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English-German Dictionary

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Seder table Sedertisch {m}
sederholmite [NiSe] Sederholmit {m}
seders / SedersSedarim {pl}
sedevacantismSedisvakantismus {m} [selten: Sedisvacantismus] [Auffassung, der Stuhl Petri sei unrechtmäßig besetzt]
sedevacantistSedisvakantist {m}
sedevacantist sedisvakantistisch
sedge [family Cyperaceae] Riedgras {n}
sedge [genus Carex] Segge {f}
sedge darner [Aeshna juncea] Torf-Mosaikjungfer {f}
sedge family {sg} [family Cyperaceae] Scheingräser {pl}
sedge family {sg} [family Cyperaceae] Halbgräser {pl}
sedge family {sg} [family Cyperaceae] Sauergräser {pl}
sedge family {sg} [family Cyperaceae]Riedgräser {pl}
sedge family {sg} [family Cyperaceae] Riedgrasgewächse {pl}
sedge family {sg} [family Cyperaceae]Sauergrasgewächse {pl}
sedge hawker [Aeshna juncea] [dragonfly] Torf-Mosaikjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
sedge horsetail [Equisetum scirpoides] Zwerg-Schachtelhalm / Zwergschachtelhalm {m}
sedge horsetail [Equisetum scirpoides]Binsenförmiger Schachtelhalm {m}
sedge moths [family Glyphipterigidae] Rundstirnmotten {pl}
sedge moths [family Glyphipterigidae]Wippmotten {pl}
sedge moths [family Glyphipterigidae] Rundstirnfalter {pl}
sedge reedsSeggenriede {pl} [auch: Seggen-Riede]
sedge warbler [Acrocephalus schoenobaenus] Schilfrohrsänger {m}
sedge wren [Cistothorus platensis] Seggenzaunkönig {m}
sedges [family Cyperaceae] Riedgräser {pl}
sedges [family Cyperaceae] Sauergrasgewächse {pl}
sedges [family Cyperaceae] Riedgrasgewächse {pl}
sedges [family Cyperaceae] Zypergrasgewächse {pl}
sedges [family Cyperaceae]Sauergräser {pl}
sedges [family Cyperaceae] Cyperaceen {pl}
sedges [family Cyperaceae] Halbgräser {pl}
sedges [family Cyperaceae] Scheingräser {pl}
sedge-stemmed grass [Cladoraphis cyperoides] Binsen-Straußgras {n}
sedgling [Nehalennia speciosa] [damselfly] Zwerglibelle {f}
sedilia Sedilien {pl}
sedimation chamberBeruhigungskammer {f} [Schwerkraftabscheider]
sediment Ablagerung {f}
sediment Bodensatz {m}
sediment Niederschlag {m}
sediment Ansatz {m} [Ablagerung]
sedimentSediment {n}
sedimentFeststoff {m}
sedimentSchichtgestein {n}
sediment Geläger {n}
sediment [matter settling at the bottom]Satz {m} [Bodensatz]
sediment bed Sedimentbett {n}
sediment budget modelFeststoff-Bilanz-Modell {n}
sediment chemistry Sedimentchemismus {m}
sediment composition Sedimentzusammensetzung {f}
sediment concentration <SC>Feststoffkonzentration {f} <FK>
sediment concentration <SC>Sedimentkonzentration {f}
sediment coreSedimentkern {m}
sediment cover Sedimentbedeckung {f}
sediment deliverySedimenteintrag {m}
sediment densityFeststoffdichte {f}
sediment depthSedimenttiefe {f}
sediment distributionSedimentverteilung {f}
sediment distribution patternSedimentverteilungsmuster {n}
sediment dwellers Sedimentbewohner {pl}
sediment echo sounder Sedimentecholot {n}
sediment feederSedimentfresser {m} {pl}
sediment fluxSedimentfluss {m} [Fließen]
sediment flux {sg} Sedimentströme {pl}
sediment formationSedimentbildung {f}
sediment formation Sedimentformation {f}
sediment input Sedimenteintrag {m}
sediment investigations Sedimentuntersuchungen {pl}
sediment layer Sedimentschicht {f}
sediment layers Sedimentlagen {pl}
sediment load <SL>Sedimentfracht {f}
sediment load <SL>Sedimentbelastung {f}
sediment load <SL>Feststoffbelastung {f}
sediment management Sedimentmanagement {n}
sediment motion Sedimentbewegung {f}
sediment movement Sedimentbewegung {f}
sediment packageSedimentpaket {n}
sediment particleSedimentteilchen {n}
sediment particle Sedimentpartikel {f} {n}
sediment redistribution Sedimentumlagerung {f}
sediment sample Sedimentprobe {f}
sediment samplerSedimentgreifer {m}
sediment sampling Schwebstoffprobennahme {f}
sediment sequenceSchichtenabfolge {f}
sediment seriesSedimentserie {f}
sediment stability Sedimentstabilität {f}
sediment structureSedimentstruktur {f}
sediment studies Sedimentuntersuchungen {pl}
sediment supplySedimenteintrag {m}
sediment surfaceSedimentoberfläche {f}
sediment transferSedimenttransfer {m}
sediment transferSedimentverlagerung {f}
sediment transportFeststofftransport {m}
sediment transport Sedimenttransport {m}
sediment transport rateSedimenttransportrate {f}
sediment typeSedimenttyp {m}
sediment volumeSedimentvolumen {n}
sediment yield Sedimentaustrag {m}
sediment yield Sedimentfracht {f}
sediment yield rateSedimentaustragsrate {f}
sedimentary sedimentär
« secusecusecusecusecuSedesediseduSeeYseedseed »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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