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syrinxStimmkopf {m}
syrinxes Syringen {pl}
Syrlin Fountain [Fish Box Fountain, Ulm, Germany]Syrlinbrunnen {m} [Fischkastenbrunnen, Ulm]
Syrmia Syrmien {n}
syrniki {pl} Syrniki {pl}
syrniki {pl}Tworoshniki {pl}
syrniki {pl}Tworoschniki {pl} [Rsv.] [Tworoshniki]
Syro-Ephraimite War syrisch-ephraimitischer Krieg {m}
Syro-Malankara Catholic Church [Uniate]Syro-Malankara katholische Kirche {f}
Syro-Palestine Syro-Palästina {n}
syrphid fly [family Syrphidae] Schwebfliege {f}
syrphidologist Syrphidologe {m}
syrphidologistSchwebfliegenforscher {m}
syrphidologist [female] Syrphidologin {f}
syrphidologist [female]Schwebfliegenforscherin {f}
syrphids [family Syrphidae] Syrphiden {pl} [Schwebfliegen]
syrphids [family Syrphidae]Schwirrfliegen {pl}
syrphids [family Syrphidae]Stehfliegen {pl}
syrphids [family Syrphidae] Schwebfliegen {pl}
syrtakiSirtaki {m}
syrtosSyrtos {m}
syrup Sirup {m}
syrup Zuckersaft {m}
syrup(süßer) Seim {m} [meist geh.]
syrup [from fruit juice]Dicksaft {m}
syrup density meterSirupwaage {f}
syrup (of figs) [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: wig] [Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Perücke]
syrup producer Siruphersteller {m}
syrups Zuckersäfte {pl}
syrups Sirups {pl}
syrups Sirupe {pl}
syrupy [fig.]schmalzig
syrupy [smile, voice] honigsüß
syrupy [smile, voice] zuckersüß
sysadmin [coll.] [system administrator] Sysadmin {m} [ugs.] [Systemadminstrator]
sysop [IT jargon] Computersystemoperateur {m} [selten]
sysop [IT jargon] Sysop {m} [IT-Jargon] [Systemoperator, Systembetreuer]
sysops Computersystemoperateure {pl}
syssertskite [(Os,Ir)]Syssertskit {m}
systainer [generic term] [systainer ®]Systainer ® {m} [Versand- und Aufbewahrungsbox]
system Methode {f}
system System {n}
systemOrdnung {f}
system Verfahren {n}
systemAnordnung {f}
system Regime {n} [veraltet]
system [stereo, computer] Anlage {f} [Stereo, EDV]
system / systems thinking Systemdenken {n}
system acceptance test specification <SATS> System-Akzeptanztest-Spezifikation {f}
system accessories {pl}Anlagenzubehör {n}
system administrationSystemadministration {f}
system administration [also: systems administration]Systemverwaltung {f}
system administrator Systemadministrator {m}
system administratorSystembetreuer {m}
system administratorSystemverwalter {m}
system administratorsSystembetreuer {pl}
system analysis <SA>Systemanalyse {f} <SA>
system analyst Systemanalytiker {m}
system analystSystemberater {m}
system analyst [female]Systemberaterin {f}
system analyst [female]Systemanalytikerin {f}
system and acceptance test <SAT> System- und Abnahmetest {m} <SAT>
system application architecture <SAA>System-Anwendungs-Architektur {f} <SAA>
system approach to management [ISO/IEC 20000]Systemorientierung {f} für das Management [ISO/IEC 20000]
system archetype Systemarchetyp {m}
system architect Systemarchitekt {m}
system architectureSystemarchitektur {f}
system architectureSystemaufbau {m} [Systemarchitektur]
system area Systembereich {m}
system audit <SA> System-Audit {n} <SA>
system audit <SA>Systemaudit {n} <SA>
system audit <SA> [operational audit] Systemprüfung {f}
system autonomy Systemautonomie {f}
system availability Systemverfügbarkeit {f}
system availability Anlagenverfügbarkeit {f} [Systemverfügbarkeit]
system behavior [Am.] Systemverhalten {n}
system behaviour [Br.]Systemverhalten {n}
system booth Systemstand {m} [Messe]
system boundary <SB> Systemgrenze {f} <SG>
system box [also: lock box] Systemkasten {m} [auch: Verschlusskasten oder Verschlussgehäuse]
system breakdown Systemzusammenbruch {m}
system build dateSystemerstellungsdatum {n}
system builder Systemhersteller {m}
system button [physical button not a GUI button] [system key] Systemtaste {f}
system cableSystemkabel {n}
system calculation Systemberechnung {f}
system call <syscall> Systemaufruf {m}
system camera [camera with interchangeable components] Systemkamera {f} [Fotoapparat mit austauschbaren Komponenten]
system capability Systemfähigkeit {f}
system capacity Systemkapazität {f}
system carrier Systemträger {m}
system cateringSystemgastronomie {f}
system changeSystemwechsel {m}
system changeSystemwandel {m}
« syngsynosyntsyntSyrasyrisystsystsystsystsyst »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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