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scuffing damage Verletzung {f} durch Bordstein
scuffing load capacityFresstragfähigkeit {f}
scuffing rib [Am.] Scheuerleiste {f}
scuffing rib [Am.] Scheuerrippe {f}
scuffle Gewühl {n}
scuffle Rauferei {f}
scuffleSchlägerei {f}
scuffleKatzbalgerei {f} [ugs.] [Rauferei, Rangelei]
scuffleSchlurfgeräusch {n}
scuffle [brawl] Handgemenge {n} [Handgreiflichkeiten]
scuffle hoe Stoßhacke {f}
scuffle (hoe) Schuffel {f}
scuffled geschlurft
scuffler Hackpflug {m}
scuffling polternd
scuffling schlurfend
scuffling [fighting] Geraufe {n}
scuffling [shuffling]Schlurfen {n}
scuffling [struggling]raufend
scuffsPantoffeln {pl}
scug [Br.] [Eton College, Harrow School] Drückeberger {m} [im Internat]
scull Skull {n}
scullSkullboot {n}
scull cap Scheitelkäppchen {n}
sculled gerudert
scullerRuderer {m}
sculleries Spülküchen {pl}
scullers Ruderer {pl}
scullery Spülküche {f}
scullery maid [Br.] [dated] [also scullery-maid] Küchenmädchen {n}
sculling rudernd
sculling [sl.] Sturztrinken {n} [ugs.]
scullion [archaic] [boy employed to do rough household work in a kitchen] Küchenjunge {m} [für einfache Tätigkeiten wie Spülen]
scullion [archaic] [person employed to do rough household work in a kitchen] Küchenhilfe {f} [für einfache Tätigkeiten wie Spülen]
scullions Küchenjungen {pl}
sculls [oars] Ruder {pl}
Scully's tube-nosed bat [Murina tubinaris] Scully-Röhrennasenfledermaus {f}
sculpin [superfamily Cottoidea] Seeskorpion {m} [Name zahlreicher Fische der Familie Cottidae]
sculpin-perch [Romanichthys valsanicola] Groppenbarsch {m}
sculpit [Silene vulgaris, syn.: S. cucubalus, S. inflata, S. latifolia, S. venosa] Gemeines Leimkraut {n}
sculpted geformt
sculpted skulptiert
sculpting Bildhauerei {f} [Tätigkeit]
sculpting [constructing 3-dimensional objects by shaping and removal of material] Bildhauerkunst {f}
sculptorBildhauer {m}
sculptor Plastiker {m}
sculptor Skulpteur {m}
sculptor Bildschnitzer {m}
Sculptor <Scl> [southern sky constellation] Bildhauer {m} [lat. Sculptor] <Scl> [Sternbild]
sculptor squirrel [Glyphotes simus] Borneo-Zwerghörnchen {n}
sculptors Bildhauer {pl}
sculptor's malletBildhauerklüpfel {m}
sculptressBildhauerin {f}
sculptress Skulpteurin {f}
sculptresses Bildhauerinnen {pl}
sculptural bildhauerisch
sculptural skulpturhaft
sculptural skulptural
sculpturalplastisch [dreidimensional]
sculptural decoration Bildschmuck {m}
sculptural decoration Figurenschmuck {m}
sculptural decoration Skulpturenschmuck {m}
sculptural detailplastisches Detail {n}
sculptural ensembleSkulpturenensemble {n}
sculptural modelskulpturales Modell {n}
sculptural program [Am.]Skulpturenprogramm {n}
sculptural programme [Br.] Skulpturenprogramm {n}
sculptural work bildnerische Arbeit {f}
sculptural work Bildhauerarbeit {f}
sculpturally skulpturhaft
sculptureBildhauerarbeit {f}
sculpture Bildschnitzerarbeit {f}
sculpture Bildschnitzerei {f}
sculpture Bildschnitzerkunstwerk {n}
sculpture {sg}Skulpturen {pl} [kollektiv]
sculpture [art or practice]Bildhauerei {f}
sculpture [art] Bildhauerkunst {f}
sculpture [object or plastic art] Plastik {f} [Kunstwerk oder Bildhauerkunst]
sculpture [object]Skulptur {f}
sculpture [object]Bildwerk {n} [geh.] [Skulptur]
sculpture collection Skulpturensammlung {f}
sculpture exhibitionSkulpturenausstellung {f}
sculpture gallery Skulpturengalerie {f}
sculpture garden Skulpturengarten {m}
sculpture in the roundVollplastik {f}
sculpture painting Fassmalerei {f}
sculpture park Skulpturenpark {m}
sculpture school Bildhauerschule {f}
sculpture trailSkulpturenweg {m}
sculptured geformt
sculptured bildhauerisch bearbeitet
sculptured gemeißelt
sculptured seamoth [Pegasus lancifer] Skulpturierter Flügelrossfisch {m}
sculptures Skulpturen {pl}
sculpturesqueness Statuenhaftigkeit {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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