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scratch Kopienschaden {m}
scratchRatscher {m} [regional] [Kratzer]
scratch Fahrer {m} [bayer.] [österr.] [Kratzer]
scratch Kratz {m} [regional]
scratch {sg}Kopienschäden {pl}
scratch [sl.] Knete {f} [ugs.] [Geld]
Scratch a lover, and find a foe. [Dorothy Parker] Kratze einen Geliebten und du findest einen Feind.
scratch and sniff card Duftkarte {f}
scratch awl Anreißahle {f} [auch: Scratch-Ahle]
scratch awl Markiernadel {f}
scratch beader Kratzstockhobel {m} [mit auswechselbaren Profilklingen]
scratch brush [toothbrush style] Zünderkerzenbürste {f}
scratch cardRubbelkarte {f}
scratch card Rubbellos {n}
scratch coatRauhputz {m} [alt]
scratch diskArbeitsdiskette {f}
scratch disk Arbeitsplatte {f}
scratch figure durchgestrichenes Zeichen {n}
scratch fileArbeitsdatei {f}
scratch gage [Am.] [used in woodworking and metalworking] Reißmaß {n} [südd.] [regional] [Streichmaß]
scratch gage [Am.] [used in woodworking and metalworking] Streichmaß {m}
scratch game [lottery] Rubbellos {n}
scratch game (card) Rubbelkarte {f}
scratch gaugeStreichmaß {n}
scratch hardness Kratzhärte {f}
scratch markKratzspur {f}
scratch marks Kratzspuren {pl}
scratch marks Kratzmarken {pl}
scratch memoryNotizblockspeicher {m}
scratch of the penFederstrich {m}
scratch offRubbellos {n}
scratch padZwischenregister {n}
scratch padSchmierblock {m}
scratch paper Schmierpapier {n}
scratch paper [Am.] Konzeptpapier {n}
scratch plough [Br.] Hakenpflug {m}
scratch plow [Am.] Hakenpflug {m}
scratch resistance Kratzfestigkeit {f}
scratch stockKratzstock {m}
scratch tape Arbeitsband {n}
scratch technique [vaccination]Ritztechnik {f}
Scratch that. Streichen Sie das.
Scratch that. [coll.] Vergessen Sie's! [ugs.]
Scratch that. [coll.]Vergiss es! [ugs.]
scratch ticket Rubbelkarte {f}
scratch woundKratzwunde {f} [gewöhnlich von Tieren zugefügt]
(scratch) awlReißnadel {f}
scratch-and-win Rubbellos {n}
scratch-and-win (card)Rubbelkarte {f}
scratchcard Rubbellos {n}
scratchcardRubbelkarte {f}
scratched gekratzt
scratched gelöscht
scratched angeschrammt [ugs.]
scratched zerkratzt
scratched open aufgekratzt [Wunde]
scratched outausgekratzt
scratched screen [Smartphone] verkratztes Display {n} [Smartphone]
scratched up zerschrammt
scratched up zerkratzt
scratcherRubbellos {n}
scratcher [coll.] [pej.] [a bad tattooer] Scratcher {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Tätowierer mit mangelnden Fähigkeiten; „Möchtegern-Tätowierer“]
scratcher [for cats] Kratzbaum {m}
scratcher [Irish] [sl.]Bett {n}
scratcher [lottery]Rubbelkarte {f} [Rubbellos]
scratcher [percussion instrument]Güira {f}
scratcher [percussion instrument] Güiro {m}
scratches Schrammen {pl}
scratches Kratzer {pl}
scratchie [Aus.] [coll.] Rubbelkarte {f}
scratchie [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [scratch card] Rubbellos {n}
scratchinessKratzen {n}
scratching kratzend
scratching löschend
scratching Gescharre {n} [ugs.] [Hühner]
scratching [disc jockey technique]Scratching {n}
scratching [e.g. hen] scharrend [z. B. Huhn]
scratching cat scharrende Katze {f}
scratching motion Kratzbewegung {f}
scratching motion Scharrbewegung {f}
scratching my head <SMH> [Internet slang] Kopfschüttel [Internet-Slang] [Verwunderung, Unverständnis, Ratlosigkeit]
scratching noise Kratzer {m} [Geräusch, z. B. auf Schallplatte]
scratching one's head kopfkratzend
scratching out auskratzend
scratching penkratzende Feder {f}
scratching-cat boshaftes Weibsstück {n}
scratching-cat Kratzbürste {f}
scratch-it Rubbellos {n}
scratch-it [lottery] Rubbelkarte {f} [Rubbellos]
scratchiti Kratzgraffiti {n}
scratchmaster Scratch-Meister {m}
scratch-offRubbelkarte {f}
scratch-off panel [to cover data, e.g. on a phonecard] Rubbelstreifen {m} [ugs.]
scratch-off panel [to cover data, e.g. on a phonecard]Rubbelfeld {n} [ugs.]
scratch-off ticket Rubbellos {n}
scratch-off ticket Rubbelkarte {f}
scratchpad Notizblock {m}
scratchpad Notizblockspeicher {m}
scratchpadSchmierblock {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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