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scanning unit Abtasteinheit {f}
scanning widthAbtastbreite {f}
scanning X-ray microscope <SXM>Rasterröntgenmikroskop {n}
(scanning) helium ion microscope <SHIM, HeIM, HIM> Helium-Ionen-Mikroskop {n}
(scanning) reflection electron microscope <SREM/REM>Reflexionselektronenmikroskop {n} <REM>
(scanning) reflection electron microscope <SREM/REM>Rückstrahlelektronenmikroskop {n} <REM>
scanogram Scanogramm {n}
scansion Skandierung {f}
scant [improvement, success etc.] gering
scant chancegeringe Chance {f}
scant comfort schwacher Trost {m}
scant evidencedürftige Beweislage {f}
scant evidence {sg}dürftige Beweise {pl}
scant knowledge {sg} geringe Kenntnisse {pl}
scant of breathaußer Atem
scant of money knapp an Geld
scant regard Geringachtung {f}
scant regard Geringschätzung {f} [Geringachtung]
scant stockgeringer Vorrat {m}
scant success mäßiger Erfolg {m} [geringfügiger]
scant success geringer Erfolg {m} [wenig]
scant supply unzureichende Versorgung {f}
scant time wenig Zeit {f}
scant vegetationdürftige Vegetation {f}
scanted [Am.] geknausert (mit)
scantier dürftiger
scantily knapp
scantilydürftig [Bekleidung]
scantily clad leicht bekleidet
scantily clad leicht geschürzt [meist hum.]
scantily clad spärlich bekleidet
scantily dressed leicht bekleidet
scantily dressedspärlich bekleidet
scantinessKargheit {f}
scantiness Spärlichkeit {f}
scantiness Dürftigkeit {f}
scantiness Knappheit {f}
scantinessKärglichkeit {f}
scanting sth. [Am.] [rare]mit etw. [Dat.] knausernd [ugs.]
scantling Kantholz {n}
scantness Knappheit {f}
Scantron® test [multiple choice questions] Scantron®-Test {m} [im Multiple-Choice-Format]
scanty dürftig
scanty knapp
scanty spärlich
scanty mager [dürftig, unzureichend]
scantyunzulänglich [geh.]
scantynotdürftig [knapp, spärlich]
scanty clothing zu knappe Bekleidung {f}
scanty evidence dürftige Beweislage {f}
scanty harvest magere Ernte {f}
scanty material unzureichendes Material {n}
scanty of moneyknapp an Geld
scanty supply knappe Versorgung {f}
Scapa Flow Scapa Flow {n}
scape Scapus {m}
scape Blütenschaft {m}
scape Säulenschaft {m}
scape [e.g. tulip] Schaft {m}
scapegoat Sündenbock {m}
scapegoatPrügelknabe {m}
scapegoat mentality Sündenbockmentalität {f}
scapegoat ritualSündenbockritus {m}
scapegoating Sündenbockverhalten {n}
scapegoatsSündenböcke {pl}
scapegrace Taugenichts {m}
scapegraces Taugenichtse {pl}
scaphocephaly Skaphozephalie {f}
scaphocephaly Skaphocephalie {f}
scaphocephalyKahnschädeligkeit {f} [selten]
scaphognathite Scaphognathit {m}
scaphoid [Os scaphoideum, Os carpi radiale] Kahnbein {n} [Scaphoid]
scaphoid bone [Os scaphoideum] Kahnbein {n} [der Hand]
scaphoid (bone) [Os scaphoideum, formerly: Os naviculare] Naviculare {n} [ugs.] [veraltet] [Scaphoid, Kahnbein]
scaphoid (bone) [Os scaphoideum, Os carpi radiale] Skaphoid {n}
scaphoid (bone) [Os scaphoideum, Os carpi radiale] Scaphoid {n}
scaphoid fossa [Fossa scaphoidea]Fossa scaphoidea {f}
scaphoid fractureKahnbeinbruch {m} [Skaphoidfraktur]
scaphoid fractureKahnbeinfraktur {f} [der Hand]
scaphoid fracture Skaphoidfraktur {f}
scaphoid fractureBruch {m} des Kahnbeins [auch: Bruch des Kahnbeines] [Skaphoidfraktur]
scaphoid fracture Kahnbeinbruch {m} der Hand [Skaphoidfraktur]
scaphoid pseudarthrosisSkaphoid-Pseudarthrose {f} [Kahnbeinpseudarthrose (Hand)]
scaphoid pseudarthrosisKahnbeinpseudarthrose {f} [auch: Kahnbein-Pseudarthrose] [Pseudarthrose des Kahnbeines der Hand]
scaphopods [class Scaphopoda]Kahnfüßer {pl}
scaphopods [class Scaphopoda]Grabfüßer {pl}
scaphopods [class Scaphopoda]Scaphopoden {pl}
scapoliteSkapolith {m} [Mineralgruppe]
scapolite [3NaAlSi3O8·NaCl - 3CaAl2Si2O8·CaCO3] Skapolit {m}
scapulaSchulterblatt {n}
scapula Scapula {f}
scapulaSkapula {f} [Schulterblatt]
scapulae {pl}Schulterblätter {pl}
« scalscalscamscanscanscanscapscarscarscarscar »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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