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system layout plan Anlagenbelegungsplan {m}
system level Systemebene {f}
system levelSystem-Ebene {f}
system limitations Systembegrenzungen {pl} [Systembeschränkungen]
system limitations Systembeschränkungen {pl}
system limitationsSystemgrenzen {pl} [Begrenzungen, Beschränkungen]
system load Systemlast {f}
system load Systembelastung {f}
system log Systemprotokoll {n}
system log book [ANSI] Anlagenlogbuch {n} [ISO, IEC]
system loginSystemanmeldung {f}
system log-inSystemanmeldung {f}
system logon Systemanmeldung {f}
system log-onSystemanmeldung {f}
system logout Systemabmeldung {f}
system maintenance Systempflege {f}
system malfunctionSystemfehler {m}
system malfunction Betriebsstörung {f}
system malfunction Systemstörung {f}
system malfunction Systemfehlfunktion {f}
system manualSystemhandbuch {n}
system manual Anlagenhandbuch {n}
system manufacturerSystemhersteller {m}
system manufacturing Systemfertigung {f}
system matrix Systemmatrix {f}
system migration Systemmigration {f}
system model Anlagenmodell {n}
system model Systemmodell {n}
system modeling [Am.] Systemmodellierung {f}
system modelling [Br.] Systemmodellierung {f}
system modificationSystemmodifikation {f}
system module Systembaustein {m}
system monitoring Anlagenüberwachung {f}
system number Systemnummer {f} <Syst. Nr.>
system numbering Anlagennummerierung {f}
system of action Handlungssystem {n}
system of administrative courtsVerwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit {f}
system of alliances Bündnissystem {n}
system of barter Tauschsystem {n}
system of behavior [Am.]Verhaltenssystem {n}
system of behaviour [Br.]Verhaltenssystem {n}
system of central placesSystem {n} der zentralen Orte
system of coinage Münzsystem {n}
system of concepts Begriffssystem {n}
system of contributions Beitragssystem {n}
system of coordinates Koordinatensystem {n}
system of culture Kultursystem {n}
system of currents Strömungssystem {n}
system of dependences Abhängigkeitssystem {n}
system of election Wahlsystem {n}
system of equationsGleichungssystem {n}
system of feudal tenure Lehnswesen {n}
system of finance courtsFinanzgerichtsbarkeit {f}
system of financing Finanzierungssystem {n}
system of government Herrschaftssystem {n}
system of government Regierungsform {f}
system of government Staatsform {f}
system of governmentStaatssystem {n}
system of ideasIdeensystem {n}
system of indulgences Ablasswesen {n}
system of interaction [also: system of interactions]Interaktionssystem {n}
system of jointsKluftsystem {n}
system of justice Rechtssystem {n}
system of labor courts [Am.]Arbeitsgerichtsbarkeit {f}
system of labour courts [Br.]Arbeitsgerichtsbarkeit {f}
system of linear equations lineares Gleichungssystem {n}
system of marital property Güterstand {m}
system of meaning Bedeutungssystem {n}
system of measurement Maßsystem {n}
system of mediationsVermittlungszusammenhang {m}
system of models Modellsystem {n}
system of monitoringKontrollsystem {n}
system of needs [esp. Hegel] System {n} der Bedürfnisse [bes. Hegel]
system of normsNormensystem {n}
system of numerationZahlensystem {n}
system of ordering Ordnungssystem {n}
system of ordinary courts ordentliche Gerichtsbarkeit {f}
system of parentelic succession [sequence of parentelic succession]Parentelsystem {n} [Ordnungssystem, Erbrecht]
system of peoples Völkersystem {n}
system of planetsPlanetensystem {n}
system of playSpielsystem {n}
system of pointsPunktesystem {n}
system of power Machtsystem {n}
system of preferencesPräferenzensystem {n}
system of registration Meldewesen {n}
system of relationships Beziehungssystem {n}
system of religions Religionssystem {n} [Zusammenspiel mehrerer Religionen]
system of rewards Belohnungssystem {n}
system of rule Herrschaftsordnung {f}
system of rule Herrschaftssystem {n}
system of rules Regelsystem {n}
system of schoolsSchulsystem {n}
system of security servicesSicherheitssystem {n}
system of signs Zeichensystem {n}
system of spatial planning aims raumplanerisches Zielsystem {n}
system of special schoolsFörderschulsystem {n}
system of statesStaatensystem {n}
system of succession per stirpes Liniensystem {n} [österr.]
system of succession per stirpesParentelensystem / Parentelsystem {n} [Ordnungssystem, Erbrecht]
system of symbols Symbolsystem {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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