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salmon mousseLachsschaumspeise {f}
salmon oilLachsöl {n}
salmon oil capsules Lachsölkapseln {pl}
salmon orange [RAL 2012]Lachsorange {n} [RAL 2012]
salmon ova {pl} Lachslaich {m}
salmon patch [Naevus simplex, Naevus flammeus simplex] Storchenbiss {m}
salmon pink lachsrot
salmon pink Lachsrosa {n}
salmon pink lachsfarbig
salmon pink [RAL 3022] Lachsrot {n} [RAL 3022]
salmon polemonium [Polemonium carneum]Fleischfarbene Jakobsleiter {f}
salmon population Lachspopulation {f}
salmon river [river in which salmon occur] Lachsfluss {m} [Fluss, in dem Lachse vorkommen]
salmon roe Lachsrogen {m}
salmon run Lachswanderung {f}
salmon run {sg}Lachszüge {pl} [Lachswanderung]
salmon saladLachssalat {m}
salmon shark [Lamna ditropis] Lachshai {m}
salmon slicer Lachsmesser {n}
salmon smokery Lachsräucherei {f}
salmon steak Lachssteak {n}
salmon tartar Tatar {n} vom Lachs
salmon tartarLachstatar {n}
salmon tartare Lachstatar {n}
salmon trout Lachsforelle {f}
salmon with kypes [cf. milter] Hakenlachs {m} [regional auch: Hagen] [veraltet auch: Hackenlachs]
salmon-basse [Argyrosomus regius] Adlerfisch {m}
salmon-basse [Argyrosomus regius] Umberfisch {m}
salmon-bellied lizard eater [Mastigodryas melanolomus] Rotbauch-Echsennatter {f}
salmon-bellied racer [Mastigodryas melanolomus]Rotbauch-Echsennatter {f}
salmon-bellied treeracer [Mastigodryas melanolomus] Rotbauch-Echsennatter {f}
salmonberry [Rubus parviflorus] [thimbleberry] Weiße Zimthimbeere {f}
salmonberry [Rubus spectabilis] Lachsbeere {f}
salmonberry [Rubus spectabilis]Prachthimbeere {f}
salmonberry / salmon-berry / salmon berry [Rubus chamaemorus] [cloudberry]Moltebeere / Multebeere / Multbeere {f} [cloudberry]
salmon-colored [Am.]lachsfarben
salmon-colored [Am.]lachsfarbig
salmon-coloured [Br.]lachsfarben
salmon-coloured [Br.] lachsfarbig
salmon-crested cockatoo [Cacatua moluccensis] Molukkenkakadu {m}
salmonella Salmonelle {f}
salmonella infection Salmonelleninfektion {f}
Salmonella mutagenicity test <SMT> Salmonella-Mutagenitätstest {m}
salmonella poisoning Salmonellenvergiftung {f}
salmonella species {pl} Salmonellenarten {pl}
salmonellae Salmonellen {pl}
salmonellosis Salmonellenerkrankung {f}
salmonellosis Salmonellose {f}
salmonellosisSalmonellenenteritis {f}
salmonellosis [infection with Salmonella bacteria]Salmonelleninfektion {f}
Salmoneus Salmoneus {m}
salmon-gilled nudibranch [Flabellina salmonacea, syn.: Eolis bodoensis, Aeolidia approximans, Cuthona stimpsoni, Coryphella stimpsoni laevidens] Lachs-Fadenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
salmonid [family Salmonidae]Lachsfisch {m}
salmonid larva Salmonidenlarve {f}
salmonid populationSalmonidenpopulation {f}
salmonid species Salmonidenart {f}
salmonid watersSalmonidengewässer {pl}
salmonid zoneSalmonidenregion {f}
salmonids [family Salmonidae] Forellenfische {pl}
salmonids [family Salmonidae]Lachsfische {pl}
salmonids [Salmonidae] Salmoniden {pl}
salmoniforms [order Salmoniformes]Lachsartige {pl} [Ordnung]
salmon-lipped whelk [Purpura persica, syn.: P. aterrima, P. inerma, P. panama, P. rudolphi, Buccinum persicum, Thais panama, T. rudolphi]Persische Purpurschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
salmon-pink lachsfarben
salmon-pink lachsrosa
salmon-red rainbowfish [Glossolepis incisus]Lachsroter Regenbogenfisch {m}
salmons Lachse {pl}
Salmon's jacamar [Brachygalba salmoni]Salmons Glanzvogel {m}
Salmon's jacamar [Brachygalba salmoni] Salmonglanzvogel {m} [auch: Salmon-Glanzvogel]
salmonsite [Mn9Fe2(PO4)8.14H2O] Salmonsit {m}
salmwood [Cordia alliodora]Laurel {n} [Laurelholz]
Salò Republic Republik {f} von Salò
Salome [Oscar Wilde]Salome
salon Salon {m}
salon grandSalonflügel {m}
salon hang Petersburger Hängung {f}
salon hangSalonhängung {f}
salon mirrorSalonspiegel {m}
salon musicZimmermusik {f} [selten]
salon music Hausmusik {f}
salon music Salonmusik {f}
salon products {pl}Kabinettware {f}
Salonga monkey [Cercopithecus dryas] Dryasmeerkatze {f}
Salonika Thessaloniki {n}
salonnièreSalonnière {f}
salon-style hangPetersburger Hängung {f}
salon-style hang Salonhängung {f}
saloon Salon {m} [bes. auf Schiff, veraltet in Zug]
saloonGesellschaftsraum {m}
saloonLokal {n}
saloon Saal {m}
saloon [Am.]Saloon {m}
saloon [Am.] Beiz {f} [südd.] [schweiz.] [Kneipe]
saloon [Br.]Limousine {f}
saloon [Br.] Tourenwagen {m}
saloon [dated or regional]Kneipe {f}
saloon bitch [Am.] [vulg.] Kneipenschlampe {f} [vulg.]
saloon brawl Saloonschlägerei {f}
saloon carSalonwagen {m}
saloon car [Br.] Limousine {f}
« salesalesalesaliSallsalmsalosaltsaltsaltsalt »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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