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schoolmateSchulkollege {m} [österr.] [schweiz.] [regional]
schoolmate Schulkumpel {m} [ugs.]
schoolmate [female] Mitschülerin {f}
schoolmate [female] Schulkollegin {f} [österr.] [schweiz.] [regional]
schoolmate [female] Schulkameradin {f}
schoolmates Mitschüler {pl}
schoolmatesSchulfreunde {pl}
schoolmates Schulfreundinnen {pl}
schoolmenSchulmänner {pl}
schoolmistressLehrerin {f}
schoolmistressSchullehrerin {f}
schoolmistress Schulmeisterin {f} [veraltet, ugs., hum.]
schoolmistress typeSchulmeisterin {f} [abwertend: Krittlerin]
schoolroom Klassenzimmer {n}
schoolroom Schulzimmer {n}
schoolroomSchulstube {f} [veraltet]
school-room [spv.] Schulzimmer {n}
school-room [spv.]Schulstube {f} [veraltet]
schoolroom EnglishSchulenglisch {n}
schools Lehranstalten {pl}
schoolsSchulen {pl}
schools {pl} [collectively] Schulwesen {n}
schools [obs.] Fakultäten {pl}
schools broadcastingSchulfunk {m}
schools department Schuldezernat {n}
schools for secondary vocational educationSekundarschulhäuser {pl} [schweiz.]
schools inspectorSchulrat {m}
schools inspector [female] Schulrätin {f}
schools of arts Kunstschulen {pl}
schools of engineeringIngenieurschulen {pl}
schools of fish Fischschwärme {pl}
schools of sharks Schulen {pl} von Haien
schools (of thought)Richtungen {pl} [Denkrichtungen]
schools policy Schulpolitik {f}
school's radioSchulfunk {m}
school's television Schulfernsehen {n}
school's TV Schulfernsehen {n}
[schools secretary in a German city-state]Schulsenator {m}
schoolteacherSchullehrer {m} [ugs.]
schoolteacher [female] Schullehrerin {f} [ugs.]
schoolteachers Schullehrer {pl}
schooltimeSchulzeit {f} [Unterrichtszeit]
school-to-work program [Am.] Berufseinsteigerprogramm {n}
schooltreatSchulfest {n}
school-type recommendation Schulformempfehlung {f}
schoolwide schulweit
schoolwork {sg} Schulaufgaben {pl}
schoolyard Schulhof {m}
schoolyard Schulplatz {m} [Schulhof]
schoolyard Pausenhof {m}
schoolyard Schulpausenhof {m}
schoolyard bully Schulhofschläger {m}
schoolyard clockPausenhofuhr {f}
schoolyard clockSchulhofuhr {f}
schoolyard monitorSchulhofaufsicht {f} [Aufsicht führende Person]
schooner Schoner {m}
schoonerSegelschoner {m}
schooner [Am.] [Aus.] [NZ]großes Bierglas {n}
schooner [Br.]großes Sherryglas {n}
schooner bark Schonerbark {f}
schoonerite [Fe2ZnMnFe(PO4)3(OH)2·9H2O] Schoonerit {m}
Schopenhauerianschopenhauerisch [auch: schopenhauerianisch]
Schopenhauerian schopenhauersch
Schopenhauerian Schopenhauer'sch
Schopenhauer's Telescope [Gerard Donovan]Ein bitterkalter Nachmittag
schorl [NaFe3Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4] [black tourmaline] Schörl {m} [schwarzer Turmalin]
schorlomite [Ca3Ti2(Fe2Si)O12] Schorlomit {m} [ein Granat]
Schotten-Baumann reactionSchotten-Baumann-Reaktion {f}
schottische Schottisch {m} [Tanz]
schottische Schottischer {m} [meist: der Schottische]
Schottky approximationSchottky-Näherung {f} [auch: Schottkynäherung]
Schottky barrierSchottky-Barriere {f}
Schottky barrier Schottky-Sperrschicht {f}
Schottky contactSchottky-Kontakt {m} [Walter Schottky, deutscher Physiker]
Schottky defect Schottky-Defekt {m}
Schottky defectSchottky-Fehlordnung {f}
Schottky diode Schottky-Diode {f} [Walter Schottky, deutscher Physiker]
Schottky disorder Schottky-Fehlordnung {f}
Schottky effect Schottky-Effekt {m}
Schott's whipsnake / whip snake [Masticophis schotti, syn.: Coluber schotti]Schotts Kutscherpeitschennatter {f}
Schott's whipsnake / whip snake [Masticophis schotti, syn.: Coluber schotti] Östliche Peitschennatter {f}
Schouteden's mountain-babbler [Kupeornis chapini, syn.: Lioptilus chapini, Turdoides chapini] Chapintimalie {f} [auch: Chapin-Timalie]
Schouteden's shrew [Paracrocidura schoutedeni] Schoutedens Spitzmaus {f}
Schouteden's shrew [Paracrocidura schoutedeni]Schoutedens Großkopfspitzmaus {f}
Schouteden's shrew [Paracrocidura schoutedeni] Kleine Kongo-Wimperspitzmaus {f}
Schouteden's swiftlet [Schoutedenapus schoutedeni]Schoutedensegler {m}
Schrader Mountain swiftlet [Aerodramus nuditarsus] Nacktfußsalangane {f}
Schrader valve Schrader-Ventil {n}
Schrader valveSchraderventil {n} [Reifenluftdruck]
Schrader valveAutoventil {n} [Schraderventil]
Schrader valveamerikanisches Ventil {n} [Schraderventil, Autoventil]
Schrader's brome [Bromus arvensis]Acker-Trespe {f}
Schrader's goosefoot [Chenopodium schraderianum, syn.: C. foetidum, Dysphania schraderiana] [also: Schrader goosefoot]Schraders Gänsefuß {m}
Schrader's goosefoot [Chenopodium schraderianum, syn.: C. foetidum, Dysphania schraderiana] [also: Schrader goosefoot] Marienkranz {m}
schraetzer [Gymnocephalus schraetser] Schrätzer {m}
schraetzer [Gymnocephalus schraetser]Schratz {m}
schräge Musik [German term for upward-firing autocannon, night fighter aircraft of the Wehrmacht] schräge Musik {f} [Nachtjägerwaffe der Wehrmacht]
schräge Musik [German term for upward-firing autocannon, night fighter aircraft of the Wehrmacht]schräge Nachtmusik {f} [Nachtjägerwaffe der Wehrmacht]
Schrammel accordionSchrammelharmonika {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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