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« backPage 243 for words starting with S in the English-German dictionarynext page »
school community Schulgemeinschaft {f}
school compass Schulzirkel {m}
school competition Schulwettbewerb {m}
school complex [facilities]Schulzentrum {n}
school concession stand [Am.] Pausenkiosk {m} [schweiz.]
school cone Schultüte {f}
school conference Schulkonferenz {f}
school corridorSchulkorridor {m}
school council Schülermitverwaltung {f}
school counsellor Beratungslehrer {m}
school counsellor [female]Beratungslehrerin {f}
school crossing [Br.] Übergang {m} vor einer Schule
school crossing guard [Am.]Schülerlotse {m}
school crossing guard [female] [Am.]Schülerlotsin {f}
school crossing patrol [Br.] Schülerlotse {m}
school crossing (patrol) warden [female] [Br.]Verkehrshelferin {f}
school crossing supervisor [Aus.] Schülerlotse {m}
school culture Schulkultur {f}
school day Schultag {m}
school day friendJugendfreund {m}
school day trip Schultagesfahrt {f}
school days {pl}Schulzeit {f} [rückblickend]
school days {pl} [also: schooldays, school-days]Schülerzeit {f}
School Days [Robert B. Parker]Der stille Schüler
school dental clinicSchulzahnklinik {f}
school dental serviceSchulzahnpflege {f}
school deskSchulbank {f}
school dictionary Schulwörterbuch {n}
school didactics [treated as sg. or pl.] Schuldidaktik {f}
school dinnerSchulessen {n}
school discipline Schuldisziplin {f}
school district [Am.] Schulamtsbezirk {m}
school district [Am.] Schulbezirk {m}
school doctor Schularzt {m}
school doctor [female]Schulärztin {f}
school doctor's certificate schulärztliches Attest {n}
school dogSchulhund {m}
school drama Schuldrama {n}
school editionSchulausgabe {f}
school education Schulbildung {f}
school educationSchulausbildung {f}
school educationSchulunterricht {m}
school education Schulpädagogik {f}
school EnglishSchulenglisch {n}
school enrollment [Am.]Einschulung {f}
school enrollment [Am.] Schulbesuch {m} [hoher, niedriger etc., nicht aber regelmäßiger etc.; oft in % eines Jahrgangs angegeben]
school enrollment [Am.]Schülerzahl {f}
school enrollment celebration Einschulungsfeier {f}
school enrolment [Br.] Schülerzahl {f}
school enrolment [Br.]Studentenzahl {f}
school entrance age Schuleintrittsalter {n}
school entry examinationSchuleingangsuntersuchung {f}
school entry health examinationSchuleingangsuntersuchung {f}
school environmentSchulumgebung {f}
school essay Schulaufsatz {m}
school eventSchulveranstaltung {f}
school examinations [by doctors] schulärztliche Untersuchungen {pl}
school exchange Schüleraustausch {m}
school exclusionSchulausschluss {m}
school excursion Schulausflug {m}
school expectancy Bildungserwartung {f}
school fee Schulgeld {n}
school feeSchulhonorar {n} [veraltet] [Schulgeld]
school feesSchulgebühren {pl}
school fees {pl}Schulgeld {n}
school festivalSchulfest {n}
school field day Schulwandertag {m}
school finance Schulfinanzierung {f}
school financing Schulfinanzierung {f}
School finishes at 13.30. Schulschluss ist um 13.30.
school first-aider Schulsanitäter {m}
school for boysJungenschule {f}
school for children with special needs Förderschule {f}
school for girlsMädchenschule {f}
school for hard of hearing Schwerhörigenschule {f}
school for physically disabledSchule {f} für Körperbehinderte
School for Scoundrels [Todd Phillips] Der Date-Profi
school for techniciansTechnikerschule {f}
school for the blind Blindenschule {f}
school for the deaf Gehörlosenschule {f}
school for the deaf-mute / deaf mute Taubstummenanstalt {f} [ugs.; fachspr. veraltet]
school for the (highly) gifted and talentedHochbegabtenschule {f}
school for the poor Armenschule {f}
school French Schulfranzösisch {n}
school friend [female]Schulfreundin {f}
school friendshipSchulfreundschaft {f}
school function Schulfest {n}
school functionSchulfeier {f}
school gardenSchulgarten {m}
school governors {pl}Schulbeiräte {pl}
school grade Schulnote {f}
school grammarSchulgrammatik {f}
school groundsSchulanlagen {pl}
school grounds {pl}Schulgelände {n}
school gymnasium [esp. Am.]Schulsporthalle {f}
school hall [Am.] Schulkorridor {m}
school hall [Br.]Aula {f}
school hallwaySchulkorridor {m}
school holidays [esp. Br.]Schulferien {pl}
school hols [Br.] [coll.] Schulferien {pl}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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