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sailing Segeln {n}
sailing Segelei {f} [ugs.]
sailing [attr.] [e.g. club, fleet, trip, vacation, yacht] Segel- [z. B. Klub, Flotte, Törn, Urlaub, Jacht]
sailing areaSegelrevier {n}
sailing boat [Br.] Segelboot {n}
sailing careerSegelkarriere {f}
sailing cargo shipFrachtsegler {m}
sailing clubSegelklub {m}
sailing club Segelverein {m}
sailing courseSegelkurs {m}
sailing date Abfahrtstag {m}
sailing dateAbfahrtsdatum {n}
sailing day Segeltag {m}
sailing dinghySegeljolle {f}
sailing dinghySegeldingi {n}
sailing enthusiast Segelenthusiast {m}
sailing events Segelwettbewerbe {pl}
sailing fleet Segelflotte {f}
sailing holiday [esp. Br.] Segelurlaub {m}
sailing holidays Segelferien {pl}
sailing instructionsSegelanweisungen {pl}
sailing instructorSegellehrer {m}
sailing listAbfahrtsliste {f}
sailing list Liste {f} der Schiffsabfahrten
sailing maneuver [Am.] Segelmanöver {n}
sailing manualSegelhandbuch {n}
sailing outAbsegeln {n}
sailing regatta Segelregatta {f}
sailing round umschiffend
sailing rulesSegelregeln {pl}
sailing schedule Segelliste {f}
sailing school Segelschule {f}
sailing shipSegelschiff {n}
sailing supplies {pl} Segelbedarf {m}
sailing throughdurchsegelnd
sailing timeAbfahrtszeit {f}
sailing time [time of ship's departure]Abfahrtzeit {f} [fachspr.] [Schiff]
Sailing to Byzantium [William Butler Yeats] Segeln nach Byzantium
sailing trip Segeltörn {m}
sailing vacation [Am.] Segelurlaub {m}
sailing vessel Segelschiff {n}
sailing voyage Segeltörn {m}
sailing yacht Segelyacht {f}
sailing yachtSegeljacht {f}
sailmakerSegelmacher {m}
sailmakerSackhuhn {n} [veraltet, sehr alt]
sailmakers Segelmacherei {f}
sailmakers business Segelmacherei {f}
sailmaker's needle Segelnadel {f}
sailorMatrose {m}
sailorSeefahrer {m}
sailorSeemann {m}
sailorSegler {m}
sailor collar Matrosenkragen {m}
sailor hatMatrosenmütze {f}
sailor shirtMatrosenhemd {n}
sailor shirt Takelhemd {n} [Matrosenhemd]
sailor suitMatrosenanzug {m}
sailor suit Kieler Bluse {f}
sailor suit Matrosenkostüm {n}
sailoress [archaic] Matrosin {f}
sailorlike matrosenhaft
sailorlike seemännisch
sailorly seemännisch
sailorsSeeleute {pl}
sailors Matrosen {pl}
sailors Bootsleute {pl}
sailorsFahrensleute {pl} [Seemannssprache]
sailor's cap Schiffermütze {f}
sailor's eyeball [Valonia ventricosa] [species of algae] Blasenalge {f}
sailor's gait [wide-based unsteady gait]Seemannsgang {m}
sailor's grunt [Haemulon parra] Grauflossen-Grunzer {m}
sailor's handshake [coll.] [feeling for the epitrochlear node at the elbow in secondary syphilis] [Methode der Erkennung von Syphilis im Sekundärstadium durch Ertasten des epitrochlearen Lymphknotens]
sailor's knotSeemannsknoten {m}
sailor's knotSchifferknoten {m}
sailor's knot seemännischer Knoten {m}
sailor's knot Segelknoten {m}
sailor's purse [coll.] [egg case] Eikapsel {f}
sailor's skin [rarely also: sailor skin]Seemannshaut {f}
sailors' slang Seemannssprache {f}
sailor's son Seemannssohn {m}
sailor's telescope [single-draw telescope]Seemannsfernrohr {n}
sailor's yarn Seemannsgarn {n}
(sailor's) kitbag Seesack {m}
sailplane Segelflugzeug {n}
sailray [Dipturus linteus] Weißrochen {m}
sails Segel {pl}
sails {pl} Besegelung {f}
sail-ship era Segelschiffära / Segelschiff-Ära {f}
Saimaa ringed seal [Pusa hispida saimensis, syn.: Phoca hispida saimensis]Saimaa-Ringelrobbe {f}
sainfeldite [Ca5 [AsO3(OH)|AsO4]2·4H2O]Sainfeldit {m}
sainfoin [Onobrychis viciifolia, syn.: Hedysarum onobrychis, Onobrychis sativa, O. vulgaris] Saat-Esparsette {f}
sainfoin [Onobrychis viciifolia, syn.: Hedysarum onobrychis, Onobrychis sativa, O. vulgaris]Futter-Esparsette / Futteresparsette {f}
sainfoin [Onobrychis viciifolia, syn.: Hedysarum onobrychis, Onobrychis sativa, O. vulgaris] Hahnenkamm {m}
sainfoin [Onobrychis viciifolia] Esparsette {f}
sainfoin milkvetch [Astragalus onobrychis] Esparsetten-Tragant / Esparsettentragant {m}
sainfoin milkvetch / milk vetch [Astragalus onobrychis]Fahnen-Tragant / Fahnentragant {m}
sainfoin milkvetch / milk vetch [Astragalus onobrychis] Langfahnen-Tragant / Langfahnentragant {m}
Sainlez Saner {n}
saint Heiliger {m}
« safesaffsagasaggSahisailsainSainsainsalaSala »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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