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surgical diathermy [electrosurgery] chirurgische Diathermie {f} [Elektrochirurgie]
surgical diathermy [electrosurgery] Elektrochirurgie {f}
surgical diathermy [electrosurgery] Hitzekauterisation {f}
surgical drain Wunddrainage {f}
surgical drapeOperationsabdecktuch {n}
surgical dressing chirurgischer Verband {m}
surgical dressingsVerbandmittel {n} {pl}
surgical excision / removal of (the) seminal vesicle operative Samenblasenentfernung {f}
surgical extraction chirurgische Zahnsanierung {f}
surgical face mask chirurgische Gesichtsmaske {f}
surgical fees insurance Operationskostenversicherung {f}
surgical field Operationsfeld {n}
surgical forceps {pl} [one pair] chirurgische Pinzette {f}
surgical fraise chirurgische Fräse {f}
surgical gloveChirurgenhandschuh {m}
surgical gloveOperationshandschuh {m}
surgical glovesChirurgenhandschuhe {pl}
surgical glovesOperationshandschuhe {pl}
surgical gloves OP-Handschuhe {pl}
surgical gluechirurgischer Klebstoff {m}
surgical glue chirurgischer Kleber {m}
surgical gown Operationskittel {m}
surgical gownChirurgenkittel {m}
surgical head rest chirurgische Kopfhalterung {f}
surgical hose Kompressionsstrumpf {m}
surgical instrumentchirurgisches Instrument {n}
surgical instrumentOperationsinstrument {n}
surgical instruments chirurgische Instrumente {pl}
surgical instruments Chirurgieinstrumente {pl} [auch: Chirurgie-Instrumente]
surgical instruments OP-Instrumente {pl}
surgical instruments {pl} Operationsbesteck {n}
surgical intensive care unit <SICU> chirurgische Intensivstation {f}
surgical interventionchirurgischer Eingriff {m}
surgical intervention chirurgische Intervention {f}
surgical intervention operativer Eingriff {m}
surgical iridectomychirurgische Iridektomie {f}
surgical knifechirurgisches Messer {n}
surgical light Operationslampe {f}
surgical light Operationsleuchte {f}
surgical loupe chirurgische Lupe {f}
surgical mask Mundschutz {m}
surgical mask chirurgische Maske {f}
surgical maskOP-Maske {f}
surgical mask Chirurgenmaske {f} [Mundschutz]
surgical mesh chirurgisches Netz {n}
surgical methodOperationsverfahren {n}
surgical microscopeOperationsmikroskop {n}
surgical microscope Chirurgiemikroskop {n}
surgical neck of (the) humerus [Collum chirurgicum (humeri)] Collum chirurgicum {m}
surgical neck of (the) humerus [Collum chirurgicum (humeri)] chirurgischer Hals {m}
surgical needle chirurgische Nadel {f}
surgical needle Wundnadel {f}
surgical needles chirurgische Nadeln {pl}
surgical nurse OP-Schwester {f}
surgical oncology chirurgische Onkologie {f}
surgical operation chirurgischer Eingriff {m}
surgical operationchirurgische Operation {f}
surgical pan OP-Schale {f}
surgical panOperationsschale {f}
surgical pathology [Am.][Pathologie am Operationsgut]
surgical patient Operationspatient {m}
surgical procedure chirurgischer Eingriff {m}
surgical procedureOperationsverfahren {n}
surgical procedureoperatives Verfahren {n}
surgical procedure chirurgisches Verfahren {n}
surgical ratchetchirurgische Ratsche {f}
surgical removaloperative Entfernung {f}
surgical removal of a tooth [odontectomy]Zahnausmeißelung {f}
surgical removal of the tympanic membraneoperative Trommelfellentfernung {f}
surgical repair chirurgische Reparatur {f}
surgical retractor chirurgischer Wundsperrer {m}
surgical riskOperationsrisiko {n}
surgical robotOperationsroboter {m}
surgical safety checklist <SSC> chirurgische Sicherheitscheckliste {f} [Surgical Safety Checklist {f}]
surgical safety checklist <SSC>Sicherheitscheckliste {f} Chirurgie
surgical safety checklist <SSC> Sicherheitscheckliste {f} für chirurgische Eingriffe
surgical scar Operationsnarbe {f}
surgical scrubbingchirurgische Händewaschung {f}
surgical scrubbing-up room chirurgischer Waschraum {m}
surgical sealant chirurgischer Klebstoff {m}
surgical sectioningchirurgische Durchtrennung {f}
surgical shock postoperativer (chirurgischer) Schock {m}
surgical shortening of the Achilles tendonoperative Achillessehnenverkürzung {f}
surgical site Operationsstelle {f}
surgical site Operationsort {m}
surgical specimen Operationspräparat {n}
surgical spirit [Br.]Wundbenzin {n}
surgical spreader Wundspreizer {m}
surgical staging chirurgisches Staging {n}
surgical standard Operationsstandard {m}
surgical stapler chirurgischer Klammerer {m} [Stapler]
surgical steel Chirurgenstahl {m}
surgical steelchirurgischer Stahl {m}
surgical stockingKompressionsstrumpf {m}
surgical stockingStützstrumpf {m} [ugs.] [Kompressionsstrumpf]
surgical strikegezielter Angriff {m}
surgical suiteChirurgie-Suite {f} [geh.] [Operationssaal]
surgical suite Operationssaal {m}
surgical suture chirurgische Naht {f}
surgical suture materialchirurgisches Nahtmaterial {n}
« surfsurfsurfsurfsurgsurgsurgsurlsurpsurrsurr »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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