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sham [pej.] Heuchelei {f} [pej.]
sham [person who shams] Schwindler {m}
sham [person] Heuchler {m} [pej.]
sham battle vorgetäuschte Schlacht {f}
sham battle Scheingefecht {n}
sham bid Scheingebot {n} [bes. bei Ausschreibungen]
sham boom Scheinblüte {f}
sham business Scheingeschäft {n}
sham company Scheinfirma {f}
sham contract Scheinvertrag {m}
sham deal Scheingeschäft {n}
sham debateScheindebatte {f}
sham domicilefiktiver Wohnsitz {m}
sham election vorgetäuschte Wahl {f}
sham electionScheinwahl {f}
sham elections vorgetäuschte Wahlen {pl}
sham exchange transaction Scheintausch {m}
sham existenceLebenslüge {f}
sham experiment Scheinexperiment {n}
sham fight Scheingefecht {n}
sham fights Scheingefechte {pl}
sham firmTarnfirma {f}
sham gains Scheingewinn {m}
sham illnesssimulierte Krankheit {f}
sham investmentScheininvestition {f}
sham investorScheinanleger {m}
sham jewellery [esp. Br.] falscher Schmuck {m}
sham jewellery [esp. Br.]unechter Schmuck {m}
sham jewelry [Am.] falscher Schmuck {m}
sham king Schattenkönig {m}
sham marriage Scheinehe {f}
sham offer Scheinangebot {n}
sham packageMogelpackung {f}
sham payment fingierte Zahlung {f}
sham profit Scheingewinn {m}
sham purchase Scheinkauf {m}
sham referendum [pej.] Scheinreferendum {n} [pej.]
sham resistance Scheinwiderstand {m}
sham sympathyvorgespielte Sympathie {f}
sham transaction Scheingeschäft {n}
sham treatedscheinbehandelt
sham trial Schauprozess {m}
shama thrush [Copsychus malabaricus] Schamadrossel {f}
shamanPriester {m} [Schamane]
shamanSchamane {m}
shaman Medizinmann {m}
shaman schamanisch
shaman [female] Schamanin {f}
shamanic schamanisch
shamanism Schamanismus {m}
shamanismSchamanentum {n}
shamanist schamanistisch
shamanistSchamanist {m}
shamanistically schamanistisch
shamansPriester {pl} [Schamanen]
shamansSchamanen {pl}
Shaman's Crossing [Robin Hobb]Die Schamanenbrücke
Shamash [Babylonian sun god Šamaš]Schamasch {m}
shamateur [coll.] Scheinamateur {m}
shamateur [coll.] [here: state-sponsored sham amateur] Staatsamateur {m}
shamateurism [coll.] Scheinamateurismus {m}
shambaShamba {f} [Ackerland mit Hütte in Afrika]
shamblewatschelnder Gang {m}
shamble schlurfender Gang {m}
shambled gewatschelt
shambles Saustall {m} [Durcheinander]
shambles {pl} [treated as a sing.]Scherbenhaufen {m} [fig.]
shambles {pl} [treated as sg. or (less common) as pl.] [coll.] [place of carnage or destruction, scene or thing in total disorder]Schlachtfeld {n} [fig.]
shambles [archaic] Schlachtbank {f} [Schlachthaus]
shambles [archaic]Schlagbrücke {f} [österr.] [Schlachtbank]
shambles [archaic] [butcher's shop] Metzgerei {f} [westmd.] [südd.] [schweiz.]
shambles [coll.]Durcheinander {n}
shambles [coll.] Wüstenei {f} [hum.] [Unordnung]
shambling watschelnd [ugs.]
shambolic [coll.] [esp. Br.]wirr [chaotisch]
shambolic [esp. Br.] [coll.] chaotisch
shambolic mess Lotterwirtschaft {f}
shambolic muddleLotterwirtschaft {f}
shambolically [esp. Br.] [coll.] chaotisch
shambolically [esp. Br.] [coll.]wirr
shameScham {f}
shameSchamgefühl {n}
shame [disgrace]Schande {f}
Shame [Ingmar Bergman] Schande
shame [of oneself] Sichschämen {n} [auch: Sich-Schämen]
Shame [Salman Rushdie]Scham und Schande
shame bush [Mimosa pudica]Schamhafte Sinnpflanze {f}
shame bush [Mimosa pudica] Mimose {f} [Schamhafte Sinnpflanze]
shame cultureSchamkultur {f}
shame face [Mimosa pudica] Schamhafte Sinnpflanze {f}
shame face [Mimosa pudica]Mimose {f} [Schamhafte Sinnpflanze]
shame lady [Mimosa pudica] Schamhafte Sinnpflanze {f}
shame lady [Mimosa pudica] Mimose {f} [Schamhafte Sinnpflanze]
Shame on him! Schande über ihn!
Shame on you! Schäm dich!
Shame on you! Schäme dich!
Shame on you! Du solltest dich schämen!
shame sanction Ehrenstrafe {f}
Shame upon him who thinks evil upon it. [Order of the Garter] Ein Schuft, wer Böses dabei denkt. [Hosenbandorden]
« shafshagshakshakshalshamshamshamshanshapShar »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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