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Sulawesi palm civet [Macrogalidia musschenbroekii] Celebes-Roller {m}
Sulawesi pied imperial pigeon [Ducula luctuosa] Elsterfruchttaube {f}
Sulawesi pygmy kingfisher [Ceyx fallax] Rostfischer {m}
Sulawesi pygmy woodpecker / pygmy-woodpecker [Dendrocopos temminckii, syn.: Picoides temminckii, Yungipicus temminckii] Temminckspecht {m} [auch: Temminck-Specht]
Sulawesi python [Python bivittatus progschai] [Unterart des Dunklen Tigerpythons (Python bivittatus)]
Sulawesi quail dove [Gallicolumba tristigmata] Hopftaube {f}
Sulawesi roller [Coracias temminckii] Celebesracke {f}
Sulawesi rousette [Rousettus celebensis] Sulawesi-Flughund {m}
Sulawesi rufous fantail [Rhipidura teysmanni]Celebesfächerschwanz {m}
Sulawesi scops owl [Otus manadensis] Manadoeule {f}
Sulawesi serpent eagle [Spilornis rufipectus] Celebesschlangenweihe {f}
Sulawesi shortwing [Heinrichia calligyna]Celebeskurzflügel {m}
Sulawesi shrew [Crocidura lea] Sulawesi-Spitzmaus {f}
Sulawesi soft-furred rat [Eropeplus canus]Sulawesi-Weichratte {f}
Sulawesi spinetailed swift [Hirundapus celebensis]Purpursegler {m}
Sulawesi starling [Basilornis celebensis] Königsatzel {f} [auch: Königs-Atzel]
Sulawesi tarictic hornbill [Penelopides exarhatus, syn.: Rhabdotorrhinus exarhatus] Celebeshornvogel {m}
Sulawesi tarictic hornbill [Penelopides exarhatus, syn.: Rhabdotorrhinus exarhatus] Helmhornvogel {m}
Sulawesi (tarictic) hornbill [Penelopides exarhatus, syn.: Rhabdotorrhinus exarhatus]Sulawesi-Hornvogel {m}
Sulawesi thrush [Cataponera turdoides, syn.: Catoponera turdoides] Schwarzbrauendrossel {f} [auch: Schwarzbrauen-Drossel]
Sulawesi tiny shrew [Crocidura levicula] Winzige Sulawesispitzmaus {f}
Sulawesi (warty) pig [Sus celebensis]Sulawesi-Pustelschwein {n}
Sulawesi (warty) pig [Sus celebensis] Celebesschwein {n}
Sulawesi waterhen [Amaurornis isabellina] Isabellkielralle {f}
Sulawesi white-eye [Zosterops consobrinorum] Celebesbrillenvogel {m}
Sulawesi woodcock [Scolopax celebensis] Celebesschnepfe {f}
Sulawesi woodpecker [Dendrocopos temminckii, syn.: Picoides temminckii, Yungipicus temminckii]Temminckspecht {m} [auch: Temminck-Specht]
Sulawesian sulawesisch
Sulawesian shrew rat [Melasmothrix naso]Kleine Sulawesi-Spitzmausratte {f}
Sulawesian toad [Ingerophrynus celebensis, syn.: Bufo celebensis] Sulawesi-Kröte {f}
Sulaymaniyah Sulaimaniyya {n}
sulcal epithelium Sulkusepithel {n}
sulcata tortoise [Centrochelys sulcata, syn.: Geochelone sulcata] Spornschildkröte {f}
sulcate gefurcht
sulcate Sulkus-
sulcate bean cowry / cowrie [Trivirostra oryza, syn.: Trivia grando, T. intermedia, T. minor, T. pediculus] [species of sea snail] Reiskorn-Trivia {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
sulcate cone [Conus sulcatus, syn.: C. asper, C. bocki, C. brettinghami, C. costatus, C. samiae, C. undulatus] Gefurchte Kegelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
sulcate planaxis [Planaxis sulcatus, syn.: Buccinum pyramidalis, Planaxis buccinoides, P. undulata]Gerippte Haufenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
sulcated gerillt
sulcation Sulcierung {f} [selten] [Furchung]
sulcation [also in biology, medicine] Furchung {f} [auch in der Biologie, Medizin]
sulci Furchen {pl}
sulconazole Sulconazol {n}
sulcular Sulkus-
sulcular epithelium <SE> Sulkusepithel {n}
sulcusSulkus {m}
sulcus Furche {f}
sulcus spiralis internusinnerer Graben {m} [Sulcus spiralis internus {m}]
Suleiman markhor [Capra falconeri jerdoni]Suleiman-Schraubenziege {f}
Suleiman the Magnificent [Suleiman I.] Süleyman {m} der Prächtige [Süleyman I.]
