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English-German Dictionary

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surgical techniqueOperationsverfahren {n}
surgical techniqueoperative Technik {f}
surgical technologist chirurgisch-technischer Assistent {m} <CTA>
surgical technologist [female] chirurgisch-technische Assistentin {f}
surgical technology chirurgische Technik {f}
surgical therapychirurgische Therapie {f}
surgical tool Operationswerkzeug {n}
surgical tools chirurgische Werkzeuge {pl}
surgical tools {pl}Operationsbesteck {n}
surgical treatmentchirurgische Behandlung {f}
surgical treatmentoperative Versorgung {f}
surgical valve replacement <SVR> [aortic valve]chirurgischer Klappenersatz {m} [Aortenklappe]
surgical ward chirurgische Bettenstation {f}
surgical ward chirurgische Abteilung {f}
surgical ward chirurgische Station {f}
surgical wardChirurgie {f} [Abteilung]
surgical warfarechirurgische Kriegführung {f}
surgical woundOperationswunde {f}
surgical wound chirurgische Wunde {f}
(surgical) cotton wool Verbandwatte {f}
(surgical) cut-down (chirurgische) Freilegung {f} [bes. von Arterien, Venen]
(surgical) incise drape Lochtuch {n}
(surgical) incise drape Schlitztuch {n} [Lochtuch, OP-Tuch]
(surgical) lancet(chirurgisches) Messer {n}
(surgical) operation safety Operationssicherheit {f}
(surgical) removal of the gall bladder [cholecystectomy] (chirurgische) Entfernung {f} der Gallenblase [Cholezystektomie]
(surgical) staple (chirurgische) Klammer {f}
(surgical) staple Wundklammer {f}
(surgical) staples Wundklammern {pl}
(surgical) staplingKlammerung {f}
surgically chirurgisch
surgically removed chirurgisch entfernt
surging wogend
surging anbrandend
surging billowBrandungswelle {f}
surging billows Brandungswellen {pl}
surging crowd wogende Menge {f}
surging prices steigende Preise {pl}
suricat [Suricata suricatta] Erdmännchen {n}
suricate [Suricata suricatta] Erdmännchen {n}
suricate [Suricata suricatta] Surikate {f} [Erdmännchen]
suricate [Suricata suricatta] Scharrtier {n} [veraltet] [Erdmännchen]
Surigao del Norte Surigao del Norte {n}
Surigao Strait Straße {f} von Surigao
surilis [genus Presbytis]Mützenlanguren {pl}
surilis [genus Presbytis] Surilis {pl} [Mützenlanguren]
surimiSurimi {n}
Surinam Surinam {n}
Surinam <.sr> Suriname {n}
Surinam cherry [Eugenia uniflora]Surinamkirsche {f}
Surinam cherry [Eugenia uniflora] Pitanga {f}
Surinam cherry [Eugenia uniflora] Kirschmyrte {f}
Surinam grass [Urochloa decumbens, syn.: Brachiaria decumbens]Surinamgras {n}
Surinam horned frog [Ceratophrys cornuta] Gemalter Hornfrosch {m}
Surinam horned frog [Ceratophrys cornuta]Surinam-Hornfrosch {m}
Surinam spindle snake [Atractus favae] Surinam-Spindelnatter {f}
Surinam toad [Pipa pipa] Große Wabenkröte {f}
Surinam toads [genus Pipa]Wabenkröten {pl}
SurinameSuriname {n}
Suriname <.sr>Surinam {n}
Suriname crested oropendola [Psarocolius decumanus, syn.: Xanthornus decumanus] Schwarzhaubenstärling {m}
Suriname crested oropendola [Psarocolius decumanus, syn.: Xanthornus decumanus] Krähenstirnvogel {m} [auch: Krähen-Stirnvogel]
Suriname dollar <SRD, $> Suriname-Dollar {m} <SRD, $>
Suriname guilder <SRG> Suriname-Gulden {m} [ehem. surinamische Währung]
Suriname toad [Pipa pipa] Amazonas-Wabenkröte {f}
Suriname toad [Pipa pipa] Große Wabenkröte {f}
Suriname toads [genus Pipa] Wabenkröten {pl}
Surinamese surinamisch
Surinamese Surinamer {m}
Surinamese Surinamesen {pl} [selten] [Surinamer]
Surinamese [female] Surinamerin {f}
Surinamese dollar <SRD, $>Suriname-Dollar {m} <SRD, $>
Surinamese guilder <SRG>Suriname-Gulden {m} [ehem. surinamische Währung]
surinamite [(Mg,Fe)3(Al,Fe)3 [O|AlBeSi3O15]]Surinamit {m}
surite [Pb2Ca(Al,Mg)2(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2(CO3,OH)3·0.5H2O]Surit {m}
surjection Surjektion {f}
surjection [surjective function] surjektive Funktion {f}
surjective surjektiv
surjective functionsurjektive Funktion {f}
surjective function Surjektion {f} [surjektive Funktion]
surjectivity Surjektivität {f}
surlier verdrießlicher
surlily verdrießlich
surlily mürrisch
surlinessVerdrießlichkeit {f}
surlinessRuppigkeit {f}
surlinessMissmutigkeit {f}
surliness Mißmutigkeit {f} [alt]
surly mürrisch
surly ruppig [pej.]
surly murrköpfig [veraltet]
surly answermürrische Antwort {f}
« surfsurfsurfsurgsurgsurgsurlsurpsurrsurrsurv »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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