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swimming pool [public amenity] Badeanstalt {f} [Schwimmbad]
swimming pool / bath attendant Badewaschel {m} [österr.] [regional] [Bademeister]
swimming pool attendantBademeister {m}
swimming pool conjunctivitis [coll.] [Chlamydia trachomatis] [serotypes D through K]Schwimmbadkonjunktivitis {f} [ugs.] [Serotypen D-K]
swimming pool hygieneSchwimmbadhygiene {f}
swimming pool reactorSchwimmbadreaktor {m}
swimming pool reactor Wasserbeckenreaktor {m}
swimming pool reactor Swimmingpool-Reaktor {m}
swimming pool regulations {pl} Bäderverordnung {f}
swimming pool rules (and regulations) Regeln {pl} im Schwimmbad
swimming pool rules (and regulations) {pl} Schwimmbadordnung {f}
swimming pool supervision Badeaufsicht {f}
swimming pool technology Schwimmbadtechnik {f}
swimming pool use Schwimmbadbenutzung {f}
swimming (pool) supervisorSchwimmmeister {m}
swimming pools Schwimmbäder {pl}
Swimming prohibited. Baden verboten.
swimming raceSchwimmwettkampf {m}
swimming reflexSchwimmreflex {m}
swimming ringSchwimmring {m}
swimming rule Baderegel {f}
swimming seasonBadesaison {f}
swimming sessionBadegang {m}
swimming space Schwimmraum {m}
swimming speed Schwimmgeschwindigkeit {f}
swimming (sport)Schwimmsport {m}
swimming spot Badestelle {f}
swimming strokeSchwimmzug {m}
swimming style Schwimmstil {m}
swimming team Schwimmteam {n}
swimming team Schwimmmannschaft {f}
swimming things Badesachen {pl}
swimming things {pl}Badezeug {n}
swimming throughdurchschwimmend
swimming training Schwimmtraining {n}
swimming trip Badeausflug {m}
swimming trunks {pl} Badehose {f}
swimming wearBadebekleidung {f}
swimming wearBadekleidung {f}
swimming zoneBadezone {f}
(swimming) pool ladderSchwimmbadleiter {f}
swimmingly [coll.] glänzend
swimmingly [coll.] glatt [problemlos]
swimming-speed [attr.] [e.g. test, analysis, estimate] Schwimmgeschwindigkeits- [z. B. Test, Analyse, Schätzung]
swimrun [composed of alternating swimming and running stages without transition] Swim and Run {n} [auch: Swim & Run]
swimsuitBadeanzug {m}
swimsuitSchwimmanzug {m}
swimsuitsBadeanzüge {pl}
swimwear Badekleidung {f}
swimwear Badebekleidung {f}
swimwear {sg}Badesachen {pl}
ŚwinaSwine {f}
Swindern's lovebird [Agapornis swindernianus] Grünköpfchen {n}
swindleBetrügerei {f}
swindle Schwindel {m}
swindle Trug {m}
swindle Betrug {m}
swindle Schwindelei {f}
swindle Beschiss {m} [vulg.]
swindled geschwindelt
swindler Betrüger {m}
swindler Schwindler {m} [Betrüger]
swindler Falott {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [Gauner]
swindler Preller {m} [Betrüger]
swindler [female] Betrügerin {f}
swindler [female] Schwindlerin {f} [Betrügerin]
swindlesBetrügereien {pl}
swindling betrügend
swindlingSchwindelei {f}
swindlingRosstäuscherei {f} [pej.] [Betrügerei]
swine Borstentier {n} [ugs.] [hum.] [Schwein]
swine {pl} Schweine {pl}
swine [coll.] [pej.] [contemptible person] Aas {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [niederträchtiger Mensch]
swine [coll.] [contemptible person]Schweinehund {m} [ugs.]
swine [formal or Am.] Schwein {n}
swine array Keilformation {f}
swine belt [coll.] [region] Schweinegürtel {m} [ugs.] [Region]
swine brucellosisSchweinebrucellose {f}
swine brucellosis Schweinebruzellose {f}
swine dysentery <SD> Schweinedysenterie {f} <SD>
swine erysipelas Rotlauf {m}
swine erysipelasSchweinerotlauf {m}
swine farmer Schweinebauer {m}
swine fever Schweinepest {f}
swine flu Schweinegrippe {f}
swine flu Mexiko-Grippe {f}
swine husbandrySchweinehaltung {f}
swine influenzaSchweinegrippe {f}
swine influenza Schweineinfluenza {f}
Swine Lake [parody on Swan Lake] [The Muppet Show]Schweinesee [Schwanensee-Parodie]
swine manureSchweinegülle {f}
swine pox {sg} [Variola porcina is the virus that causes swine pox]Schweinepocken {pl}
swine spawn [pej.] Sauzucht {f} [pej.]
swine thistle [Sonchus arvensis] Acker-Gänsedistel {f}
swine vesicular disease <SVD>vesikuläre Schweinekrankheit {f} <VSK>
swine vesicular disease <SVD> [Morbus vesicularis suum]Bläschenkrankheit {f} des Schweines
swinecresses [genus Coronopus] Krähenfüße {pl}
swinefordite [(Ca,Na)0.3(Al,Li,Mg)2(Si,Al)4O10(OH,F)2·2]Swinefordit {m}
swineherdSchweineherde {f}
« sweesweesweeswerswimswimswinswinswirSwisSwis »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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