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surchargeAufschlag {m}
surcharge Mehrpreis {m}
surchargePreisaufschlag {m}
surchargeZuschlag {m}
surchargeErgänzungsabgabe {f}
surcharge Nachgebühr {f}
surcharge Nachporto {n}
surcharge Strafgebühr {f}
surcharge Aufgeld {n} [Zuschlag]
surchargeAuflast {f}
surcharge [a mark printed on a postage stamp changing its value]Aufdruck {m}
surcharge [to cover rising costs] Teuerungszuschlag {m}
surcharge for single occupancyEinzelzimmerzuschlag {m}
surcharge stamp Zwangszuschlagsmarke {f}
surcharge tax Zusatzsteuer {f}
Surcharge will apply.Gebührenaufschlag wird berechnet.
surcharged [load etc.] überlastet
surchargesAufpreise {pl}
surcharges Zuschläge {pl}
surcharges Zusatzgebühren {pl}
surcingle Sattelgurt {m}
surcingle Deckengurt {m}
surcingle [cincture] Cingulum {n}
surcingle [for fastening a priest's cassock] [archaic] Leibgürtel {m} [veraltend; hält das Priestergewand geschlossen]
surcingle [for horses] Packgurt {m} [für Pferde; Sattelgurt]
surcinglesSattelgurte {pl}
surcoatWappenrock {m}
surcoat Waffenrock {m}
surcoat Surcot {m}
surcoatsWappenröcke {pl}
surd irrationale algebraische Zahl {f}
surd [voiceless] stimmlos
surdity Taubheit {f}
surdo Surdo {f} [Trommel]
surdomutism Surdomutitas {f} [Taubstummheit]
sure gewiss
sure sicher
sure [coll.] klar [ugs.]
Sure. [Am.] [coll.] Bitte. [Dank erwidernd]
sure [coll.]wirklich
sure as death ganz sicher
sure as death [coll.]todsicher [ugs.]
sure as death [idiom]bombensicher [ugs.]
sure as hell [sl.] todsicher [ugs.]
sure as rain [coll.] hundertpro [salopp]
sure as rain [coll.] [idiom] hundertprozentig [ugs.]
sure betsichere Wette {f}
sure cure sicheres Heilmittel {n}
sure enoughganz gewiss
sure enough gewiss
sure enough [coll.] freilich [bes. südd.]
sure enough [as expected] (dann auch) tatsächlich
sure enough [coll.] wirklich [tatsächlich]
Sure I am. Aber klar doch! [ugs.] [bestätigend]
Sure I will.Aber klar doch! [ugs.] [bestätigend]
sure indicationsicheres Anzeichen {n}
sure indication zuverlässiges Anzeichen {n}
sure instinctFingerspitzengefühl {n}
sure instincts {pl}Fingerspitzengefühl {n}
Sure is. Allerdings.
sure method sichere Methode {f}
sure methodzuverlässige Methode {f}
sure method zuverlässiges Verfahren {n}
sure of one's linesrollenfest
sure of one's successsiegesbewusst [fig.]
sure of oneselfselbstsicher
sure of steptrittsicher
sure of victorysiegesgewisser
sure of victory siegesgewiss
sure profitssichere Gewinne {pl}
sure remedy sicheres Mittel {n}
sure remedy zuverlässiges Mittel {n}
Sûre (River)Sauer {f}
sure road to success sicherer Weg {m} zum Erfolg
sure shotsicherer Schuss {m}
sure sign sicheres Zeichen {n}
sure sign sicheres Anzeichen {n}
Sure, sure. Sicher doch.
Sure, sure. Ja, sicher.
sure thing [Am.] [coll.] todsichere Sache {f} [ugs.]
Sure thing!Na klar!
sure victory sicherer Sieg {m}
Sure! Klar doch!
Sure! [coll.] Na klar! [ugs.]
Sure! [esp. Am.] Freilich! [bes. südd.: natürlich, selbstverständlich]
sured [obs.] [assured]sicher
suredaite [PbSnS3]Suredait {m}
sure-fire [coll.] [method, tip, way, etc.] todsicher [ugs.]
surefire [coll.] todsicher [ugs.]
surefire [coll.] [certain not to fail] erfolgsicher
sure-fire success [coll.]Selbstläufer {m} [ugs.]
sure-footed [fig.] [confident] selbstsicher [zuversichtlich]
sure-footed [unlikely to stumble or slip]trittsicher
surefootednessTrittsicherheit {f}
surefully [obs.] [rare]sicher
« suppsuppsuppsuprsuprsurcsuresurfsurfsurfsurf »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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