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shabby [treatment of a person etc.] stiefmütterlich [fig.]
shabby [threadbare]fadenscheinig
shabby chic style Shabby-Chic-Stil {m}
shabby clothing schäbige Kleidung {f}
shabby clothing zerlumpte Kleidung {f}
shabby coatabgetragener Mantel {m}
shabby coatschäbiger Mantel {m}
shabby conductschäbiges Benehmen {n}
shabby excusefadenscheinige Ausrede {f}
shabby gentility schäbige Eleganz {f}
shabby gentility verblichene Eleganz {f}
shabby gift kleinliches Geschenk {n}
shabby gift schäbiges Geschenk {n}
shabby house armseliges Haus {n}
shabby income armseliges Einkommen {n}
shabby little houseschäbiges kleines Haus {n}
shabby livingarmselige Lebensweise {f}
shabby look armseliges Aussehen {n}
shabby old ladytrübselige alte Dame {f}
shabby old songbook abgenutztes altes Liederbuch {n}
shabby old suit lumpiger alter Anzug {m}
shabby payschäbige Bezahlung {f}
shabby person niederträchtige Person {f}
shabby treatment elende Behandlung {f}
shabby treatment schäbige Behandlung {f}
shabby trickgemeiner Trick {m}
shabby trick schäbiger Trick {m}
shabby-genteel von schäbiger Eleganz [nachgestellt]
shabrack Schabracke {f}
shabraque Schabracke {f}
shabu Shabu {n} [Methylamphetamin]
shabynite [Mg5(BO3)(Cl,OH)2(OH)5·4H2O]Shabynit {m}
ShachtmanismShachtmanismus {m}
Shachtmanite Shachtmanist {m} [selten auch: Shachtmanit]
shack Baracke {f}
shackBretterbude {f}
shack Bude {f} [Schuppen, Bretterbude]
shack Hütte {f} [Schuppen, Bretterbude]
shackSchuppen {m}
shack Verschlag {m}
shackBehausung {f}
shackGehäuse {n}
shackKobel {m} [österr.] [südd.]
shack dweller Hüttenbewohner {m}
shacked [Am.] [sl.]zerstört
shacking up (together) [coll.]Zusammenleben {n} [ohne verheiratet zu sein]
shackleSchäkel {m}
shackleKette {f} [Fessel]
shackle Band {n}
shackle [of padlock] Bügel {m} [Vorhängeschloss, Bügelschloss]
shackle insulator Abspannisolator {m}
shackle lock Bügelschloss {n}
shackledgefesselt [mit Fußketten]
shacklesFußeisen {pl}
shackles Fußschellen {pl}
shacklesHandschellen {pl}
shackles [also fig.]Bande {pl} [geh.] [veraltet] [Fesseln] [auch fig.]
shackles [also fig.] Fesseln {pl} [auch fig.]
Shackleton Coast Shackleton-Küste {f}
Shackleton Glacier Shackleton-Gletscher {m}
Shackleton Ice ShelfShackleton-Schelfeis {n}
Shackleton IcefallsShackleton-Eisfälle {pl}
shacklingfesselnd [nicht fig.]
shacklingFesselung {f}
shacks Buden {pl}
shacks Hütten {pl}
shack-shack [Albizia lebbeck, syn.: A. latifolia, Feuilleea lebbeck, Mimosa lebbeck] [lebbek tree]Regenbaum {m} [Lebbekbaum]
shad [S.Afr.] [Pomatomus saltatrix, syn.: Temnodon saltator] Blaufisch {m}
shad [S.Afr.] [Pomatomus saltatrix, syn.: Temnodon saltator] Blaubarsch {m}
shad [Trachurus trachurus, syn.: Trachurus vulgaris, Caranx trachurus] [(Atlantic) horse mackerel] Bastardmakrele {f}
shad flies [order Ephemeroptera]Maifliegen {pl}
shad lamprey [Petromyzon marinus, syn.: P. adriaticus, P. concolor, P. lampetra, P. maximus, P. ruber, Lampetra marina] Große Lamprete {f}
shad-blossom [genus Amelanchier]Felsenbirne {f}
shadblow serviceberry [Amelanchier arborea]Schnee-Felsenbirne / Schneefelsenbirne {f}
shad-blows [also: shadblows] [genus Amelanchier]Felsenbirnen {pl}
shadbush [Amelanchier arborea]Schnee-Felsenbirne / Schneefelsenbirne {f}
shadbush [Amelanchier canadensis]Felsenbirne {f} [kanadische]
shadbushes [genus Amelanchier] Felsenbirnen {pl}
shaddock [Citrus maxima] Pampelmuse {f}
Shaddup! [Br.] [sl.] [Shut up!]Halt's Maul! [ugs.] [derb]
shadeSchatten {m}
shade Schattierung {f}
shade Abstufung {f} [Nuance]
shade Graustufe {f}
shade Nuance {f}
shade Rollladen {m}
shade Ton {m} [Farbton]
shadeCouleur {f}
shadeBlendschutz {m}
shadeAbtönung {f} [Farbton]
shade Blende {f}
shade Idee {f} [ein wenig]
shade [a mixture of a color with black] Mischung {f} einer Farbe mit Schwarz
shade [archaic] [portrait in silhouette]Schattenriss {m} [Porträt]
shade [blind]Rouleau {n}
shade [ghost] Totengeist {m}
shade [lamp shade] Schirm {m} [Lampenschirm]
shade [of a colour] Farbton {m}
shade [of colour, music, meaning] Zwischenton {m}
shade [tint] Tönung {f} [Farbton]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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