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English-German Dictionary

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system changeSystemänderung {f}
system characteristic Systemmerkmal {n}
system characteristicsSystemeigenschaften {pl}
system circuit diagram Systemschaltbild {n}
system cleaner Systemreiniger {m}
system clockSystemuhr {f}
system clock Systemtakt {m}
system code Anlagenbezeichnung {f}
system collapse Systemzusammenbruch {m}
system collapse Systemkollaps {m}
system complexitySystemkomplexität {f}
system component Systemkomponente {f}
system componentSystembestandteil {m}
system component Anlagenteil {n}
system components Systemkomponenten {pl}
system concept Anlagenkonzept {n}
system concept review <SCR> System-Konzeptüberprüfung {f}
system configuration Systemkonfiguration {f}
system configuration [paint]Systemaufbau {m} [Lacke und Farben]
system consoleSystemkonsole {f}
system construction Systemaufbau {m}
system contactor Anlagenschütz {n}
system context Systemkontext {m}
system context Systemzusammenhang {m}
system controlSystemsteuerung {f}
system control Anlagensteuerung {f}
system core Systemkern {m}
system crash Anlagenausfall {m}
system crash Systemabsturz {m}
system crash Systemzusammenbruch {m}
System Crasher Systemsprenger [Nora Fingscheidt]
system crisisSystemkrise {f}
system data Anlagendaten {pl}
system dateSystemdatum {n}
system decision Systementscheidung {f}
system defect Systemdefekt {m}
system definition Systemdefinition {f}
system deliverySystemlieferung {f}
system demand controlLaststeuerung {f}
system descriptionSystembeschreibung {f}
system designSystementwurf {m}
system design Systemplanung {f}
system design Systemauslegung {f}
system developer Systementwickler {m}
system developer [female] Systementwicklerin {f}
system developmentSystementwicklung {f}
system diagramSystemdiagramm {n}
system differentiation Systemdifferenzierung {f}
system disc Systemdiskette {f}
system distribution cabinet Systemverteilerschrank {m}
system documentation <SD>Systemdokumentation {f} <SD>
system dynamics <SD> Systemdynamik {f} <SD>
system dynamics <SD> [modelling methodology developed by Jay W. Forrester] System Dynamics {f} <SD> [Methodik entwickelt von Jay W. Forrester]
system effectiveness Wirkungsgrad {m} eines Systems
system effectivenessSystemwirksamkeit {f}
system engineer Systemingenieur {m} [auch: System-Ingenieur]
system engineeringProjektplanung {f}
system engineeringSystemanalyse {f}
system environmentSystemwelt {f}
system errorSystemfehlermeldung {f}
system errorSystemfehler {m}
system evaluationSystembewertung {f}
system event log Systemereignisprotokoll {n}
system execution Systemausführung {f}
system expansion Anlagenerweiterung {f}
system extension Systemerweiterung {f}
system failureSystemausfall {m}
system failure Anlagenausfall {m}
system failure Systemfehler {m}
system failure Versagen {n} eines / des Systems
system failure Systemstörung {f}
system familyAnlagenfamilie {f}
system familySystemfamilie {f}
system faultSystemfehler {m}
system fault Systemstörung {f}
system file Systemdatei {f}
system frequency Systemfrequenz {f}
system function Systemfunktion {f}
system generation Systemgenerierung {f}
system goal Systemziel {n}
system ground [Am.]Betriebserde {f}
system ground connection [Am.] Betriebserdungsanschluss {m}
system houseSystemhaus {n}
system identificaiton Systemidentifizierung {f}
system identificationSystemidentifikation {f}
system idle processLeerlaufprozess {m}
system imageSystembild {n}
system immanence Systemimmanenz {f}
system implementation Systemeinführung {f}
system implementationSystemrealisierung {f}
system information {sg} Systeminformationen {pl}
system information <sysinfo, SysInfo>Systeminformation {f}
system installation Systemmontage {f}
system integration Systemintegration {f}
system integration Systemeinbindung {f}
system integrity Systemintegrität {f}
system interfaceAnlagenschnittstelle {f}
system knowledgeSystemkenntnis {f}
system landscape Systemlandschaft {f}
system language Systemsprache {f}
« synosyntsyntSyrasyrisystsystsystsystsystsyst »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers