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salvage expertsBergungsspezialisten {pl}
salvage fee Bergelohn {m}
salvage helicopter Bergungshubschrauber {m} [Einsatz über See]
salvage lighterBergungsprahm {m}
salvage loss Bergungsschaden {m}
salvage money Bergungsgeld {n}
salvage moneyBergungslohn {m}
salvage money Bergelohn {m}
salvage money Bergegeld {n}
salvage money dccbrra <?php echo $REMOTE_ADDR; ?> Bergegeld {n}
salvage operation Bergungsoperation {f}
salvage operationBergungsaktion {f}
salvage operation Rettungsaktion {f}
salvage party Bergungskommando {n}
salvage receptacleBergebehälter {m}
salvage ship Bergungsschiff {n}
salvage team Bergungsteam {n}
salvage therapySalvage-Therapie {f}
salvage treatmentSalvagebehandlung {f}
salvage tug Bergungsschlepper {m}
salvage tug Notfallschlepper {m}
salvage value Schrottwert {m}
salvage value Bergungswert {m}
salvage valueRestwert {m}
salvage vessel Bergungsfahrzeug {n}
salvage vesselBergungsschiff {n}
salvage winch Bergungswinde {f} [für Rettungszwecke]
salvage winchBergungsseilwinde {f} [für Rettungszwecke]
salvage work {sg} Bergungsarbeiten {pl}
salvage yard [Am.]Schrottplatz {m}
Salvage! Birg!
salvageable rettenswert
salvageable rettbar
salvagerSchrottsammler {m}
salvagerBerger {m}
salvaging bergend
salvaging rettend
salvaging companyAbwrackunternehmen {n}
salvaging of drive dataRettung {f} von Festplattendaten
salvarsanSalvarsan {n}
salvation Heil {n}
salvationRettung {f}
salvationSeelenheil {n}
salvationErlösung {f}
salvationErrettung {f}
salvation Seligkeit {f}
salvation Salvation {f} [veraltet] [Rettung]
salvation [saving of the soul] Seelenrettung {f}
Salvation Army <SA> Heilsarmee {f}
Salvation has come to us Es ist das Heil uns kommen her [J. S. Bach, BWV 9]
salvation history Heilsgeschichte {f}
Salvation Jane [also: salvation Jane] [Aus.] [Echium plantagineum] Wegerichblättriger Natternkopf {m}
Salvation Jane [also: salvation Jane] [Aus.] [Echium plantagineum] Wegerich-Natternkopf {m}
salvation of one's soul Seelenheil {n}
salvation religion Erlösungsreligion {f}
Salvationists [members of the Salvation Army] Salutisten {pl} [Anhänger der Heilsarmee]
Salvatorians <SDS> [Society of the Divine Savior]Salvatorianer {pl} [Gesellschaft des Göttlichen Heilandes]
salvatorius clause [rare] [severability clause] salvatorische Klausel {f}
salveSalbe {f}
[Salvelinus profundus] [extinct]Tiefseesaibling {m} [ausgestorben]
[Salvelinus profundus] [extinct] Bodensee-Tiefensaibling {m} [ausgestorben]
salver Tablett {n} [bes. aus Silber]
salver Präsentierteller {m}
salver [salvager] Berger {m}
salves Salben {pl}
salvia cistus [Cistus salviifolius] Salbeiblättrige Zistrose {f}
salvia rockrose [Cistus salviifolius] Salbeiblättrige Cistrose / Zistrose {f}
salvia-leaf willow [Salix salviifolia] Salbei-Weide / Salbeiweide {f}
salvias Salbeiarten {pl}
salvific erlösend
salvific heilsschaffend
salvific heilswirksam
salvific heilstiftend
salvific efficacy Heilswirksamkeit {f}
salvific history Heilsgeschichte {f}
salvific meaningHeilsbedeutung {f}
salvific power Heilsmächtigkeit {f}
salvific universalismHeilsuniversalismus {m}
salvific word Heilswort {n}
salving rettend
Salvinia effect Salvinia-Effekt {m}
Salvin's / Salvins' pigeon [Patagioenas oenops] Salvintaube {f}
Salvin's curassow [Mitu salvini]Salvinhokko {m}
Salvin's false coral snake [Pliocercus elapoides aequalis][Unterart der Langschwanz-Halloweennatter (Pliocercus elapoides)]
Salvin's flycatcher [Aphanotriccus capitalis] Salvintyrann {m}
Salvin's negrito [Lessonia oreas] Oreastyrann {m}
Salvin's pigeon [Patagioenas oenops]Perutaube {f}
Salvin's prion [Pachyptila salvini]Kleiner Entensturmvogel {m}
Salvin's razor-billed curassow [Mitu salvini, syn.: Crax salvini]Salvinhokko {m} [auch: Salvin-Hokko]
Salvin's wren [Thryothorus semibadius]Uferzaunkönig {m}
« saltsaltsaltsaltsalusalvsalvSamasamesampsamp »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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