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salt cureSalzkur {f}
salt cycleSalzkreislauf {m}
salt deficiencySalzmangel {m}
salt dependence Salzabhängigkeit {f}
salt depletion Salzverlust {m}
salt depletion syndrome Salzmangelsyndrom {n}
salt depositSalzlagerstätte {f}
salt depositSalzablagerung {f}
salt depositSalzschicht {f} [Salzablagerung]
salt desert Salzwüste {f}
salt domeSalzdom {m}
salt dome Salzstock {m}
salt domeSalzdiapir {m}
salt dough [for modelling] Salzteig {m} [Modelliermasse zum Basteln]
salt enrichmentSalzanreicherung {f}
salt evaporation pond Salzgarten {m}
salt evaporation pond Meerwassersaline {f}
salt factorySalzfabrik {f}
salt factory Salzwerk {n}
salt feverSalzfieber {n}
salt flat Salzpfanne {f}
salt flatSalzwüste {f}
salt flats {pl} Salztonebene {f}
salt fluoridationSalzfluoridierung {f}
salt gardenSalzgarten {m}
salt glandSalzdrüse {f}
salt glandsSalzdrüsen {pl}
salt glaze Salzglasur {f} [Keramik]
salt gradientSalzgradient {m}
salt gradient energy Salzgradientenenergie {f}
salt grass [genus Puccinellia] Salzschwaden {m} [Süßgras]
salt grass [Sporobolus spicatus] Ähriges Rispengras {n}
salt grasses [genus Puccinellia] Salzgräser {pl} [Süßgrasfamilie]
salt grinderSalzmühle {f}
salt industrySalzindustrie {f}
salt intake Salzkonsum {m}
salt intakeSalzaufnahme {f}
salt lagoon Salzlagune {f}
salt lake Salzsee {m}
Salt Lake [coll.] [Salt Lake City]Salt Lake City {n}
Salt Lake City <SLC> Salt Lake City {n}
Salt Laker Person {f} aus Salt Lake City [USA]
salt lamp Salzlampe {f}
salt leaching [in soils]Salzauswaschung {f} [in Böden]
salt leaching [soil] Salzauslaugung {f} [Boden]
salt lickSalzlecke {f} [für Wild]
salt lick Salzleckstein {m}
salt lick [block of salt] Leckstein {m}
salt loss Salzverlust {m}
salt marketSalzmarkt {m}
salt marsh Salzmarsch {f}
salt marshSalzsumpf {m}
salt marsh Salzwiese {f}
salt marsh goosegrass [Puccinellia fasciculata] Büscheliger Salzschwaden {m} [Grasart]
salt marsh harvest mouse [Reithrodontomys raviventris]Salzsumpf-Erntemaus {f}
salt marsh harvest mouse [Reithrodontomys raviventris] Strand-Erntemaus {f}
salt marsh pigweed [Amaranthus cannabinus] Virginia-Hanf {m}
salt marsh plantSalzmarschpflanze {f}
salt marsh snake [Nerodia clarkii] Salzwiesenschlange {f}
salt marsh snake [Nerodia clarkii] Salzwassernatter {f}
salt marsh snake [Nerodia clarkii] Salzmarschennatter {f}
salt marsh vegetationSalzmarschvegetation {f} [auch: Salzmarsch-Vegetation]
salt marsh yellowthroat [Geothlypis trichas] Weidengelbkehlchen {n} [auch: Weiden-Gelbkehlchen]
salt meadowSalzwiese {f}
salt measure Salzmaß {n}
salt meatPökelfleisch {n}
salt meatRauchfleisch {n} [Pökelfleisch]
salt merchantSalzhändler {m}
salt metabolism Salzstoffwechsel {m}
salt metathesis reaction Salzmetathese {f}
salt mill Salzmühle {f}
salt mine Salzbergwerk {n}
salt mine Salzgrube {f}
salt mine Salzmine {f}
salt miningSalzbergbau {m}
salt mining Salzabbau {m}
salt moleculeSalzmolekül {n}
salt monopoly Salzmonopol {n}
salt of telluric acid tellursaures Salz {n}
salt of the hartshorn Hirschhornsalz {n}
Salt on Our Skin [Andrew Birkin] Salz auf unserer Haut
salt panSalzpfanne {f}
salt pan Salztonebene {f}
salt pan [salt evaporation pond] Saline {f}
salt pans Salzbecken {pl}
salt paper Salzpapier {n}
salt percentageSalzanteil {m}
salt pit Salzgrube {f}
salt poisoningKochsalzvergiftung {f}
salt potatoes [Am regional dish][mit sehr viel Salz in der Schale gekochte, junge Kartoffeln]
salt prairie [in North America] Salzsteppe {f}
salt pressure Salzdruck {m}
salt print Salzpapier {n} [Fotopapier: 1840-1860]
salt print Salzdruck {m}
salt printfotogenische Zeichnung {f} [Salzdruck]
salt productionSalzgewinnung {f}
Salt Range Salzgebirge {n}
salt resistanceSalzresistenz {f}
salt rim Salzrand {m}
salt rim [glass]Salzglasrand {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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