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school of thoughtDenkschule {f}
school of thoughtRichtung {f} [Denkrichtung]
school of thought Geistesrichtung {f} [Denkrichtung, -schule]
school of thought Theorieströmung {f}
school of thought [academic]Lehrmeinung {f}
school of thought [fig.]Denkströmung {f}
school of trout Forellenschwarm {m}
school of tunas Thunfischschwarm {m}
school of viticulture [capitalized as proper name] Weinbauschule {f}
school of whales Walherde {f}
school office Schulsekretariat {n}
school orchestraSchulorchester {n}
school ordinance Schulordnung {f}
school outingSchulausflug {m}
School palled on him.Schule langweilte ihn.
school paper Schulzeitung {f}
school paperSchülerzeitung {f}
school partnership Schulkooperation {f}
school pedagogicsSchulpädagogik {f}
school pencil Schulbleistift {m}
school performance Abschneiden {n} in der Schule
school performanceSchulleistung {f}
school performance {sg}Leistungen {pl} in der Schule
school performance {sg} schulische Leistungen {pl}
school performance {sg} Schulleistungen {pl}
school performance [drama]Schulaufführung {f} [Theaterstück]
school philosophy Schulphilosophie {f}
school phobiaSchulangst {f}
school phobiaSchulphobie {f}
school physicianSchularzt {m}
school pilot projectSchulversuch {m}
school play [a piece of theater, performed by school children] Schultheater {n} [Theaterstück]
school playground [Br.]Schulhof {m}
school policySchulpolitik {f}
school practiceSchulpraktikum {n}
school prayer Schulgebet {n}
school prefectSchulpräfekt {m}
school premises {pl}Schulgrundstück {n}
school premises {pl} Schulgelände {n}
school problemsSchulprobleme {pl}
school problemsProbleme {pl} in der Schule
school production Schulaufführung {f}
school professional Schulprofi {m}
school project Schulprojekt {n}
school psychological service schulpsychologischer Dienst {m} <SPD>
school punishment [punishment used in schools]Schulstrafe {f}
school readiness Schulreife {f}
school readiness Schulfähigkeit {f}
school readiness test Schulreifetest {m}
school readiness test Schulreifeprüfung {f}
school rectorSchulrektor {m}
school reform Schulreform {f}
school reformerSchulreformer {m}
school refusalSchulverweigerung {f}
school refusal Unterrichtsverweigerung {f}
school registration formAnmeldeformular {n} für die Schule
school regulations {pl}Schulordnung {f}
school reluctance Schulunlust {f}
school report Schulzeugnis {n}
school report (booklet) [Br.]Zeugnisheft {n} [auch: Zeugnis-Heft] [Deutschland]
school reunion Klassentreffen {n}
school road patrol [NZ] Schülerlotse {m}
school romanceSchülerliebe {f}
school routine Schulalltag {m}
school rules {pl}Schulordnung {f}
school run Schulweg {m} mit dem Auto [Eltern (o. a. Personen) bringen/holen Kinder]
school run Elterntaxi {n}
school (safety) patrolSchülerlotse {m} [Schüler]
(school safety) patrollers [Am.]Verkehrshelfer {pl} [in Deutschland] [Schüler, Schülerinnen]
school satchel Schulranzen {m}
school savings bank Schulsparkasse {f}
school season ticketSchülerkarte {f}
school secretary [female]Schulsekretärin {f}
school sectorSchulsektor {m}
school sectorSchulbereich {m} [Schulen insgesamt]
school senateSchulsenat {m}
school setting Schulumgebung {f}
school shark [Galeorhinus galeus] Hundshai {m}
school ship Schulungsschiff {n}
school shootingSchulschießerei {f}
school shootingSchulmassaker {n}
school shop Schulshop {m}
school siteSchulstandort {m}
school sizeSchulgröße {f}
school skirtSchulrock {m}
school slang Schülersprache {f}
school slut [vulg.]Schulschlampe {f} [vulg.]
school social Schulfest {n}
school social workSchulsozialarbeit {f}
school social worker Schulsozialarbeiter {m}
school sores {pl} [coll.] [Impetigo contagiosa, Impetigo vulgaris] Impetigo contagiosa / vulgaris {f}
school sores {pl} [Impetigo contagiosa, Impetigo vulgaris]Grindflechte {f}
school sores [Impetigo contagiosa, Impetigo vulgaris] Grindblasen {pl}
school sport Schulsport {m}
school sports {pl} Schulsport {m}
school sports daySchulsportfest {n}
school sports day Sporttag {m} [schweiz.] [regional] [Schulsportfest]
school sports event Schulsportveranstaltung {f}
school sports event Schulsportereignis {n}
school sports hall [esp. Br.] Schulsporthalle {f}
« SchmschoschoschoschoschoschoschoschoSchrschw »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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