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English-German Dictionary

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scraper Schaberspachtel {m}
scraper Schabmesser {n}
scraperSchabermesser {n}
scraper Spachtel {m} {f} [zum Abkratzen]
scraper Bremssteg {m}
scraper Räumer {m} [Abwasserreinigung]
scraper Abziehklinge {f}
scraperScraper {m} [Güiro]
scraper Leimkratzer {m}
scraperScharre {f}
scraperKratze {f}
scraper(altsteinzeitliches) Schabwerkzeug {n}
scraper [construction vehicle] Schürfzug {m}
scraper [musical instrument]Schrapinstrument {n}
scraper beam Schaberbalken {m}
scraper blade Räumschild {n}
scraper bridge Räumerbrücke {f}
scraper for fine plastering Edelputzkratzer {m}
scraper installationRäumeinrichtung {f} [Abwasserreinigung]
scraper, pick and scaler [multipurpose tool]Reinigungswerkzeug {n}
scraper plane Ziehklingenhobel {m}
scraper plate Abstreifblech {n}
scraper plough [Br.] Schälschrapper {m} [Bergbaumaschine]
scraper ring Abstreifring {m}
scraper stowing Schrappversatz {m}
scraperboard Schabkarton {m}
scrapermouth mbuna [Labeotropheus trewavasae] Gestreckter Schabemundbuntbarsch {m}
scrapersSchaben {pl}
scrap-gold dealerBruchgoldhändler {m}
scrapheap Schrotthalde {f}
scrapheap Schrotthaufen {m}
scrapie [sheep disease] Traberkrankheit {f} [Scrapie]
scrapie [sheep disease]Scrapie {f}
scraping kratzend
scraping schabend
scraping Ausschabung {f}
scraping knifeSchabemesser {n}
scraping knifeSchabmesser {n}
scraping knives Schabemesser {pl}
scraping noise Schabegeräusch {n}
scraping of feet Gescharre {n} [ugs.] [mit den Füßen]
scraping of uterusKürettage {f}
scraping offabkratzend
scraping (sound) Schrappen {n} [regional] [bes. nordd.] [Schrappgeräusch]
scraping togetherZusammenkratzen {n}
scrapings {pl} [e.g. potato scrapings, carrot scrapings]Schabsel {n} [z. B. Kartoffelschabsel, Karottenschabsel]
scrapings [of food] Reste {pl}
scrappage allowance [Br.]Abwrackprämie {f}
scrappage bonus Abwrackprämie {f}
scrappage premium Abwrackprämie {f}
scrapped weggeworfen
scrapped über Bord geworfen [fig.] [Redewendung]
scrapped zum alten Eisen geworfen
scrapped [abolished, cancelled]verworfen [Plan, Gesetz etc.]
scrapped [plan, policy, etc.]aufgegeben
scrapped [investigations] eingestellt [Ermittlungen]
scrapped article ausgeschnittener Zeitungsartikel {m}
scrapped plan aufgegebener Plan {m}
scrapped project verworfenes Projekt {n}
scrapperSchläger {m}
scrapper Abdrehschlinge {f}
Scrapper [Charlotte Regan] Georgie
scrapper [coll.] Kämpfer {m}
scrappier rauflustiger
scrappiest rauflustigste
scrappily rauflustig
scrappiness Rauflustigkeit {f}
scrappiness [of knowledge]Lückenhaftigkeit {f}
scrappingVerschrottung {f}
scrapping Scrapping {n} [Basteln mit Papier]
scrapping Abwrackung {f}
scrapping Abwracken {n}
scrapping bonusAbwrackprämie {f}
scrapping incentiveAbwrackprämie {f}
scrapping premium Verschrottungsprämie {f}
scrapping premium [government subsidy to promote sales of new cars]Abwrackprämie {f} [staatlicher Zuschuss zur Förderung von Neuwagenkäufen]
scrapple [Am.][aus dem rhein. Panhas hervorgegangener Braten aus gehackten Schweinefleischresten]
scrapple [Am.] Panhas {m} [regional]
scrappy bruchstückartig
scrappy [Am.] rauflustig
scrappy [haphazard]zusammengestückelt
scrappy [incomplete]lückenhaft
scrappy and disjointed match [football] Rumpelkick {m} [ugs.]
scrappy football [Br.] Rumpelfußball {m} [ugs.]
scrappy information bruchstückartige Information {f}
scrapsEssensabfälle {pl}
scraps Speisereste {pl}
scraps Abfälle {pl}
scraps {pl}Abfall {m} [Reste]
scraps [of paper] Schnipsel {pl} [Papierschnipsel]
scraps of cloth Stofffetzen {pl}
scraps of conversation Wortfetzen {pl}
scraps of foodSpeisereste {pl}
scraps of melodyMelodiefetzen {pl}
scraps of poetrydichterische Fragmente {pl}
« ScotScotscouscowscrascrascrascrascrescrescre »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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