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English-German Dictionary

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scoff {sg} [Br.] [sl.] [food]Fressalien {pl} [ugs.]
scoff [Br.] [eating] Fresserei {f} [ugs.]
scoffed [mocked] gespottet
scoffed [mocked]verspottet
scoffer [greedy eater] gieriger Esser {m}
scoffer [jeerer] Spötter {m}
scoffing spottend
scoffing spöttisch
scoffing verächtlich
scoffing {sg} [remarks] verächtliche Bemerkungen {pl}
scoffing [disdain] Spötterei {f}
scoffing [jeering] höhnend
scoffing stock [archaic] Gegenstand {m} des Spotts
scoffinglyin spöttischer Weise
scoffingly spöttisch
scoffings Spöttereien {pl}
scofflaw Gesetzesübertreter {m}
scofflaw Gesetzesbrecher {m}
scoke [Phytolacca americana]Amerikanische Kermesbeere {f}
scold [archaic]zänkisches Weib {n}
scold [archaic] Drachen {m} [ugs.] [zänkische Frau / Ehefrau]
scold [archaic] Hausdrachen {m} [ugs.] [zänkische Ehefrau]
scolded ausgeschimpft
scolding scheltend
scolding Schelte {f}
scolding Gekeife {n} [ugs.]
scolding Schimpferei {f}
scolding Gezeter {n} [pej.]
scoldingGeschimpfe {n} [ugs.] [tadelnd]
scolding zankend [scheltend]
scolding voice Keifstimme {f}
scolding woman zänkische Frau {f}
scoldingsBeschimpfungen {pl}
scold's bridle Knebeleisen {n}
scold's bridle Schandmaske {f}
scolecoidskolexähnlich [bandwurmkopfartig]
scolex Bandwurmkopf {m}
scolex Skolex {m}
scolex Scolex {m}
scolezite [Ca(Si3Al2)O10·3H2O] Skolezit {m}
scoliid wasps [family Scoliidae] Dolchwespen {pl}
scoliosis Skoliose {f}
scoliosis Verkrümmung {f} der Wirbelsäule
scoliosisSchiefwuchs {m} [seitliche Rückgratverkrümmung]
scoliosis seitliche Wirbelsäulenkrümmung {f} [ugs.] [Skoliose]
scoliosisseitliche Wirbelsäulenverkrümmung {f} [ugs.] [Skoliose]
scoliosis surgery Skolioseoperation {f} [auch: Skoliose-Operation]
scoliotic postureskoliotische Fehlhaltung {f}
scollard [dial: scholar]Gelehrter {m}
scolloped [spv.] [scalloped] überbacken
scolopal organScolopalorgan {n}
scolopale Sinnesstift {m}
scolopale cell Stiftzelle {f}
scolopenderSkolopender {m}
scolopidiaScolopidien {pl}
scolopidiaSkolopidien {pl}
scolopidial Skolopidien-
scolopidial organScolopidialorgan {n}
scolopidiumSkolopidium {n}
scolopidium Scolopidium {n}
scolopophore Scolopophor {m}
scombroid fish poisoningScombroid-Fischvergiftung {f}
scombroid poisoning Skombrotoxismus {m}
scombroid poisoningSkombroidvergiftung {f}
s-commerceS-Commerce {m}
sconceWandleuchter {m}
sconceSchanze {f}
sconce [dated] [head]Birne {f} [ugs.] [Kopf]
sconce [dated] [head]Nüschel {m} [ostd.] [ugs.] [Kopf]
sconce [sl.] [dated] [head, skull] Schädel {m}
sconce lights Wandleuchten {pl} [ihr Licht]
sconces Wandleuchter {pl}
sconcheon [Br.]Laibung {f}
scone Teegebäck {n}
scone[eine Art] Milchbrötchen {n}
sconeBaunzerl {n} [österr.] [Milchbrötchen]
S-cone monochromacyBlauzapfenmonochromasie {f}
S-cone monochromatsBlaumonochromate {pl}
scones Scones {pl} [Kuchenteigbrötchen]
scones {pl} Teegebäck {n}
Scooby-Doo [the series] Scooby-Doo
Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed [Raja Gosnell]Scooby-Doo 2 – Die Monster sind los
Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School Scooby-Doo und die Geisterschule
Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island [Davis Doi] Scooby-Doo und die Gespensterinsel
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!Scooby-Doo, wo bist du?
scoopAusschöpfen {n}
scoop Baggereimer {m}
scoop Baggerlöffel {m}
scoop Exklusivbericht {m}
scoop Kelle {f}
scoopSchaufel {f}
« sciesciescilscioSclascofscooscopscorscorscor »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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