saugglocke {f}
suction cupSaugnapf {m}
suction cup Saugkerze {f}
suction cup holder Saugnapfhalterung {f}
« subusub-succsuccsuccSucksuctSudasuddsuedsuff »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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