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Sahidic sahidisch
sahlinite [Pb14(AsO4)O9Cl4] Sahlinit {m}
Sahrawi saharauisch
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic <SADR>Demokratische Arabische Republik {f} Sahara <DARS>
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic <SADR>Arabische Saharauische Demokratische Republik {f} [Rsv. von DARS]
Sahrawi (people)Sahrauis {pl}
SahrawisSahraouis {pl}
Sahul reef snake [Aipysurus apraefrontalis] Riff-Seeschlange {f}
Sahul reef snake [Aipysurus apraefrontalis]Sahul-Riffschlange {f}
Sahure [also: Sahura] [pharaoh of the 5th dynasty] Sahure {m} [Pharao der 5. Dynastie]
sai Sai {n}
saiSaigabel {f}
saibling [Am.] [Salvelinus alpinus] Saibling {m}
said besagt
said gesagt
said [previously named]bewusst
said [aforementioned] genannt [erwähnt]
said amount besagter Betrag {m}
said bookisms [pej.] [Alternativen zu dem Wort „sagte“ in Erzählungen]
said companybesagte Firma {f}
said good byesich verabschiedet
said in wordsin Worten gesagt
"...", said Merkel. „...“, so Merkel.
said to contain <S.T.C.> [description of cargo]beinhaltet angeblich
saiga [Saiga tatarica]Saiga {f}
Saigon [coll.] [Ho Chi Minh City]Saigon {n} [ugs.] [Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt]
Saigon cinnamon Saigon-Zimt {m}
Saigon cinnamon [Cinnamomum aromaticum, synonym C. cassia]China-Zimtbaum {m}
Saigon cinnamon [Cinnamomum aromaticum, synonym C. cassia] Zimtkassie / Zimt-Kassie {f}
Saigon cinnamon (tree) [Cinnamomum loureiri, syn.: Camphorina saigonica] Saigon-Zimtbaum {m}
Saigon RiverSaigon {m} [Fluss]
sail Segel {n}
sail [archaic for: sailing ship] Segelschiff {n} [bzw. Segelboot]
sail [submarine] Turm {m} [eines U-Boots]
Sail ahoy! [archaic] Schiff ahoi!
sail areaSegelfläche {f}
sail batten Segellatte {f}
sail fish / sailfish [Istiophorus platypterus] Fächerfisch {m}
sail maker Segelmacher {m}
sail napkin fold(einfacher) Tafelspitz {m} [Form für das Brechen von Mundservietten]
sail needle Segelnadel {f}
sail number Segelnummer {f}
sail of a windmill Windmühlenflügel {m}
sail pressure point Segeldruckpunkt {m}
sail shapeSegelschnitt {m}
sail slideMastrutscher {m}
sail swallowtail [Iphiclides podalirius] Segelfalter {m}
sail training ship Segelschulschiff {n}
sail training vesselSegelschulschiff {n}
sailaufite [NaCa2Mn3 [O2|CO3|(AsO4)2]·3H2O] Sailaufit {m}
sailback houndshark [Gogolia filewoodi] Segelflossen-Glatthai {m}
sailboardWindsurfbrett {n}
sailboarderWindsurfer {m}
sailboarder [female] Windsurferin {f}
sailboarders Windsurfer {pl}
sailboarding Windsurfen {n}
sailboarding Windsurfing {n}
sailboarding Brettsegeln {n} [ostd.] [Windsurfen]
sailboat [Am.] Segelboot {n}
sailboat marinaSegelhafen {m}
sailboats Segelboote {pl}
sailclothSegeltuch {n}
sailcloth bag Segeltuchtasche {f}
saildriveSaildrive {m}
sailed gesegelt
sailedgeschippert [ugs.]
sailed ausgelaufen
sailed [off, away]abgesegelt
sailed throughdurchgesegelt
sailer [sailing vessel] Segler {m}
sailfin blenny [Exallias brevis] Leoparden-Schleimfisch {m}
sailfin blenny [Exallias brevis] Leoparden-Lippenzähner {m}
sailfin dory [Zenopsis conchifer]Amerikanischer Heringskönig {m}
sailfin dragonet [Callionymus pusillus, syn.: Callionymus festivus] Kleiner Leierfisch {m}
sailfin lizard [genus Hydrosaurus]Segelechse {f}
sail-fin lizard [Hydrosaurus pustulatus] Philippinische Segelechse {f}
sailfin molly [Poecilia latipinna] Breitflossenkärpfling {m}
sailfin mudskipper [Periophthalmus kalolo] Mangroven-Schlammspringer {m}
sailfin pleco [Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps]Waben-Schilderwels {m} [auch: Wabenschilderwels]
sailfin pleco [Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps] Garachamawels {m}
sailfin roughshark [Oxynotus paradoxus] Segelflossen-Meersau {f} [Haifischart]
sailfin roughshark [Oxynotus paradoxus] Graue Meersau {f}
sailfin shrimpgoby [Amblyeleotris randalli] Randalls Partnergrundel {f}
sail-fin silversides [family Telmatherinidae]Sulawesi-Regenbogenfische {pl}
sailfin sucker [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Steilflossen-Saugkarpfen {m}
sailfin sucker [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Fadenalgenfresser {m}
sailfin sucker [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Fledermausfisch {m}
sailfin sucker [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Wimpelkarpfen {m}
sailfin sucker [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Fledermausschmerle {f}
sailfin sucker [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Dschunken-Schmerle {f}
sailfin tang [Zebrasoma veliferum] Östlicher Segelflossen-Doktorfisch {m}
sailfin tetra [Crenuchus spilurus]Fleckenschwanzsalmler {m}
sailfin tetra [Crenuchus spilurus] Prachtsalmler {m}
sailfin tetra [Crenuchus spilurus] Segelflossensalmler {m}
sailfin water lizard [Hydrosaurus pustulatus] Philippinische Segelechse {f}
sailfish {pl} [family Istiophoridae]Speerfische {pl}
sailfish sharkFuchshai {m}
sailing absegelnd
sailingSegelsport {m}
« safesafesaffsagasaggSahisailsainSainsainsala »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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