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sulphurous water [Br.]Schwefelwasser {n}
sulphurous water [Br.]schwefelhaltiges Wasser {n}
sulphurously [Br.] hitzig
sulphur-oxidising bacteria [Br.] <SOB> schwefeloxidierende Bakterien {pl} <SOB>
sulphur-oxidizing bacteria [Am.] <SOB> schwefeloxidierende Bakterien {pl} <SOB>
sulphur-rich [Br.] schwefelreich
sulphur-rumped flycatcher [Myiobius sulphureipygius] Gelbbürzeltyrann {m}
sulphur-rumped tanager [Br.] [Heterospingus rubrifrons] Schwefelbürzeltangare {f}
sulphur-throated finch [Sicalis taczanowskii] Taczanowskigilbammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Taczanowski-Gilbammer]
sulphur-throated spinetail [Cranioleuca sulphurifera / Certhiaxis sulphurifera] [Br.] Schwefelkopfschlüpfer {m}
sulphur-vented whistler [Pachycephala sulfuriventer] [Br.] Celebesdickkopf {m}
sulphurweed [Peucedanum officinale] [hog's fennel]Gebräuchlicher Haarstrang {m}
sulphurweed [Peucedanum officinale] [hog's fennel]Echter Haarstrang {m}
sulphurweed [Peucedanum officinale] [hog's fennel]Arznei-Haarstrang {m} [auch: Arzneihaarstrang]
sulphur-winged conure [Br.] [Pyrrhura hoffmanni] Hoffmannsittich {m}
sulphur-winged conure [Br.] [Pyrrhura hoffmanni] Goldgrüner Rotschwanzsittich {m}
sulphur-winged conure [Br.] [Pyrrhura hoffmanni] Goldschupp-Sittich {m}
sulphur-winged parakeet [Pyrrhura hoffmanni]Goldgrüner Rotschwanzsittich {m}
sulphur-winged parakeet [Pyrrhura hoffmanni] Goldschupp-Sittich {m}
sulphurwort [Peucedanum officinale] [archaic] [hog's fennel]Echter Haarstrang {m}
sulphury [Br.] schwefelig
sulphury [Br.] schwefelartig
sulphury flycatcher [Tyrannopsis sulphurea] Schwefeltyrann {m}
sulphur-yellow [Br.] schwefelgelb
sulphuryl fluoride [Br.] [SO2F2]Sulfurylfluorid {n}
Sulpicians <PSS> Sulpizianer {pl}
sultan Sultan {m}
Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse [Qasemi Bathhouse] Sultan-Amir-Ahmad-Badehaus {n} [Qāsemī-Badehaus]
sultan tit [Melanochlora sultanea] Sultansmeise {f}
sultanaSultanin {f}
sultanaSultanine {f}
sultana breadSultaninenbrot {n}
sultana raisins Sultanrosinen {pl}
sultanasSultaninen {pl}
sultanate Sultanat {n}
Sultanate of Delhi [also: sultanate of Delhi] Sultanat {n} (von) Delhi
Sultanate of Egypt [1914-1922]Sultanat {n} Ägypten
Sultanate of Iconium Sultanat {n} Ikonion
Sultanate of Konya Sultanat {n} Ikonion
Sultanate of OmanSultanat {n} Oman
Sultanate of RûmSultanat {n} Rûm
Sultanate of Rûm Sultanat {n} der Rum-Seldschuken
Sultanate of SuluSultanat {n} (von) Sulu
sultanates Sultanate {pl}
sultanessSultanin {f}
sultansSultane {pl}
sultoneSulton {n}
sultriest schwülste
sultriness Schwüle {f}
sultriness warning Schwülewarnung {f}
sultry heißblütig
sultry [eyes, voice, etc.] glutvoll
sultry [fig.] [sexually enthralling (e.g. voice, woman)] sinnlich [erotisch (z. B. Stimme, Frau)]
sultry [fig.] [sexy]sexy [ugs.]
sultry [hot and humid; also fig.: sexually enthralling (e.g. voice)]schwül [Wetter, Tag etc.; auch fig.: sinnlich, erotisch (z. B. Stimme)]
sultry morning airMorgenschwüle {f}
sultry weather schwüles Wetter {n}
Sulu bleeding-heart [Gallicolumba menagei]Tawitawitaube {f}
Sulu bleeding-heart [Gallicolumba menagei] Tawitawi-Dolchstichtaube {f}
Sulu bronzeback [Dendrelaphis flavescens] [snake] Sulu-Bronzenatter {f}
Sulu hornbill [Anthracoceros montani]Suluhornvogel {m}
Sulu racket-tailed parrot [Prioniturus verticalis] Sulu-Spatelschwanzpapagei {m}
Sulu racquet-tail [Prioniturus verticalis]Sulu-Spatelschwanzpapagei {m}
Sulu racquet-tailed parrot [Prioniturus verticalis] Sulu-Spatelschwanzpapagei {m}
Sulu Sea Sulusee {f}
sulvanite [Cu3VS4]Sulvanit {m}
Sulzer ® packingSulzerpackung ® {f} [auch: Sulzer-Packung]
sumBetrag {m}
sum Ergebnis {n}
sum Geldbetrag {m}
sum Summe {f}
sum Endbetrag {m}
sumResultat {n}
sum counterSummenzähler {m}
sum duefälliger Betrag {m}
sum for account cover Deckungsbeitrag {m}
sum insured Versicherungssumme {f}
sum insuredDeckungssumme {f}
sum leading to or requiring an abatement angerechnete Leistung {f}
sum levelSummenpegel {m}
sum of acquittance Abfindungssumme {f}
sum of all loadsSumme {f} aller Belastungen
sum of all (the) divisorsSumme {f} aller Teiler
sum of amounts Betragssumme {f}
sum of indemnity Schadensersatzbetrag {m}
sum of money Geldsumme {f}
sum of money Geldbetrag {m}
sum of money in DM DM-Betrag {m}
sum of money in euro / euros Euro-Betrag {m}
sum of net proceeds Ertragssumme {f}
sum of powers Potenzsumme {f}
sum of rainfall Niederschlagssumme {f}
sum of stolen money Beutesumme {f}
sum of the digits [in a number] Quersumme {f}
sum owedgeschuldeter Betrag {m}
sum owing geschuldeter Betrag {m}
sum paid bezahlter Betrag {m}
« SulasulfsulfsulksulpsulpsumpSumasummsummsumm »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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