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sweepstake Wettbewerb {m} mit Verlosung
sweepstakes {pl}Lotto {n}
sweepstakes {pl} Pferdelotto {n}
sweet süß
sweetwonnig [entzückend, reizend]
sweet possierlich
sweetSüßigkeit {f}
sweet Süße {f}
sweet Klümpchen {n} [westfälisch: Bonbon]
sweet [coll.]gut
sweet [coll.] super [ugs.]
sweet [coll.] klasse [ugs.] [indekl. Adj.]
sweet [awesome] [coll.] geil [ugs.]
sweet [Br.] [piece of confectionery]Zuckerchen {n} [ugs.] [veraltend] [Bonbon]
sweet [Br.] [piece of confectionery]Zuckerl {n} [bayer.] [österr.] [Bonbon]
sweet [Br.] [sweet dessert] Nachspeise {f} [Süßspeise]
sweet [Br.] [sweet dessert] Nachtisch {m} [Süßspeise]
sweet [Br.] [sweet dessert] Dessert {n} [Süßspeise]
sweet [Br.] [sweet dish, sweet dessert] Süßspeise {f}
sweet [coll.]krass [ugs.]
sweet [coll.] cool [ugs.]
sweet [e.g. of a child]herzig
sweet [German wine classification system]edelsüß [süß] [deutsche Weinklassifikation]
sweet [lovely, delightful] lieblich
sweet [lovely, fair] holdselig [poet.] [veraltend]
sweet [lovely]goldig [ugs.] [allerliebst, nett]
sweet [nice, charming and endearing]süß [hübsch, herzig]
(sweet / cute) little thing (süße / kleine) Maus {f} [ugs.] [Mädchen]
sweet acacia [Acacia farnesiana, syn.: Vachellia farnesiana, Mimosa farnesiana] Cassia {f}
sweet acacia [Acacia farnesiana, syn.: Vachellia farnesiana, Mimosa farnesiana]Süße Akazie {f}
sweet alison [Lobularia maritima]Duftsteinrich {m}
sweet alison [Lobularia maritima] Steinkraut {n}
sweet alison [Lobularia maritima]Strand-Silberkraut {n}
sweet alison [Lobularia maritima] Strandkresse {f}
sweet almond [Prunus dulcis, syn.: Amygdalus communis]Mandel {f} [Mandelbaum]
sweet almond (tree) [Prunus dulcis, syn.: Amygdalus communis] Mandelbaum {m}
sweet alyssum [Lobularia maritima] Strand-Silberkraut {n}
sweet alyssum [Lobularia maritima]Strandkresse {f}
sweet alyssum [Lobularia maritima]Steinkraut {n}
sweet alyssum [Lobularia maritima] Duftsteinrich {m}
Sweet and Lowdown [Woody Allen]Sweet and Lowdown
sweet and soursop family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Annonaceen {pl}
sweet and soursop family {sg} [family Annonaceae]Annonengewächse {pl}
sweet and soursop family {sg} [family Annonaceae]Cherimoyagewächse {pl} [selten]
sweet and soursop family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Flaschenbaumgewächse {pl}
sweet and soursop family {sg} [family Annonaceae]Rahmapfelgewächse {pl}
sweet and soursop family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Sauersackgewächse {pl} [selten]
sweet and soursop family {sg} [family Annonaceae]Schuppenapfelgewächse {pl}
sweet Annie [Artemisia annua] Einjähriger Beifuß {m}
sweet Annie [Artemisia annua] Asiatische Artemisia {f}
sweet as [NZ]sehr cool
Sweet as. [NZ] [coll.] [in response to a proposal: yes, sounds good, etc.] Klingt gut. [als Antwort auf einen Vorschlag]
Sweet as! [coll.] [NZ]Sehr nett!
sweet autumn clematis [Clematis terniflora] Rispenblütige Waldrebe {f}
sweet autumn virgin's bower / virginsbower [Clematis terniflora]Rispenblütige Waldrebe {f}
sweet azalea [Rhododendron arborescens] Baumartige Azalee {f}
sweet azalea [Rhododendron arborescens] Süßduftende Azalee {f}
sweet baked goods {pl} Süßgebäck {n}
sweet balm [Melissa officinalis]Melisse {f}
sweet balm [Melissa officinalis] Zitronenmelisse {f}
sweet basil [Ocimum basilicum]Süßes Basilikum {n}
sweet bay [Laurus nobilis] Echter Lorbeer {m}
sweet bay [Laurus nobilis]Edler Lorbeer {m}
sweet bay [Laurus nobilis]Gewürzlorbeer {m}
sweet Betty [Saponaria officinalis] (Echtes) Seifenkraut {n}
sweet Betty [Saponaria officinalis]Gemeines Seifenkraut {n}
sweet Betty [Saponaria officinalis]Gewöhnliches Seifenkraut {n}
sweet Betty [Saponaria officinalis] Speichelwurz {f}
sweet Betty [Saponaria officinalis] Waschkraut {n}
sweet Betty [Saponaria officinalis] Waschwurz {f}
sweet birch [Betula lenta, syn.: B. carpinifolia] Zucker-Birke / Zuckerbirke {f}
sweet birch [Betula lenta, syn.: B. carpinifolia] Gewöhnliche Zucker-Birke {f}
Sweet Bird of Youth [novel: Tennessee Williams, film: Richard Brooks (1962), Nicolas Roeg (1989)]Süßer Vogel Jugend
sweet biscuits {pl} Teegebäck {n}
sweet brake [Dryopteris filix-mas] [male fern] (Gemeiner) Wurmfarn {m}
sweet breath of spring [Lonicera fragrantissima] Wohlriechende Heckenkirsche {f}
sweet breath of spring [Lonicera fragrantissima] Duftheckenkirsche {f} [auch: Duft-Heckenkirsche]
sweet breath of spring [Lonicera fragrantissima]Winter-Geißblatt {n} [auch: Wintergeißblatt]
sweet breath of spring [Lonicera fragrantissima] Winter-Heckenkirsche {f} [auch: Winterheckenkirsche]
sweet briar [Rosa rubiginosa, syn.: Rosa eglanteria] Weinrose {f}
sweet briar [Rosa rubiginosa, syn.: Rosa eglanteria] Schottische Zaunrose {f}
sweet briar [Rosa rubiginosa, syn.: Rosa eglanteria] Zaun-Rose {f}
sweet briar [Rosa rubiginosa] Apfelrose {f}
sweet broom [Ruscus aculeatus] Stechender Mäusedorn {m}
sweet broom [Ruscus aculeatus] Dornmyrte {f}
sweet buckeye [Aesculus flava, syn.: A. lutea, A. octandra]Gelbblühende Pavie {f}
sweet buckeye [Aesculus flava, syn.: A. lutea, A. octandra] Gelbblühende Rosskastanie {f}
sweet buckeye [Aesculus flava, syn.: A. lutea, A. octandra]Appalachen-Rosskastanie {f}
sweet buckeye [Aesculus flava, syn.: A. lutea, A. octandra]Süße Rosskastanie {f}
sweet calabash [Passiflora maliformis]Apfel-Grenadille / Apfelgrenadille {f}
sweet cane [Acorus calamus] (Indischer) Kalmus {m}
sweet chamomile [Matricaria recutita, syn.: Chamomilla recutita, C. vulgaris, Matricaria chamomilla]Frauenblume {f} [Echte Kamille]
sweet chamomile [Matricaria recutita, syn.: Chamomilla recutita, C. vulgaris, Matricaria chamomilla]Echte Kamille {f}
sweet chamomile [Matricaria recutita, syn.: Chamomilla recutita, C. vulgaris, Matricaria chamomilla] Mägdeblume {f} [Echte Kamille]
sweet cherry [Prunus avium L.] Süßkirsche {f}
sweet cherry [Prunus avium] Vogel-Kirsche {f}
sweet cherry [Prunus avium] Vogelkirsche {f}
sweet chestnut Köste {f} [südtirol.: Marone]
sweet chestnut [Castanea sativa]Maronenbaum {m} [Edelkastanie]
sweet chestnut [Castanea sativa] [tree] Esskastanie {f} [Baum]
« swapswatsweasweaSwedsweesweesweesweesweeswee »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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