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scorn Verachtung {f}
scornSchärfe {f} [Verachtung, Bitterkeit]
scorn Bitterkeit {f} [Hohn, Schärfe]
scorn Gespött {n}
scornGeringschätzung {f}
scorn [verbal] Spott {m}
scorn of the classGespött {n} der Klasse
scorn of the villageGespött {n} des Dorfes
scorned betrogen
scornedverpönt [geh.]
scorned verschmäht [geh.]
scornerVerächter {m}
scorner [mocker] Spötter {m}
scornful verachtend
scornful verachtungsvoll
scornfulvoll Verachtung [nachgestellt]
scornful laughs {pl} spöttisches Gelächter {n}
scornful laughter Hohngelächter {n}
scornful looksverächtliche Blicke {pl}
scornful smileverächtliches Lächeln {n}
scornfulness Verachtung {f}
scornfulnessHohn {m}
scorning verachtend
scorodite [FeAsO4·H2O] Skorodit {m}
scorpaeniforms [order Scorpaeniformes] Drachenkopfartige {pl}
Scorpio [Michael Winner]Scorpio, der Killer
Scorpio <♏>Skorpion {m} <♏> [Sternzeichen]
scorpioid cymeWickel {m}
scorpion Skorpion {m}
scorpion feather moss [Scorpidium scorpioides] Echtes Skorpionsmoos {n}
scorpion fly Skorpionfliege {f}
scorpion flySkorpionsfliege {f}
scorpion grasses [genus Myosotis]Vergissmeinnicht {pl}
scorpion kick Skorpion-Kick {m} [auch: Scorpion-Kick]
scorpion kickFallrückzieher {m} vorwärts [Scorpion-Kick]
scorpion mud turtle [Kinosternon scorpioides]Skorpions-Klappschildkröte {f}
scorpion murex [Homalocantha scorpio, syn.: Hexaplex fusca, H. tenuis, Murex digitatus, M. scorpio]Skorpionschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
scorpion poisonSkorpiongift {n}
scorpion senna [Hippocrepis emerus, syn.: Coronilla emerus] Strauchkronwicke {f}
scorpion senna [Hippocrepis emerus, syn.: Coronilla emerus] Strauchige Kronwicke {f}
scorpion senna [Hippocrepis emerus, syn.: Coronilla emerus] Strauchwicke {f}
scorpion senna [Hippocrepis emerus, syn.: Coronilla emerus] Strauchiger Hufeisenklee {m}
scorpion shell [Lambis scorpius, syn.: Pterocera nodosa, P. scorpius, Strombus scorpius] Knotige Flügelschnecke {f} [Meeresschnecke]
scorpion shell [Lambis scorpius, syn.: Pterocera nodosa, P. scorpius, Strombus scorpius]Skorpions-Flügelschnecke {f} [Meeresschnecke]
scorpion shell [Lambis scorpius, syn.: Pterocera nodosa, P. scorpius, Strombus scorpius]Skorpionsschnecke {f} [Meeresschnecke]
scorpion spider conch [Lambis scorpius, syn.: Pterocera nodosa, P. scorpius, Strombus scorpius]Skorpions-Flügelschnecke {f} [Meeresschnecke]
scorpion spider conch [Lambis scorpius, syn.: Pterocera nodosa, P. scorpius, Strombus scorpius]Knotige Flügelschnecke {f} [Meeresschnecke]
scorpion spider conch [Lambis scorpius, syn.: Pterocera nodosa, P. scorpius, Strombus scorpius] Skorpionschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
scorpion spiders [family Trochanteriidae]Trochanteriidae {pl} [Spinnenfamilie]
scorpion stingSkorpionstich {m}
scorpion venomSkorpiongift {n}
scorpion vetch [Coronilla coronata, syn.: C. montana]Berg-Kronwicke / Bergkronwicke {f}
scorpion wasps [family Ichneumonidae] Schlupfwespen {pl}
scorpion wasps [family Ichneumonidae]Echte Schlupfwespen {pl} [auch: Schlupfwespen im engeren Sinne]
scorpionfish Skorpionsfisch {m}
scorpionfish / scorpionfishes [family Scorpaenidae] Skorpionfische {pl}
scorpionflies [family Panorpidae] Skorpionsfliegen {pl}
scorpionsSkorpione {pl}
scorpion-tail [Phytolacca octandra, syn.: P. isocandra]Achtmännige Kermesbeere {f}
scorpionweed [genus Phacelia] Büschelschön {n} [Phazelie]
scorpionweed / scorpion-weed [genus Phacelia] Büschelschön {n}
scorpionweed / scorpion-weed [genus Phacelia] Bienenweide {f}
scorpionweed / scorpion-weed [genus Phacelia] Bienenfreund {m} [Phazelie]
scorpionweeds [genus Phacelia] Bienenweiden {pl}
scorpionweeds [genus Phacelia]Phazelien {pl} [auch: Phacelien]
scorpionweeds [genus Phacelia] Bienenfreunde {pl} [Phazelien]
scorpionweeds [genus Phacelia] Büschelblumen {pl} [Phazelien]
scorpionweeds / scorpion-weeds [genus Phacelia] Phazelien {pl} [auch: Phacelien]
scorpionweeds / scorpion-weeds [genus Phacelia] Büschelblumen {pl}
Scorpius <♏> Skorpion {m} <♏> [Sternbild]
scortation [obs.] [fornication]Unzucht {f} [veraltet]
Scortecci's blind snake [Leptotyphlops macrorhynchus, syn.: Myriopholis braccianii]Langnasige Schlankblindschlange {f}
Scorza-Dragoni theorem [also: Scorza-Dragoni's theorem, theorem of Scorza Dragoni] Satz {m} von Scorza Dragoni
scorzalite [(Fe,Mg)Al2(PO4)2(OH)2] Scorzalith {m} [auch: Scorzalit]
scorzonera [Scorzonera hispanica]Garten-Schwarzwurzel {f}
scorzonera [Scorzonera hispanica] Spanische Schwarzwurzel {f}
scorzonera [Scorzonera hispanica] Echte Schwarzwurzel {f}
scorzonera [Scorzonera hispanica] Skorzenerwurzel {f}
scorzonera [Scorzonera hispanica] Schwarzwurzel {f}
Scot Schotte {m}
scot [archaic]Abgabe {f} [Steuer]
Scot [female] Schottin {f}
scot [one's share of a payment or charge] (eigener) Anteil {n} [an einer zu entrichtenden Summe]
Scotchschottischer Whisky {m}
scotch Bremskeil {m} [Eisenbahn]
Scotch [dated]schottisch
Scotch [dated] schottisches Englisch {n}
Scotch [whisky] Scotch {m}
Scotch / Scottish moss [Sagina subulata, syn.: S. pilifera] Pfriemen-Mastkraut / Pfriemenmastkraut {n}
Scotch / Scottish moss [Sagina subulata, syn.: S. pilifera]Sternmoos {n}
Scotch annulet [Charissa obscurata] [moth] Trockenrasen-Steinspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Scotch annulet [Gnophos obfuscata] [moth] Heidelbeer-Steinspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Scotch argus [Erebia aethiops]Graubindiger Mohrenfalter {m}
Scotch argus [Erebia aethiops]Waldteufel {m}
« sclescolscooscopscorscorScotScotscouScouscra »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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