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seat heater Sitzheizung {f}
seat height Sitzhöhe {f}
seat in a box Logenplatz {m}
seat in parliament Sitz {m} im Parlament
seat in the German ParliamentBundestagsmandat {n}
seat inclinationSitzneigung {f}
seat lift chair[Sessel mit Sitzhöhenverstellung]
seat load factor <SLF> Sitzladefaktor {m}
seat lug Sitzkopfmuffe {f}
seat map Sitzplan {m}
seat neighbour [Br.] Sitznachbar {m}
seat neighbour [Br.]Stuhlnachbar {m} [Sitznachbar]
seat of (a / the) government Regierungssitz {m}
seat of a bishopBischofssitz {m}
seat of a bishopricBischofssitz {m}
seat of a chairSitz {m} eines Stuhls
seat of an archbishopric Erzbischofssitz {m}
seat of an archdioceseErzbischofssitz {m}
seat of an infection Herd {m} einer Infektion
seat of disease Krankheitsherd {m}
seat of honor [Am.]Ehrenplatz {m}
seat of honour [Br.] Ehrenplatz {m}
seat of industryIndustriestandort {m}
seat of infection [dated] Infektionsherd {m}
seat of learning Stätte {f} der Gelehrsamkeit
seat of learningOrt {n} der Bildung
seat (of pants) [Am.] Hosenboden {m}
seat of powerMachtzentrum {n}
seat of powerMachtsitz {m}
seat of (royal) power Residenzstadt {f}
seat of the family Familiensitz {m}
seat of the fire Brandort {m}
seat of the godsSitz {m} der Götter
seat of (the) fire Brandherd {m}
seat (of trousers) [Br.] Hosenboden {m}
seat of war Kriegsschauplatz {m}
seat on the boardSitz {m} im Vorstand
seat on the federal council [Switzerland] Bundesratssitz {m} [Schweiz]
seat pad Sitzkissen {n}
seat padSitzpolster {n}
seat paddingSitzpolsterung {f}
seat pan Sitzmulde {f}
seat partSitzteil {n} {m}
seat pillar clampSattelstützklemme {f}
seat pitch Sitzabstand {m}
seat postSattelstütze {f} [Fahrrad]
seat railSitzschiene {f}
seat reservation Sitzplatzreservierung {f}
seat reservationPlatzreservierung {f}
seat reservation ticket Sitzplatzticket {n}
seat ring [valves]Sitzring {m} [Ventile]
seat row Sitzreihe {f}
seat shell Sitzschale {f} [z. B. Kindersitz]
seat spacingSitzabstand {m}
seat stay Sattelstrebe {f}
seat stays Sitzstreben {pl}
seat stick Sitzstock {m}
seat tubeSitzrohr {n}
seat tube Sattelrohr {n}
seat tube lengthSattelrohrlänge {f}
seat upholsterySitzpolster {n}
seat warmerSitzheizung {f}
seat width Sitzbreite {f}
[seat of a missionary society] Missionshaus {n}
[seat of a state parliament in Austria] Landhaus {n} [österr.]
(seat) belt pretensionerGurtstraffer {m}
seat-back Rückenlehne {f}
seatback [spv.] Rückenlehne {f}
seatback [spv.] Sitzlehne {f}
seatbelt Anschnallgurt {m}
seatbelt Gurt {m} [ugs.] [Sitzgurt]
seatbeltSicherheitsgurt {m}
seat-belt adjusterSicherheitsgurtversteller {m}
seat-belt fracture Sicherheitsgurt-Fraktur {f}
seat-belt guide Sicherheitsgurtführung {f}
seat-belt tensionerGurtstraffer {m}
seat-belt tensioner Gurtstrammer {m}
seat-belt tightener Gurtstraffer {m}
seat-belt tightenerGurtstrammer {m}
seat-belt tightening systemGurtstraffer {m}
seat-belt tightening system Gurtstrammer {m}
seated gelegen
seated sitzend
seated [guests]platziert [(an einen bestimmten Platz) gesetzt] [Gäste]
seated burial sitzender Hocker {m} [Körperbestattung in aufrechter Position mit angezogenen Beinen]
seated dentist sitzender Zahnarzt {m}
seated figureSitzfigur {f}
seated heightSitzhöhe {f}
Seated Man with a Cane [Amedeo Modigliani] Sitzender Mann mit Stock
seated nudesitzender Akt {m}
seated patient sitzender Patient {m}
seated position Sitzposition {f}
seated stand Sitztribüne {f}
seathorn hawk-moth [Hyles hippophaes] Sanddornschwärmer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
seating Auflagefläche {f}
seating Fundament {n}
seatingAufnahme {f}
seating [attr.] [e.g. accommodation, comfort, furniture, plan, surface] Sitz- [z. B. Gelegenheit, Komfort, Möbel, Ordnung, Fläche]
seating [in a theatre, cinema, lecture hall etc.]Bestuhlung {f}
seating [seats in a cinema, church etc.] Gestühl {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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