Suleyman bin Kutalmish Suleiman ibn Kutalmiş {m} [Gründer des Sultanats von Rum]
sulfadiazine [C10H10N4O2S] Sulfadiazin {n}
sulfadoxine [Am.] [C12H14N4O4S]Sulfadoxin {n}
sulfamethoxazole [Am.] <SMZ, SMX> [C10H11N3O3S]Sulfamethoxazol {n}
sulfamic acidAmidosulfonsäure {f}
sulfamidic acid [Am.]Sulfamidsäure {f}
sulfapyridine [C11H11N3O2S]Sulfapyridin {n}
sulfasalazine [Am.] <SSZ> [C18H14N4O5S]Sulfasalazin {n} <SSZ>
sulfatase Sulfatase {f}
sulfate [Am.] schwefelsaures Salz {n}
sulfate [Am.]Sulfat {n}
sulfate ashes [Am.] Sulfatasche {f}
sulfate assimilation Sulfatassimilation {f} [auch: Sulfat-Assimilation]
sulfate attack [Am.] Sulfatangriff {m}
sulfate concentration [Am.] Sulfatkonzentration {f}
sulfate content [Am.] Sulfatgehalt {m}
sulfate ion [Am.] Sulfation {n}
sulfate metabolism [Am.]Sulfatstoffwechsel {m}
sulfate number [Am.] Sulfatzahl {f}
sulfate of potash [K2SO4]Kaliumsulfat {n}
sulfate reducer [Am.] Sulfatreduzierer {m}
sulfate reduction [Am.] Sulfatreduktion {f}
sulfate resistance [Am.] Sulfatwiderstandsfähigkeit {f} [von Zement]
sulfate-reducing bacteria [Am.] sulfatreduzierende Bakterien {pl}
sulfate-rich [Am.] sulfatreich
sulfates [Am.] Sulfate {pl}
sulfating [Am.] Sulfatation {f}
sulfating [Am.] Sulfatieren {n}
sulfation [Am.] Sulphatierung {f}
sulfation [Am.] Sulfatierung {f}
sulfenic acid [Am.] Sulfensäure {f}
sulfhaemoglobinaemia [Br.]Sulfhämoglobinämie {f}
sulfhemoglobinemia [Am.] Sulfhämoglobinämie {f}
sulfhydryl [Am.] Sulfhydryl {n}
sulfhydryl group [Am.]Sulfhydrylgruppe {f}
sulfide [Am.]schwefligsaures Salz {n} [Sulfid]
sulfide [Am.]Sulfid {n}
sulfide content [Am.]Sulfidgehalt {m}
sulfide deposit [Am.] Sulfidlagerstätte {f} [auch: Sulfid-Lagerstätte]
sulfide minerals [Am.]Sulfidmineralien {pl}
sulfide ore [Am.]Sulfiderz {n}
sulfide-free [Am.] sulfidfrei
sulfides [Am.]Sulfide {pl}
sulfidic [Am.]sulfidisch
sulfite [Am.]Sulfit {n}
sulfite allergy [Am.]Sulfitallergie {f}
sulfite concentration [Am.]Sulfitkonzentration {f}
sulfite oxidase <SOx, SO> [Am.]Sulfitoxidase {f} <SOx, SO>
« sugasuggsuicsuitsuitSulasulfsulfsullsulpsulp »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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