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shoddy schäbig
shoddyWollstaub {m}
shoddy [lacking moral principle] schofel [ugs.] [pej.] [schäbig, niederträchtig]
shoddy [pej.] lausig [ugs.] [pej.]
shoddy [reclaimed wool]Kunstwolle {f}
shoddy articleminderwertiger Artikel {m}
shoddy articleSchund {m}
shoddy designKitsch {m}
shoddy design kitschige Gestaltung {f}
shoddy effort Machwerk {n}
shoddy goods {pl} lumpige Ware {f}
shoddy goods {pl} Schund {m}
shoddy goods {pl}schäbige Ware {f}
shoddy journalism schlampiger Journalismus {m}
shoddy literatureSchundliteratur {f}
shoddy personProtzer {m}
shoddy personprotzige Person {f}
shoddy quality schlampige Qualität {f}
shoddy stuff Schund {m}
shoddy trick billiger Trick {m} [pej.]
shoddy trick gemeiner Trick {m}
shoddy woolPutzwolle {f}
shoddy woolReißwolle {f}
shoddy workhingepfuschte Arbeit {f}
shoddy workPfusch {m} [ugs.]
shoddy work stümperhafte Arbeit {f} [ugs.]
shoeSchuh {m}
shoe Polschuh {m}
shoeKartenschlitten {m} [Casino]
shoe [e.g. ladder safety shoe]Fuß {m} [bei Leitern]
shoe [horseshoe] Eisen {n} [Hufeisen]
shoe attack [coll.] [throwing a shoe at sb.] Schuhwurf {m} [ugs.] [Schuhwurfattacke]
shoe attacker [coll.] [sb. throwing shoes at sb. else] Schuhwerfer {m} [ugs.] [Person]
shoe bagSchuhbeutel {m}
shoe bank [collection container]Sammelbehälter {m} für Altschuhe
shoe blackerSchuhputzer {m}
shoe blacking schwarze Schuhwichse {f}
shoe bomber Schuhbomber {m}
shoe boxSchuhkarton {m}
shoe box Schuhschachtel {f}
shoe brake Backenbremse {f}
shoe brake Klotzbremse {f}
shoe brandSchuhmarke {f}
shoe brush Schuhbürste {f}
shoe brushesSchuhbürsten {pl}
shoe cabinet Schuhschrank {m}
shoe cabinet Schuhkasten {m} [bes. österr.] [Schuhschrank]
shoe careSchuhpflege {f}
shoe care productSchuhpflegemittel {n}
shoe cartonSchuhkarton {m}
shoe coverSchuhüberzieher {m}
shoe covers Schuhüberzieher {pl}
shoe covers Überziehschuhe {pl}
shoe creamSchuhkrem {f} [alt] [Schuhcreme]
shoe cream Schuhcreme {f}
shoe creams Schuhkremen {pl} [alt] [Schuhcremen]
shoe disinfectionSchuhsohlendesinfektion {f}
shoe dryerSchuhtrockner {m}
shoe fabricSchuhstoff {m}
shoe factory Schuhfabrik {f}
shoe fetishism Schuhfetischismus {m}
shoe finish Schuhputzmittel {n}
shoe finishing (agent) Schuhputzmittel {n}
shoe flower [Hibiscus rosa-sinensis] Chinesischer Roseneibisch {m}
shoe flower [Hibiscus rosa-sinensis] Chinesische Rose {f}
shoe flower [Hibiscus rosa-sinensis] Zimmer-Hibiskus {m}
shoe groupSchuhgruppe {f}
shoe hammer Schusterhammer {m}
shoe hornSchuhanzieher {m}
shoe horn [spv.]Schuhlöffel {m}
shoe insertEinlegesohle {f}
shoe lace Schnürsenkel {m}
shoe lace Schuhband {n}
shoe laceSenkel {m}
shoe laces Schnürsenkel {pl}
shoe laces Schuhschnüre {pl}
shoe last Schuhleisten {m}
shoe lining Schuhfutter {n}
shoe manufacturingSchuhherstellung {f}
shoe molding [Am.] Abdeckprofilleiste {f}
shoe polish Schuhcreme {f}
shoe polish Stiefelwichse {f}
shoe polishSchuhwichse {f}
shoe polish Wichse {f} [ugs.] [veraltend] [Schuhwichse]
shoe polisher Schuhputzer {m}
shoe polishing machine Schuhputzmaschine {f}
shoe print Schuhabdruck {m}
shoe productionSchuhproduktion {f}
shoe rackSchuhregal {n}
shoe repair Schuhreparatur {f}
shoe repairer [person]Schuster {m}
shoe repairmanSchuster {m}
shoe salesmanSchuhverkäufer {m}
shoe saleswoman Schuhverkäuferin {f}
shoe sellerSchuhverkäufer {m}
shoe shine Schuheputzen {n}
shoe shine kitSchuhputzzeug {n}
shoe shining cloth Schuhputztuch {n}
shoe shop Schuhgeschäft {n}
shoe shopSchuhladen {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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