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Sumner's earthcup / earth cup [Geopora sumneriana] Eingesenkter Borstling {m}
sumo Sumo {n}
sumo wrestler Sumoringer {m}
sumo wrestlers Sumoringer {pl}
sumo wrestling Sumoringen {n}
sum-of-the-year's digit method of depreciation arithmetisch-degressive Abschreibung {f}
sum-of-the-years' digits depreciation digitale Abschreibung {f}
sumotori [sumo wrestlers]Sumotori {pl} [Sumo-Ringer]
sumoylated sumoyliert
SUMOylationSUMOylierung {f}
sump Sammelbehälter {m}
sumpSumpf {m}
sump Sumpf {m} [Ölwanne]
sumpEinlaufschacht {m}
sump Sickergrube {f}
sump Pumpensumpf {m}
sump pit Pumpensumpf {m}
sump plug wrenchÖlwannenschlüssel {m} [nur für Ölwannenablassschrauben]
sump pump Sumpfpumpe {f}
sump scraper Sumpfschaber {m} [Kläranlage]
sump shaftPumpenschacht {m}
sump tank Sammelbehälter {m} [ganz unten angebracht]
sumps Sammelbehälter {pl}
sumpter Saumtier {n}
sumpter [rare] [driver of a pack train] Säumer {m}
sumptersSaumtiere {pl}
sumptuary Aufwands-
sumptuary lawLuxusgesetz {n}
sumptuary lawKleiderordnung {f}
sumptuary laws Aufwandsgesetze {pl}
sumptuary laws {pl} Kleiderordnung {f}
sumptuouskostbar [luxuriös, kostspielig]
sumptuous kostspielig
sumptuous üppig [Ausstattung, Essen]
sumptuouslukullisch [üppig]
sumptuousverschwenderisch [üppig]
sumptuous sumptuös [veraltet]
sumptuous [superb, glorious] prächtig
sumptuous collection reiche Sammlung {f}
sumptuous repast kostspielige Mahlzeit {f}
sumptuously kostbar
sumptuously verschwenderisch
sumptuously üppig
sumptuously prunkvoll
sumptuousness Kostspieligkeit {f}
sumsSummen {pl}
sums [esp. Br.] [school subject] Rechnen {n} [Schulfach]
sums of money Geldbeträge {pl}
sums of money Geldmengen {pl}
sums of money handledgehandelte Beträge {pl}
SumySumy {n}
sun [attr.]Sonnen-
sun [star] Sonne {f} [Stern]
Sun <XIX> [also: sun] [Tarot card]Sonne {f} <XIX> [Tarotkarte]
sun allergy Sonnenallergie {f}
sun animalcules [Heliozoa]Sonnentierchen {pl} [Einzeller]
sun at noonMittagssonne {f}
Sun Avenue Sonnenallee [Leander Haußmann]
sun bass [Lepomis gibbosus] [pumpkinseed](Langohriger) Sonnenbarsch {m}
sun bass [Lepomis gibbosus] [pumpkinseed]Kürbiskernbarsch {m}
sun bass [Lepomis gibbosus] [pumpkinseed] Gemeiner Sonnenbarsch {m}
sun bathsSonnenbäder {pl}
sun bear [Helarctos malayanus, syn.: Ursus malayanus] Malaienbär {m}
sun bear [Helarctos malayanus, syn.: Ursus malayanus] Sonnenbär {m}
sun bed Sonnenliege {f}
sun beetles [genus Amara] Kanalkäfer {pl}
Sun Belt Sonnengürtel {m} [Region der USA zwischen Florida und Südkalifornien]
Sun Belt boom [USA] [also spelled Sunbelt boom, sunbelt boom] Boom {m} des Sonnengürtels [USA]
sun bittern [Eurypyga helias] Sonnenralle {f}
sun blindSonnendach {n}
sun blind Sonnenschutzrollo {n}
sun blind [awning]Markise {f}
sun blindsSonnendächer {pl}
sun blockSonnenblocker {m}
sun block Sonnenschutz {m} [Hautcreme]
sun blocker Sonnenblocker {m}
sun blockerSonnencreme {f}
sun bonnetSonnenhut {m}
sun bonnet Sonnenhäubchen {n}
sun bonnet Sonnenhütchen {n} [z. B. für Kleinkinder]
sun burner [a type of oil or gas lamp] Sonnenbrenner {m}
sun calf Sonnenkalb {n}
sun canopySonnendach {n}
sun carrier shell [Stellaria solaris, syn.: S. solaris paucispinosa, Astraea polaris, Trochus solaris]Sonnenstern-Lastträgerschnecke {f}
sun carrier shell [Stellaria solaris, syn.: S. solaris paucispinosa, Astraea polaris, Trochus solaris]Sonnenradschnecke {f}
sun club [UK] [NZ] [naturist club] Nudistenclub {m} [FKK-Club]
sun collectorSonnenkollektor {m}
sun conure [Aratinga solstitialis]Sonnensittich {m}
sun creamSonnenkreme {f} [alt] [Sonnencreme]
sun cream Sonnencreme {f}
sun creme Sonnencreme {f}
sun cultSonnenkult {m}
sun danceSonnenanbetungstanz {m}
sun danceSonnentanz {m} [zentrales Ritual der nordamer. Prärieindianer]
sun deckSonnendeck {n}
sun deck [Am.] Sonnenterrasse {f}
« summsummsummsummsummSumnsundsunySundSundsunf »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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