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sea lions [subfamily Otariinae] Seelöwen {pl}
sea loch [Scot.]Meeresarm {m}
sea lockSeeschleuse {f}
Sea Lord [Bernard Cornwell]Der Lord muss sterben
sea lough [Irish] Meeresarm {m}
sea louse Fischlaus {f}
sea mailSchiffspost {f}
sea mammalMeeressäuger {m}
sea mammalMeeressäugetier {n}
sea mammals Meeressäugetiere {pl}
sea markSchifffahrtszeichen {n}
sea mark [also: sea-mark]Seezeichen {n}
sea martin [Chlidonias albostriatus] [black-fronted tern] Schwarzstirn-Seeschwalbe {f}
sea mat Moostierchen {n}
sea mat [Membranipora membranacea, syn.: Flustra membranacea, F. teleacea] Seerindenmoostierchen {n}
sea mat [Membranipora membranacea, syn.: Flustra membranacea, F. teleacea]Seerinde {f}
sea mayweed [Matricaria maritima, syn. Tripleurospermum maritimum, T. perforatum] Strand-Kamille / Strandkamille {f}
sea mayweed [Tripleurospermum maritimum] Küsten-Kamille {m}
sea meadow grass [Puccinellia maritima, syn.: Atropis maritima, Glyceria maritima] Andelgras {n}
sea medick [Medicago marina]Strand-Schneckenklee {m}
sea mice [family Amphinomidae] [bristle worms]Feuerborstenwürmer {pl}
sea mile [nautical mile]Seemeile {f} <sm, NM> [nautische Meile]
sea milkweed [Glaux maritima, syn.: Lysimachia maritima]Strand-Milchkraut {n}
sea milkweed [Glaux maritima, syn.: Lysimachia maritima]Salz-Milchkraut / Salzmilchkraut {n}
sea milkweed [Glaux maritima, syn.: Lysimachia maritima] Seestrands-Milchkraut {n} [veraltet]
sea milkwort [Glaux maritima, syn.: Lysimachia maritima]Strand-Milchkraut {n}
sea milkwort [Glaux maritima, syn.: Lysimachia maritima] Salz-Milchkraut / Salzmilchkraut {n}
sea mine Seemine {f}
sea miningmariner Abbau {m} [selten]
sea mining Meeresbergbau {m}
sea mink [Neovison macrodon, formerly: Mustela macrodon] [extinct] Seemink {m} [ausgestorben]
sea mink [Neovison macrodon] [extinct]Seenerz {m} [ausgestorben]
sea mole Hafenmole {f}
sea monkeyUrzeitkrebs {m}
sea monkey [brine shrimp] Salinenkrebs {m}
sea monster Meerungeheuer {n}
sea monster Meeresungeheuer {n}
sea monster Seeungeheuer {n}
sea mouse [Aphrodita aculeata] Seemaus {f}
sea mouse [Aphrodita aculeata]Wollige Seemaus {f}
sea mouse [Aphrodita aculeata] Gemeine Seemaus {f}
sea mouse [Aphrodita aculeata]Filzwurm {m}
sea mouse [Aphrodita aculeata]Seeraupe {f} [Seemaus]
sea mouse-ear [Cerastium diffusum, syn.: C. atrovirens, C. tetrandum]Viermänniges Hornkraut {n}
sea mullet [Br.] [Aus.] [Mugil cephalus]Großkopfmeeräsche {f}
sea mussels [family Mytilidae] Miesmuscheln {pl}
sea needle [Belone belone] Gewöhnlicher Hornhecht {m}
Sea Needle [SpongeBob SquarePants] Seenadel {f} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
sea nettle [Chrysaora quinquecirrha] Kompassqualle {f}
sea nettle [Chrysaora quinquecirrha] Seenessel {f} [Quallenart]
sea nettle [Cyanea capillata, syn.: C. arctica] [lion's mane jellyfish]Gelbe Haarqualle {f}
sea nettle [Cyanea capillata, syn.: C. arctica] [lion's mane jellyfish] Gelbe Feuerqualle {f}
sea nettle [Cyanea capillata, syn.: C. arctica] [lion's mane jellyfish] Gelbe Nesselqualle {f}
sea nettle [Cyanea capillata, syn.: C. arctica] [lion's mane jellyfish] Löwenmähnenqualle {f}
sea nettle [Cyanea capillata, syn.: C. arctica] [lion's mane jellyfish] Arktische Löwenmähne {f} [Gelbe Haarqualle]
sea nettle [Cyanea capillata, syn.: C. arctica] [lion's mane jellyfish]Große Löwenmähne {f} [Gelbe Haarqualle]
sea nymphMeeresnymphe {f}
sea oak [Halidrys siliquosa]Schotentang {m}
sea oak [Halidrys siliquosa] Meereiche {f}
sea of air Luftmeer {n}
Sea of ÅlandÅlandsee {f}
Sea of AzovAsowsches Meer {n}
sea of blossoms Blütenmeer {n}
sea of cloudsWolkenmeer {n}
sea of concrete Betonwüste {f} [fig.]
Sea of Cortés [also: Sea of Cortes, Sea of Cortez] [Gulf of California] Cortés-See {f} [auch: Cortes-See] [Golf von Kalifornien]
Sea of Cortez [Gulf of California]Golf {m} von Kalifornien
sea of debris Ruinenfeld {n}
sea of flagsFlaggenmeer {n}
sea of flagsFahnenmeer {n}
sea of flame Flammenmeer {n}
sea of flamesFlammenmeer {n}
sea of flames Meer {n} aus Flammen
sea of flowersBlumenmeer {n}
sea of fog Nebelmeer {n}
Sea of GalileeGaliläisches Meer {n}
Sea of GalileeSee Genezareth {m} [ev.]
Sea of GalileeSee Gennesaret {m} [ökum.]
Sea of Galilee See Genesareth {m} [kath.]
Sea of Genneseret See Gennesaret {m} [ökum.]
Sea of Genneseret See Genezareth {m} [ev.]
Sea of GenneseretSee Genesareth {m} [kath.]
sea of glass [poet.]Glasmeer {n} [poet.] [gläsernes Meer, Meer aus Glas]
sea of houses [fig.] Häusermeer {n}
Sea of Japan Japanische See {f}
Sea of JapanJapanisches Meer {n}
sea of lights [fig., literary]Lichtermeer {n}
Sea of Love [Harold Becker] Sea of Love - Melodie des Todes
Sea of MarmaraMarmarameer {n}
Sea of Marmora [spv.] Marmarameer {n}
Sea of OkhotskOchotskisches Meer {n}
Sea of OmanGolf {m} von Oman
sea of people Menschenmeer {n}
sea of problems Menge {f} Probleme
Sea of Reeds Schilfmeer {n}
sea of roofs [fig.]Dächermeer {n} [fig.]
Sea of Sand [Guy Green]Die schwarzen Teufel von El Alamein
Sea of Sardinia Sardisches Meer {n}
Sea of the Hebrides Hebridensee {f}
sea onion [Drimia maritima, syn.: Urginea maritima, Urginea pancration, Urginea scilla, Scilla maritima, Charybdis maritima]Weiße Meerzwiebel {f}
« sculscurscytseacseafsealseaoseasSeabseagseal »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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