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salutarily gesund
salutarilytrallala gesund
salutarily heilsam
salutarium [dated]Sanatorium {n} [Balneologie]
salutary heilbringend
salutary [eine rechtzeitige Vorwarnung bringend / enthaltend]
salutary effectheilsame Wirkung {f}
salutary experienceheilsame Erfahrung {f}
salutary lesson heilsame Lehre {f}
salutation Anrede {f}
salutation Gruß {m}
salutationBegrüßung {f}
salutation Begrüßungsformel {f}
salutation [in a letter] Grußformel {f} [Anrede im Brief]
salutation lineAnredezeile {f}
salutations Grüße {pl}
salutatorian [Am.] [Can.] [zweitbester Absolvent {m} des Jahrgangs einer Institution, der eine Rede auf der Abschlussfeier hält]
salutatory Eröffnungsansprache {f}
salutatory begrüßend
salutatory zur Begrüßung [nachgestellt]
salutatory address Anrede {f}
salute Ehrensalve {f}
saluteSalut {m}
saluteEhrenbezeigung {f}
salute Gruß {m}
saluteEhrenbezeugung {f}
salute [shooting in honour of sb./sth.] Ehrensalut {m}
salute in return Gegengruß {m}
salute to the color [Am.] Hornsignal {n}
salute to the sun [yoga]Sonnengruß {m} [Yoga]
salutiferous heilsam
saluting salutierend
saluting gun Böller {m}
saluting gun Salutgeschütz {n}
salutismSalutismus {m}
salutogenesisSalutogenese {f}
salutogenesis Gesundheitsentstehung {f}
salutogenetic salutogenetisch
Salvador mockingbird [Nesomimus parvulus]Galapagosspottdrossel {f}
SalvadoranSalvadorianer {m}
Salvadoran colón <SVC> [El Salvador: replaced by the US dollar in 2001]El-Salvador-Colón {m} <SVC>
Salvadoran earth snake [Geophis fulvoguttatus] Salvadorianische Erdnatter {f}
SalvadoreanSalvadorianer {m}
Salvadorean [female] Salvadorianerin {f}
Salvadoreans [female]Salvadorianerinnen {pl}
Salvadorian Salvadorianer {m}
Salvadorian [female] Salvadorianerin {f}
SalvadoriansSalvadorianer {pl}
Salvadorians [female] Salvadorianerinnen {pl}
Salvadori's antwren [Myrmotherula minor] Salvadoriameisenschlüpfer {m}
Salvadori's crimson-wing [Cryptospiza salvadorii]Salvadoriastrild {m} [auch: Salvadori-Astrild]
Salvadori's crimson-wing [Cryptospiza salvadorii] Salvadoris Bergastrild {m}
Salvadori's duck [Salvadorina waigiuensis]Salvadoriente {f}
Salvadori's duck [Salvadorina waigiuensis] Salvadori-Ente {f}
Salvadori's fig parrot [Psittaculirostris salvadorii] Salvadorizwergpapagei {m}
Salvadori's fig parrot [Psittaculirostris salvadorii] Salvadori-Feigenpapagei {m}
Salvadori's monitor [Varanus salvadorii]Papuawaran {m}
Salvadori's monitor [Varanus salvadorii] Baumkrokodil {n} [Papuawaran]
Salvadori's nightjar [Caprimulgus pulchellus] Salvadorinachtschwalbe {f}
Salvadori's nightjar [Caprimulgus pulchellus]Sunda-Nachtschwalbe {f}
Salvadori's pheasant [Lophura inornata]Salvadorifasan {m}
Salvadori's teal [Salvadorina waigiuensis] Salvadoriente {f}
Salvadori's teal [Salvadorina waigiuensis] Salvadori-Ente {f}
Salvadori's weaver [Ploceus dichrocephalus]Gelbrückenweber {m}
salvage Altmaterial {n}
salvage Bergung {f} [auf See]
salvageRettung {f}
salvage Altmaterialverwertung {f}
salvage Bergelohn {m}
salvage Bergungslohn {m}
salvage Bergungs-
salvage Bergungsgut {n}
salvageErhalt {m} [Erhaltung]
salvage [material extracted from rubbish as useful]Abfallverwertung {f}
salvage [of a ship]Bergen {n} [auf See] [Bergung]
salvage agreementBergungsvertrag {m}
salvage attempt Bergungsversuch {m}
salvage awardBergungslohn {m}
salvage bond Restanleihe {f}
salvage carUnfallfahrzeug {n} [Schrottauto]
salvage chargesBergungskosten {pl}
salvage company Bergungsunternehmen {n}
salvage company Bergungsfirma {f}
salvage costs Bergungskosten {pl}
salvage costs Rettungskosten {pl}
salvage craneAbschleppkran {m}
salvage crane Bergungskran {m}
salvage crane Bergekran {m}
salvage crewBergungsmannschaft {f}
salvage crewAufräumtrupp {m}
salvage diving Bergungstauchen {n}
salvage expertsBergungsspezialisten {pl}
salvage fee Bergelohn {m}
salvage helicopterBergungshubschrauber {m} [Einsatz über See]
salvage lighterBergungsprahm {m}
« salosaltsaltsaltsaltSalusalvsalvsambsamesamp »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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