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secretary look Sekretärinnenlook {m}
Secretary of Agriculture [Am.]Landwirtschaftsminister {m}
Secretary of Commerce [Am.] Wirtschaftsminister {m}
Secretary of Commerce [Am.]Handelsminister {m}
Secretary of Defense [Am.] Verteidigungsminister {m}
Secretary of Defense [female] [Am.] Verteidigungsministerin {f}
Secretary of Education [Am.] Bildungsminister {m}
Secretary of Education [Am.] Schulminister {m} [ugs.]
secretary of education [female] Schulministerin {f} [ugs.]
Secretary of Education [female] [Am.] Bildungsministerin {f}
secretary of education and cultural affairs [Am.]Kultusminister {m}
secretary of education and cultural affairs [female] [Am.] Kultusministerin {f}
Secretary of Energy [Am.]Energieminister {m}
Secretary of Health and Human Services [Am.] Gesundheitsminister {m}
Secretary of Homeland Security [Am.] Heimatschutzminister {m}
Secretary of Homeland Security [female] [Am.]Heimatschutzministerin {f}
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development [Am.] Minister {m} für Wohnungsbau und Stadtentwicklung
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development [Am.]Bauminister {m}
Secretary of Labor [Am.]Arbeitsminister {m}
Secretary of State [Am.] Außenminister {m}
Secretary of State [Am.] Minister {m} des Auswärtigen
Secretary of State [Br.] Minister {m}
Secretary of State [Br.]Kabinettsminister {m}
Secretary of State [female] [Am.] Außenministerin {f}
Secretary of State [female] [Br.]Ministerin {f}
Secretary of State [female] [Br.]Kabinettsministerin {f}
secretary of state [of U.S. state] Secretary of State {m} [vergleichbar in etwa einem Innenminister] [in Bundesstaaten der USA]
Secretary of State for Defence [Br.] [S.Afr.]Verteidigungsminister {m}
Secretary of State for Education [Br.]Bildungsminister {m}
Secretary of State for Education [female] [Br.] Bildungsministerin {f}
Secretary of State for Employment [Br.]Arbeitsminister {m}
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs [Br.] Minister {m} des Auswärtigen
Secretary of State for Health [Br.] Gesundheitsminister {m}
Secretary of State for the Environment [Br.]Umweltminister {m}
Secretary of State for the Environment [female] [Br.] Umweltministerin {f}
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [Br.] Wirtschaftsminister {m}
secretary of state for war [Br.]Kriegsminister {m}
secretary of the editorial office [female] Redaktionssekretärin {f}
Secretary of the Interior [Am.]Innenminister {m}
Secretary of the Navy [Am.] <SECNAV> Marineminister {m}
secretary of the race (committee)Rennsekretär {m}
secretary of the staff [female] Stabssekretärin {f}
secretary of the treasurySchatzkanzler {m}
Secretary of the Treasury [Am.] Finanzminister {m}
secretary of the treasury department [Am.] Bundesminister {m} der Finanzen
Secretary of Transportation [Am.]Verkehrsminister {m}
Secretary of Transportation [Am.] Bundesminister {m} für Verkehr
Secretary of Transportation [female] [Am.] Verkehrsministerin {f}
Secretary of Veterans Affairs [Am.] Kriegsveteranenminister {m}
Secretary of Veterans Affairs [Am.] Veteranenminister {m}
secretary of war [Am.] Kriegsminister {m}
secretary outfit Sekretärinnen-Outfit {n}
secretary positionSekretärinnenposten {m}
secretary post Sekretärinnenposten {m}
secretary problem [optimal stopping theory ] Sekretärinnenproblem {n} [Problem aus Entscheidungstheorie]
secretary salary Sekretärinnengehalt {n}
secretary school Sekretärinnenschule {f}
secretary slut [vulg.] Sekretärinnenschlampe {f} [vulg.]
secretary specs {pl} [coll.] Sekretärinnenbrille {f}
secretary suit Sekretärinnenkostüm {n}
secretary suitSekretärinnen-Kostüm {n}
secretary trainingSekretärinnenausbildung {f}
secretary treasurer Schatzmeister {m}
secretary treasurer [female]Schatzmeisterin {f}
secretary vacancy freie / offene Sekretärinnenstelle {f}
secretarybird [Sagittarius serpentarius] Sekretär {m}
Secretary-General of the United Nations Generalsekretär {m} der Vereinten Nationen
secretary-like sekretärinnenmäßig
secretary's blouseSekretärinnenbluse {f}
secretary's careerSekretärinnenkarriere {f}
secretary's careerSekretärinnenlaufbahn {f}
secretary's chair Sekretärinnenstuhl {m}
secretary's desk book Sekretärinnenhandbuch {n}
secretary's desk bookSekretärinnen-Handbuch {n}
secretary's disease [coll.] [esp. RSI syndrome] Sekretärinnenkrankheit {f} [ugs.] [bes. RSI-Syndrom]
secretary's exam Sekretärinnenprüfung {f}
secretary's examSekretärinnen-Prüfung {f}
secretary's examination Sekretärinnenprüfung {f}
secretary's examination Sekretärinnen-Prüfung {f}
secretary's glasses {pl} Sekretärinnenbrille {f}
secretary's hair style Sekretärinnenfrisur {f}
secretary's hairdo Sekretärinnenfrisur {f}
secretary's hairstyle Sekretärinnenfrisur {f}
secretary's handbookSekretärinnenhandbuch {n}
secretary's handbook Sekretärinnen-Handbuch {n}
secretary's jobSekretärinnenjob {m}
secretary's job Sekretärinnen-Job {m}
secretary's job Sekretärinnenberuf {m} [berufliche Stellung]
secretary's jobSekretärinnentätigkeit {f} [Beruf]
secretary's manualSekretärinnenhandbuch {n}
secretary's manualSekretärinnen-Handbuch {n}
secretary's occupation Sekretärinnenberuf {m} [berufliche Tätigkeit]
secretary's occupationSekretärinnentätigkeit {f}
secretary's office Sekretariat {n}
secretary's outfitSekretärinnen-Outfit {n}
secretary's salary Sekretärinnengehalt {n}
secretary's suitSekretärinnenkostüm {n}
secretary's suit Sekretärinnen-Kostüm {n}
secretary's work Sekretärinnenarbeit {f}
« secosecosecrsecrsecrsecrsecrsectsectsectsecu »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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