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« backPage 386 for words starting with S in the English-German dictionarynext page »
sensitivity Sensibilität {f}
sensitivity Schmerzempfindlichkeit {f} [Wunde]
sensitivity Empfindsamkeit {f}
sensitivity [ability to discern feelings] Empfinden {n}
sensitivity [confidentiality] [of information]Vertraulichkeit {f} [von Informationen]
sensitivity [delicacy] Delikatesse {f} [geh.] [Feingefühl]
sensitivity [film-screen combination, intensifying screen] Empfindlichkeitszahl {f} [Folien-Film-Kombination, Verstärkungsfolie]
sensitivity adjustment Empfindlichkeitsjustierung {f}
sensitivity adjustment Empfindlichkeitseinstellung {f}
sensitivity analysis <SA> Empfindlichkeitsanalyse {f}
sensitivity analysis <SA>Sensitivitätsanalyse {f} <SA>
sensitivity and range settingEmpfindlichkeits- und Entfernungsjustierung {f}
sensitivity class <SC> Empfindlichkeitsklasse {f} [z. B. Film]
sensitivity decreaseEmpfindlichkeitsabfall {m}
sensitivity degree Empfindlichkeitsgrad {m} [z. B. Filme, Sensoren]
sensitivity factor Empfindlichkeitszahl {f}
sensitivity increase Empfindlichkeitssteigerung {f}
sensitivity indexEmpfindlichkeitsindex {m}
sensitivity level Übertragungsmaß {n}
sensitivity level Empfindlichkeitsstufe {f}
sensitivity levelEmpfindlichkeitsniveau {n}
sensitivity levelsEmpfindlichkeitsstufen {pl}
sensitivity limit Empfindlichkeitsgrenze {f}
sensitivity of a fuse [Br.] Zünderempfindlichkeit {f}
sensitivity of a fuze [Am.] Zünderempfindlichkeit {f}
sensitivity of a price Kursempfindlichkeit {f}
sensitivity of demandEmpfindlichkeit {f} der Nachfrage
sensitivity of protection procedures [true positives / (true positives + false negatives)] [EUR 17538] Sensitivität {f} von Nachweisverfahren [richtig positive / (richtig positive + falsch negative)] [EUR 17538]
sensitivity of supply Empfindlichkeit {f} des Angebots
sensitivity of the market Anfälligkeit {f} des Marktes
sensitivity readingSensitivity-Reading {n}
sensitivity reading Sensitivityreading {n} [auch: Sensitivity-Reading]
sensitivity settingEmpfindlichkeitseinstellung {f}
sensitivity switch Empfindlichkeitsschalter {m}
sensitivity thresholdReizschwelle {f}
sensitivity timeEmpfindlichkeitszeit {f}
sensitivity to changes in the weather Wetterfühligkeit {f}
sensitivity to coldKälteempfindlichkeit {f}
sensitivity to context Kontextsensitivität {f}
sensitivity to daylightTageslichtempfindlichkeit {f}
sensitivity to dust Staubempfindlichkeit {f}
sensitivity to heat Wärmeempfindlichkeit {f}
sensitivity to heatHitzeempfindlichkeit {f}
sensitivity to irregularities Empfindlichkeit {f} gegen Unregelmäßigkeiten
sensitivity to light Lichtempfindlichkeit {f}
sensitivity to noise Lärmscheu {f} [Geräuschempfindlichkeit]
sensitivity to painSchmerzempfindlichkeit {f}
sensitivity to radiationStrahlungsempfindlichkeit {f}
sensitivity to smell Geruchsempfindlichkeit {f}
sensitivity to weather changes Wetterfühligkeit {f}
sensitivity tolerance Empfindlichkeitstoleranz {f}
sensitivity trainingBewusstseinstraining {n}
sensitizationSensibilismus {m}
sensitizationSensibilisierung {f}
sensitizationSensitivierung {f}
sensitized sensibilisiert
sensitizer Sensibilisator {m}
sensitizing sensibilisierend
sensitizing Sensibilisierung {f}
sensitizing agent Sensibilisator {m}
sensitometer Sensitometer {n}
sensitometry Sensitometrie {f}
sensogram Sensogramm {n}
sensomotor sensomotorisch
sensomotoric sensomotorisch
sensomotoric worksensomotorische Arbeit {f}
sensor Messfühler {m}
sensorSensor {m}
sensorFühler {m}
sensorAufnehmer {m}
sensorMessaufnehmer {m}
sensorMesswertaufnehmer {m}
sensor application Sensorapplikation {f}
sensor applicationSensoranwendung {f}
sensor arraySensorarray {n} {m}
sensor busSensorbus {m}
sensor cable Sensorkabel {n}
sensor cableSensorleitung {f} [Sensorkabel]
sensor cableFühlerkabel {n}
sensor circuit Fühlerkreis {m}
sensor current Sensorstrom {m}
sensor dataSensordaten {pl} [auch: Sensor-Daten]
sensor designSensordesign {n}
sensor designSensoraufbau {m}
sensor designSensorauslegung {f}
sensor detection Sensorerkennung {f}
sensor device Sensoreinrichtung {f}
sensor device Sensorgerät {n}
sensor distance Sensorabstand {m}
sensor electrode Sensorelektrode {f} [auch: Sensor-Elektrode]
sensor element Sensorelement {n}
sensor element Fühlerelement {n}
sensor engineering Sensortechnik {f}
sensor fiber segment [Am.] Sensorfasersegment {n}
sensor fibre segment [Br.]Sensorfasersegment {n}
sensor flangeSensorflansch {m}
sensor fusion Sensorfusion {f}
sensor identification Sensoridentifikation {f}
sensor keySensortaste {f}
sensor line Sensorzeile {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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