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English-German Dictionary

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shield volcano Schildvulkan {m}
shield wall Schildmauer {f}
shield wall Schildwall {m}
shield weed [Lepidium perfoliatum]Durchwachsenblättrige Kresse {f}
shield weed [Lepidium perfoliatum] Durchwachsene Kresse {f}
shield wireBeilauflitze {f}
shield-backed bugs [family Scutelleridae] Schildwanzen {pl}
shielded abgeschirmt
shielded ausgeblendet
shielded geschützt [abgeschirmt, abgesichert]
shielded beschützt
shielded cable abgeschirmtes Kabel {n}
shielded cable armiertes Kabel {n}
shielded capSchutzkappe {f} [Mütze, z. B. gegen Funkwellen]
shielded inert gas metal arc welding <SIGMA welding>SIGMA-Schweißen {n}
shielded metal arc welding <SMAW>Lichtbogenhandschweißen {n}
shielded metal arc welding <SMAW> E-Handschweißen {n}
shielded oak bush-cricket [Cyrtaspis scutata]Schildförmige Eichenschrecke {f}
shielded twisted pair cable <STP cable>STP-Kabel {n}
shielderBeschützer {m}
shieldfern family {sg} [family Aspidiaceae] Schildfarngewächse {pl}
shieldingAusblenden {n} [Grafik]
shielding Abschirmung {f}
shieldingAbschottung {f}
shieldingSchirmung {f}
shielding abschirmend
shielding attenuation Schirmungsdämpfer {m}
shielding braidSchirmgeflecht {n}
shielding canAbschirmbecher {m}
shielding cap Abschirmhaube {f}
shielding cap Abdeckhaube {f} [Abschirmhaube]
shielding clipAbschirmclip {m}
shielding conductor Abschirmleiter {m}
shielding coverAbschirmdeckel {m}
shielding deviceAbschirmeinrichtung {f}
shielding effectAbschirmeffekt {m}
shielding effect Schirmeffekt {m} [Abschirmeffekt]
shielding effectiveness <SE> Schirmdämpfung {f} <SE> [Messgröße]
shielding enclosure Abschirmgehäuse {n}
shielding enclosure Schirmgehäuse {n}
shielding fabricAbschirmgewebe {n}
shielding factorAbschirmfaktor {m}
shielding factorSchirmfaktor {m} [Abschirmfaktor]
shielding fleece Abschirmvlies {n}
shielding foam Abschirmschaum {m}
shielding foilAbschirmfolie {f}
shielding gas Schutzgas {n} [Schweißen]
shielding gases Schutzgase {pl}
shielding housing Schirmgehäuse {n}
shielding housingAbschirmgehäuse {n}
shielding material Schirmwerkstoff {m} [Schirmmaterial]
shielding materialsSchirmmaterialien {pl}
shielding materialsAbschirmmaterialien {pl}
shielding paintAbschirmfarbe {f}
shielding plate Abschirmblech {n}
shielding propertyAbschirmeigenschaft {f}
shielding sleeve Abschirmhülse {f}
shielding tapeAbschirmband {n}
shielding textile (material) Abschirmgewebe {n}
shielding wallpaper Abschirmtapete {f}
shielding window Abschirmfenster {n} [geschirmtes Fenster, EMV-Fenster]
shielding windowsgeschirmte Fenster {pl} [EMV-Fenster]
shield-leaf sorrel [Rumex scutatus, syn.: Acetosa scutata] [French sorrel] Schild-Sauerampfer {m} [Schild-Ampfer]
shield-leaf sorrel [Rumex scutatus, syn.: Acetosa scutata] [French sorrel] Römischer Sauerampfer {m} [Schild-Ampfer]
shield-leaf sorrel [Rumex scutatus, syn.: R. alpestris, R. scutatus var. hortensis, Acetosa scutata, Lapathum alpestre] [French sorrel] Schildblättriger Ampfer {m}
shield-leaf sorrel [Rumex scutatus]Schild-Ampfer {m}
shield-leaved saxifrage [Saxifraga cuneifolia] Keilblättriger Steinbrech {m}
shield-leaved saxifrage [Saxifraga cuneifolia] Keilblatt-Steinbrech / Keilblattsteinbrech {m}
shieldlessnessSchutzlosigkeit {f}
shieldmaiden Schildmaid {f}
shieldmaidenSchildmädchen {n}
shield-nose snake [Aspidelaps scutatus]Schildnasenkobra {f}
shield-nose snake [Aspidelaps scutatus]Schildkobra {f}
shield-nose snake [Aspidelaps scutatus]Schildschlange {f}
shield-nosed cobra [genus Aspidelaps]Scheinkobra {f}
shield-nosed cobra [genus Aspidelaps] Schildnasenkobra {f}
shield-nosed cobra [genus Aspidelaps] Schildkobra {f}
shields Schilder {pl}
shieldsSchutzschilde {pl}
shields [defensive] Schilde {pl}
shield-shaped [peltate] schildförmig [peltat]
shield-shaped [peltate] schildartig [peltat]
shield-shaped parasol [Lepiota clypeolaria] Wollstiel-Schirmling / Wollstielschirmling {m}
shield-tailed snakes [family Uropeltidae] Schildschwänze {pl} [Schlangen]
shieling [Br.] Berghütte {f}
shieling [Scot.]Alm {f} [Bergweide, Sommerweide]
shieling [Scot.] Alp {f} [schweiz.] [alemannisch] [Bergweide, Sommerweide]
shier scheuer
shiest schüchternste
shift Schicht {f}
shift Umschaltung {f}
shiftVerlagerung {f}
shiftVerschiebung {f}
shiftWechsel {m} [Verlagerung]
« shelshepsherShe'Shewshieshifshifshifshimshin »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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