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sweety [female] [coll.] Süße {f} [Freundin]
swellSchwellen {n}
swellSchweller {m} [Orgel]
swell Dünung {f}
swell Stenz {m} [ugs.]
swellWellengang {m}
swell Seegang {m}
swell Schwell {m} [Dünung]
swellSchwellung {f} [Wölbung]
swell [Am.] [coll.] [dated]prima [ugs.]
swell [Am.] [coll.] [dated] dufte [ugs.]
swell [Am.] [coll.] [dated] bombig [ugs.]
swell [Am.] [coll.] [dated]knorke [ugs.] [veraltend]
swell [Am.] [dated] [coll.] pfundig [veraltend, ugs.]
swell [Am.] [coll.] [dated] großartig
swell [Am.] [coll.] [dated]famos [ugs.]
swell [bulge]Wölbung {f}
swell [coll.] Crescendo {n}
swell [coll.] [dated] [important person]hohes Tier {n} [ugs.]
swell [coll.] [person]gelackter Typ {m}
swell [wave] Woge {f}
swell box [organ]Jalousieschweller {m} [Orgel]
swell broad [Am.] [coll.] [dated] Klasseweib {n} [ugs.]
swell currentSchwellstrom {m}
swell mobsman [Br.]Gentleman-Dieb {m}
swell paper Schwellpapier {n}
swellable quellfähig
swellable quellbar
swelled gebläht [Segel]
swellegant [Am.] [dated] elegant
swellhead [Am.] [coll.]aufgeblasener Typ {m} [ugs.]
swellheaded [coll.]aufgeblasen [ugs.]
swelling anschwellend
swelling Quellung {f}
swelling Schwellung {f}
swelling Geschwulst {f} [auch {n}]
swelling Zunahme {f}
swellingAufquellen {n}
swelling Quellen {n}
swelling Verdickung {f} [Schwellung]
swelling Verquellen {n}
swelling [tumor] [one of the five classical signs of inflammation]Tumor {m} [Schwellung]
swelling agent Quellungsmittel {n}
swelling behavior [Am.]Quellverhalten {n}
swelling behaviour [Br.]Quellverhalten {n}
swelling in tone [postpos.] anwachsend [Ton]
swelling of the gumsZahnfleischschwellung {f}
swelling of the liver Leberschwellung {f}
swelling of the lymph node Lymphknotenschwellung {f}
swelling of the nasal mucosa Nasenschleimhautschwellung {f}
swelling of the spermatic cordSamenstrangschwellung {f}
swelling of the tissue Gewebeschwellung {f}
swelling potentialQuellpotential {n} [Rsv.]
swelling potential Quellpotenzial {n}
swelling pressure Quelldruck {m}
swelling resistanceQuellfestigkeit {f}
swelling testQuelltest {m}
swelling thrustQuellschub {m}
swelling up [expand abnormally]anschwellend
swelling value Quellwert {m} [Volumenzunahme]
swelling-resistant quellfest
swellingsGeschwülste {pl}
swellingsSchwellungen {pl}
swellings Geschwulste {pl} [seltener]
swells Dünungen {pl}
swellshark [Cephaloscyllium ventriosum] Schwellhai {m}
swellsharks [genus Cephaloscyllium] Schwellhaie {pl} [Gattung der Katzenhaie]
sweltered verschmachtet [geh.] [vor Hitze]
sweltering verschmachtend
sweltering drückend heiß
swelteringglühend heiß
sweltering heatBombenhitze {f}
sweltering heat Bullenhitze {f} [ugs.]
sweltering heatGluthitze {f}
sweltering heat Bruthitze {f} [übermäßige Hitze]
sweltering heat brütende Hitze {f}
swelteringly verschmachtend
sweltry schwül [heiß und feucht]
swept gekehrt
swept [floor]ausgefegt
swept aside beiseitegewischt
swept awayweggefegt
swept away fortgeschwemmt
Swept from the Sea [Beeban Kidron] Amy Foster – Im Meer der Gefühle
swept gain [time / depth gain compensation]Tiefenausgleich {m}
swept up in the moment vom Moment mitgerissen
swerchirin [C15H12O6]Swerchirin {n}
Swern oxidation Swern-Oxidation {f}
swertianolin [C20H20O11] Swertianolin {n}
swertinin [C15H12O6] Swertinin {n}
swerve Ausbrechen {n}
swerve Drehen {n}
swerve Gieren {n}
swerve Schleudern {n}
swerve Schlenker {m} [ugs.]
swerve [also: fig.] [an abrupt change of direction] Schwenkung {f} [auch: fig.] [plötzlicher Richtungswechsel]
swerve [football] Effet {m} [selten: {n}]
swerving ausweichend
« sweesweesweesweesweesweeswerswimswimswinswin »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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