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scalloped potatoes {pl}Kartoffelgratin {n} {m}
scalloped spiny lobster [Panulirus homarus]Kamm-Languste {f}
scalloped tube tongue [Salpiglossis sinuata]Trompetenzunge {f}
scalloped washer Zackenscheibe {f}
scalloped wave [Idaea macilentaria, syn.: I. antiquaria] Brachwiesen-Zwergspanner {m}
scalloped wave [Idaea macilentaria, syn.: I. antiquaria] Hellbrauner Kräuter-Kleinspanner {m}
scalloped wave [Idaea macilentaria, syn.: I. antiquaria] Schafgarben-Kleinspanner {m}
scalloped wave [Idaea macilentaria, syn.: I. antiquaria] Brachwiesen-Kleinspanner {m}
scallopingMuschelfischen {n}
scallopsKammuscheln {pl} [alt]
scallopsMuscheln {pl}
scallops Jakobsmuscheln {pl}
scallops [family Pectinidae] Kammmuscheln {pl}
scallops of the mitral leafletsSegmente {pl} der Mitralsegel
scallop-shell moth [Rheumaptera undulata, syn.: Calocalpe undulata, Hydria undulata]Wellenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
scally [Br.] [Liverpool slang]Gauner {m}
scallywag Lausbub {m} [ugs.]
scallywagFratz {m} [ugs.] [verschmitztes Mädchen]
scallywag Strolch {m}
scallywagTunichtgut {m}
scallywag Lump {m}
scallywagTaugenichts {m}
scallywag [coll.] [Am.: spv.] Nichtsnutz {m} [veraltend] [pej.]
scallywag [esp. Br.] [coll.] Schlingel {m} [hum.] [übermütiger Junge, freches Kerlchen]
scallywag [esp. Br.] [coll.]Lauser {m} [ugs.] [regional für: Lausbub]
scallywags Schlingel {pl}
scallywagsLausbuben {pl} [ugs.]
scallywags Strolche {pl}
Scalovia Schalauen {n}
scalpSkalp {m}
scalp Kopfhaut {f}
scalp Haarboden {m}
scalpKopfschwarte {f}
scalp electrodeSkalpelektrode {f}
scalp electrodeKopfschwartenelektrode {f} <KSE>
scalp hairKopfhaar {n}
scalp massageKopfmassage {f}
scalp massage Kopfhautmassage {f}
scalp oil Kopfhautöl {n}
scalp ringworm [Tinea capitis] Kopfhautflechte {f}
scalp vein set [winged infusion set]Butterfly-Perfusionsbesteck {n}
scalpelSeziermesser {n}
scalpelSkalpell {n}
scalpel bladeSkalpellklinge {f}
scalpel handle Skalpellgriff {m}
scalpel holder Skalpellhalter {m}
scalpels Seziermesser {pl}
scalpelsSkalpelle {pl}
scalperSkalpierer {m}
scalper kleiner Spekulant {m}
scalper Vorsieb {n}
scalper Schwarzmarkthändler {m} [Tickets]
scalping knife Skalpiermesser {n}
scalping knivesSkalpiermesser {pl}
scaly schuppig
scaly [scaled]geschuppt
scaly [scalelike] schuppenförmig
scaly anteater [Manis crassicaudata, syn.: Pholidotus indicus] [Indian pangolin] Vorderindisches Schuppentier {n}
scaly anteater [Manis crassicaudata, syn.: Pholidotus indicus] [Indian pangolin] Indien-Schuppentier {n}
scaly anteater [Manis spp.]Schuppentier {n}
scaly anteaters [Manidae]Tannenzapfentiere {pl}
scaly anteaters [order Pholidota]Schuppentiere {pl}
scaly anteaters [order Pholidota] Pholidoten {pl}
scaly babbler [Turdoides aylmeri] Schuppenbrustdrossling / Schuppenbrust-Drossling {m}
scaly babbler [Turdoides squamulata / squamulatus] Schwarzkopfdrossling {m}
scaly buckler fern [Dryopteris remota] Entferntfiedriger Dornfarn {m}
scaly buckler fern [Dryopteris remota]Entferntfiedriger Wurmfarn {m}
scaly bulbSchuppenknolle {f}
scaly carp [Cyprinus carpio subsp.] Schuppenkarpfen {m}
scaly chatterer [Turdoides aylmeri]Schuppenbrustdrossling {m}
scaly chatterer [Turdoides aylmeri] Schuppenbrustdrossling / Schuppenbrust-Drossling {m}
scaly clam [Tridacna squamosa]Schuppige Riesenmuschel {f}
scaly clam [Tridacna squamosa] Schuppen-Riesenmuschel {f}
scaly dove [Columbina squammata] [formerly Scardafella genus] Schuppentäubchen {n}
scaly earthball [Scleroderma verrucosum] Braunwarziger Hartbovist {m}
scaly earthball [Scleroderma verrucosum] Dünnschaliger Hartbovist {m}
scaly earthball [Scleroderma verrucosum] Dünnschaliger Kartoffelbovist {m}
scaly face Kopfräude {f}
scaly fibrecap [Br.] [Inocybe hystrix, syn.: Agaricus hystrix]Sparriger Risspilz {m}
scaly fibrecap [Br.] [Inocybe hystrix, syn.: Agaricus hystrix]Sparrigschuppiger Risspilz {m}
scaly francolin [Pternistis squamatus]Schuppenfrankolin {m}
scaly ground roller [Geobiastes squamiger]Schuppenerdracke {f}
scaly ground thrush [Zoothera dauma] Erddrossel {f}
scaly ground thrush [Zoothera dauma] Bunt-Erddrossel {f}
scaly groundroller / ground-roller [Geobiastes squamigera, syn.: G. squamiger, Brachypteracias squamigera, B. squamiger] Schuppenerdracke {f} [auch: Schuppen-Erdracke]
scaly hedgehog [Sarcodon imbricatus] Habichtspilz {m}
scaly hedgehog [Sarcodon imbricatus]Rehpilz {m}
scaly ink / inky cap [Coprinopsis variegata, syn.: Coprinus variegatus]Schuppiger Tintling {m}
scaly inocybe [Inocybe calamistrata]Blaufüßiger Risspilz {m}
scaly kingfisher [Actenoides princeps, syn.: Halcyon princeps, Monachalcyon princeps]Königsliest {m} [auch: Königs-Liest]
scaly knight [Tricholoma vaccinum] Bärtiger Ritterling {m}
scaly knight [Tricholoma vaccinum] Wolliger Ritterling {m}
scaly knight [Tricholoma vaccinum]Zottiger Ritterling {m}
scaly laughingthrush / laughing-thrush [Garrulax subunicolor, syn.: Trochalopteron subunicolor]Goldschwingenhäherling {m} [auch: Goldschwingen-Häherling]
scaly leg Fußräude {f}
scaly leg Kalkbeinkrankheit {f} [Fußräude bei Vögeln]
scaly lentinus [Neolentinus lepideus, syn.: Lentinus lepideus] Schuppiger Sägeblättling {m}
scaly male fern [Dryopteris affinis, syn.: D. pseudomas, D. borreri] Spreuschuppiger Wurmfarn {m}
« scabscalscalscalscalscalscalscamscanscanscan »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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