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English-German Dictionary

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sample bag Musterbeutel {m}
sample bag [sample case]Musterkoffer {m}
sample bias Stichprobenverzerrung {f}
sample boardFarbpalette {f}
sample book Musterbuch {n}
sample bookVorlagenbuch {n}
sample bottleProbefläschchen {n}
sample bottleProbeflasche {f}
sample bottle Probierflasche {f} [Probeflasche]
sample buffer Probenpuffer {m}
sample buffer Ladepuffer {m}
sample calculation Rechenbeispiel {n}
sample calculation Beispielrechnung {f}
sample calculationBerechnungsbeispiel {n}
sample card Musterkarte {f}
sample carryover Probenverschleppung {f}
sample case Musterkoffer {m}
sample case [portable container for sample materials] Materialienkoffer {m}
sample characteristicsMerkmale {pl} der Testgruppe
sample clean-up Probenreinigung {f}
sample collection Musterkollektion {f}
sample collection Mustersammlung {f}
sample collectionProbensammlung {f}
sample collection Probenentnahme {f}
sample collection Probennahme {f} [auch: Probenahme]
sample collection process Probenentnahmeprozess {m}
sample compositionStichprobenzusammensetzung {f}
sample compositionProbenzusammensetzung {f}
sample concentration Probenkonzentrierung {f} [Konzentrierung von Substanzen in einer Probe]
sample concentrationProbenkonzentration {f} [Konzentration in einer Probe]
sample consignment Mustersendung {f}
sample container Probenbehälter {m}
sample copyLeseexemplar {n}
sample copy Probeexemplar {n}
sample data Probedaten {pl}
sample data [example] Beispieldaten {pl}
sample design Stichprobenkonstruktion {f}
sample division Probenteilung {f}
sample evaporation Probenverlust {m}
sample fair Mustermesse {f}
sample faxMusterfax {n} [als Vorlage]
sample flow rateLuftentnahmestrom {m}
sample for approvalAnsichtsmuster {n}
sample for inspectionMuster {n} zur Ansicht
sample (for inspection)Ansichtsmuster {n}
sample format [format for audio sampling] Abtastformat {n}
sample groupStichprobengruppe {f}
sample group Probengruppe {f}
sample handling Probenhandling {n}
sample handlingProbenhandhabung {f}
sample handling Probenbehandlung {f}
sample holder Probenträger {m}
sample identification Probenidentifizierung {f}
sample information {sg}Probeninformationen {pl}
sample inlet Probeneinlass {m}
sample intervalSample-Intervall {n}
sample invoice Musterrechnung {f} [als Vorlage]
sample item Musterstück {n}
sample labelProbenetikett {n}
sample labeling [Am.] Probenetikettierung {f}
sample labelling [Br.] Probenetikettierung {f}
sample lesson Probeunterrichtsstunde {f}
sample letter Musterbrief {m} [nach Vorlage]
sample letter Musterschreiben {n}
sample letter, standardMusterbrief {m}, einfach
sample managementMusterverwaltung {f}
sample management Mustermanagement {n}
sample managementProbenmanagement {n}
sample materialProbenmaterial {n}
sample materialUntersuchungsmaterial {n}
sample mean Stichprobenmittelwert {m}
sample mean Stichprobenmittel {n} [Mittelwert]
sample meanStichprobendurchschnitt {m}
sample mode Abfragemodus {m}
sample number Stichprobenzahl {f}
Sample Nunataks Sample-Nunatakker {pl}
sample object Musterobjekt {n}
sample of Kostprobe {f} von
sample of Muster {n} von
sample of bloodBlutprobe {f}
sample of goods Muster {n} der Ware
sample of householdsHaushaltsstichprobe {f}
sample of merchandise Muster {n} der Handelsware
sample of no commercial valueMuster {n} ohne Handelswert
sample of no commercial valueWarenprobe {f}
sample of no value Muster {n} ohne Wert
sample of one's work Arbeitsprobe {f}
sample of quality Qualitätsmuster {n}
sample of teaTeeprobe {f}
sample of the text Textprobe {f}
sample on approvalMuster {n} zur Ansicht
sample order Musterauftrag {m}
sample pack Probepackung {f}
sample pack [mailed] Probesendung {f} [verschicktes Muster]
sample page [web page]Musterseite {f}
sample parcel Paket {n} mit Mustern
sample part Musterteil {n}
sample peak programme meter <SPPM> [Br.] SPPM {n} [ein Spitzenpegelmesser]
sample period Untersuchungszeitraum {m}
sample periodProbenahmezeitraum {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers