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scatter write gestreutes Speichern {n}
scatterbrain Wirrkopf {m}
scatterbrain Schussel {m} [ugs.]
scatterbrainedkonfus [Person]
scatterbrained schusselig [ugs.] [pej.] [vergesslich, zerstreut]
scatterbrained verwirrt
scatterbrained zerstreut
scatterbrained flatterhaft
scatterbrainedschusslig [ugs.] [vergesslich, zerstreut]
scatterbrained närrisch
scatter-brained zerfahren
scatterbrained zerfahren
scatterbrained verschusselt [ugs.]
scatterbrained [coll.] wirr [zerstreut, durcheinander im Kopf]
scatterbrainsWirrköpfe {pl}
scatteredauseinander gejagt [alt]
scattereddiffus [Licht]
scattered gestreut
scattered verstreut
scattered verstreut herumliegend
scattered wirr [wirr zerstreut, durcheinander]
scattered zerstreut [verstreut]
scattered aufgelockert
scattered strichweise
scattered Streu-
scattered Streuungs-
scattered ausgestreut [Samen etc.]
scattered [occasional]sporadisch
scattered cloud coveraufgelockerte Bewölkung {f}
scattered clouds {pl}aufgelockerte Bewölkung {f}
scattered echoes gestreute Echos {pl}
scattered farmsteads Einzelgehöfte {pl}
scattered find Streufund {m}
scattered flowers [on china, wallpaper, fabrics, etc.] Streublümchen {pl} [auf Porzellan, Tapeten, Stoffen usw.]
scattered flowers pattern Streublümchenmuster {n}
scattered houses verstreute Häuser {pl}
scattered instances vereinzelte Fälle {pl}
scattered light Streulicht {n}
scattered light trapStreulichtfalle {f}
scattered radiation [ANSI] Streustrahlung {f} [IEC 60050]
scattered radiation dose Streustrahlendosis {f}
scattered radiation grid Streustrahlenraster {n}
scattered radiation gridRöntgenraster {n} [teilweise ugs.: Streustrahlenraster]
scattered radiation gridStreustrahlenblende {f}
scattered rays Streustrahlen {pl}
scattered raysRöntgenstreustrahlen {pl}
scattered reading gestreutes Lesen {n}
scattered regionalism Kleinstaaterei {f}
scattered settlement Streusiedlung {f}
scattered settlements Streusiedlungen {pl}
scattered shards Streuscherben {pl}
scattered showersvereinzelte Regenschauer {pl}
scattered showers vereinzelte Schauer {pl}
scattered soldiers versprengte Soldaten {pl}
scattered sound gestreuter Schall {m}
scattered thoughtswirre Gedanken {pl}
scattered thunderstormsvereinzelte Gewitter {pl}
scattered to the four windsin alle Winde verweht
scattered to the four winds in alle Himmelsrichtungen verstreut / zerstreut
scattered to the four winds in alle Winde verstreut / zerstreut
scattered to the four winds [postpos.] in alle vier Winde zerstreut
scattered village Haufendorf {n}
scattered X-rays {pl} Streustrahlung {f} [Röntgen]
scatteredly vereinzelt [verstreut]
scattererStreuer {m}
scattergram Streuungsdiagramm {n}
scattergramStreudiagramm {n}
scattergramPunktdiagramm {n} [Streudiagramm]
scattergun [Am.]Schrotflinte {f}
scatter-gun [Am.] Flinte {f}
scatter-gun [Am.] Schrotflinte {f}
scattergun approachGießkannenprinzip {n}
scattergun approach [printed advertisement]breitgestreute Wurfsendung {f}
scattering auseinander jagend [alt]
scatteringauseinanderjagend [alt]
scattering Streuung {f}
scatteringauseinanderstiebend [alt]
scattering sich zerstreuend
scattering Streuvorgang {m}
scatteringVerstreuung {f}
scattering auseinandertreibend
scattering amplitude Streuamplitude {f}
scattering angle Streuwinkel {m}
scattering body Streukörper {m}
scattering chamber Streukammer {f}
scattering coefficient Streuungskoeffizient {m}
scattering component Streukomponente {f}
scattering cross-sectionStreuquerschnitt {m}
scattering data Streudaten {pl}
scattering effect Streueffekt {m}
scattering effect Streuwirkung {f}
scattering experimentStreuexperiment {n}
scattering factor <SF>Streufaktor {m} <SF>
scattering frequencyStreufrequenz {f}
« scarscarscarscarscarscatscatscenscenscenScha »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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