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school [a day's work at school, lessons] Unterricht {m} [Schulunterricht]
School [also: school] [e.g. Burgundian, Flemish, Florentine, Venetian school]Schule {f} [Stileinheit; z. B. burgundische, flämische, florentinische, venezianische Schule]
school [attr.]schulisch [Bildung, Einrichtung]
school [attr.]Schul-
school [building] Schulgebäude {n}
school [esp. Jewish]Lehrhaus {n}
school [of medicine, law]Fakultät {f}
school [reformatory] Erziehungsanstalt {f} [veraltet]
school [university department] Institut {n}
school absenteeism Schulabsentismus {m}
school achievement Abschneiden {n} in der Schule
school achievementschulische Leistung {f}
school achievementSchulleistung {f}
school achievement {sg}Leistungen {pl} in der Schule
school achievement {sg} Schulleistungen {pl}
school administration Schulverwaltung {f}
school administrationSchulleitung {f}
school administratorSchulleiter {m}
school administrators {pl} Schulverwaltung {f} [Personal]
school ageSchulalter {n}
school ageschulpflichtiges Alter {n}
school apron Schulschürze {f} [veraltend]
school architecture Schularchitektur {f}
school assembly [school meeting] Schulversammlung {f}
school assignment Schulaufgabe {f}
school atlasSchulatlas {m}
school atlases Schulatlanten {pl}
school attainment [Br.]Schulerfolg {m}
school attendance Schulbesuch {m}
school attendanceTeilnahme {f} am Unterricht
School attendance is compulsory. Es besteht Schulpflicht.
school attendantSchuldiener {m}
school avoidanceUnterrichtsmeidung {f}
school avoidanceSchulmeidung {f}
school award Schulpreis {m}
school bagSchultasche {f}
school bagSchultornister {m}
school bag Schulranzen {m}
school bag Schulthek {m} [schweiz.] [Tornister]
school bag [sl.] [codeine]Kodein {n}
school band Schulorchester {n}
school band Schulkapelle {f}
school basementSchulkeller {m}
school bell Schulglocke {f}
school bellSchulklingel {f}
school Bible Schulbibel {f}
school boardSchulbehörde {f}
school board Schulkommission {f}
school board Schulpflege {f} [schweiz.]
school board [Am.] Schulamt {n}
school board [Am.]Schulausschuss {m}
school board [Br.]Schulaufsichtsrat {m}
school board presidentSchulratspräsident {m} [schweiz.]
school book Schulbuch {n}
school book publisher Schulbuchverlag {m}
school books Schulbücher {pl}
school branch [type of school or course of studies] Schulzweig {m}
school break [between classes] Unterrichtspause {f}
school buddy [esp. Am.] [coll.] Schulfreund {m}
school building Schulgebäude {n}
school buildingSchulbau {m}
school building Schulhaus {n} [Schulgebäude]
school bus Schulbus {m}
school bus escortSchulbusbegleiter {m}
school bus escort [female]Schulbusbegleiterin {f}
school bus stop Schulbushaltestelle {f}
school buses Schulbusse {pl}
school cafeteria [Am.]Schulkantine {f}
school camp Schullager {n}
school camp Klassenlager {n} [schweiz.] [Schullager]
school campusSchulcampus {m} [Schulgelände]
school campus Schulgelände {n}
school canteen Schulkantine {f}
school careerschulischer Werdegang {m}
school careerSchullaufbahn {f}
school career Bildungsweg {m} [Schullaufbahn]
school caretakerSchuldiener {m} [veraltet]
school caretaker Schulwart {m} [österr.]
school caretakerSchulhausmeister {m}
school catchment area Schulbezirk {m}
school catering Schulverpflegung {f}
school celebrations Schulfeierlichkeiten {pl}
school center [Am.] Schulzentrum {n}
school centre [Br.]Schulzentrum {n}
school certificate Schulzeugnis {n}
school certificate Zeugnis {n} [Schulzeugnis]
school chair with tablet armCollegestuhl {m} mit Schreibplatte
school childSchulkind {n}
school children Schulkinder {pl}
school children {pl} Schuljugend {f}
school choirSchulchor {m}
school choir Schülerchor {m}
school class Schulklasse {f}
school climate Schulklima {n}
school clockSchuluhr {f}
school closing Schulschließung {f}
school closings Schulschließungen {pl} [auch: Schul-Schließungen]
school closure Schulschließung {f}
school committeeSchulausschuss {m}
school commons {pl} Schulhof {m}
« scheschiSchlSchmschoschoschoschoschoschoscho »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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