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shooting emporschießend
shooting Jagd {f}
shooting schießend
shooting Geschieße {n} [ugs.]
shooting Schießen {n}
shootingFilmaufnahmen {pl}
shooting Fotoaufnahmen {pl}
shooting Schießerei {f}
shootingDrehen {n}
shooting {sg} Dreharbeiten {pl}
shooting [attr.] [e.g. accident, gallery, hand, range, sport, training] Schieß- [z. B. Unfall, Bude, Hand, Platz, Sport, Training]
shooting [attr.] [e.g. angle, distance, foot, position]Schuss- [z. B. Winkel, Entfernung, Bein, Position]
shooting [attr.] [e.g. date, location, permit, script]Dreh- [z. B. Termin, Ort, Erlaubnis, Fassung]
shooting [image capture]Shooting {n} [kurz für: Fotoshooting]
shooting [of a person, people, intentional]Erschießung {f}
shooting accident Schießunfall {m}
shooting angleSchusswinkel {m}
shooting association Schützenverein {m}
shooting at a low speed [time lapse photography] Zeitrafferaufnahme {f} [Vorgang]
shooting board Stoßlade {f}
shooting bout Schießeinlage {f}
shooting boxJagdhütte {f}
shooting box [Br.] Jagdschlösschen {n}
shooting brake [Br.] Kombi {m}
shooting brake [Br.] Kombiwagen {m}
shooting brake [Br.]Kombinationskraftwagen {m} <Kombi>
shooting brake [Br.] Jagdkombi {m} [selten]
shooting brake [Br.] [dated] Turnier {m} [Kombiwagen]
shooting coat [Br.] Jagdrock {m}
shooting competitionSchießwettbewerb {m}
shooting competition Preisschießen {n}
shooting contest Wettschießen {n}
shooting contestSchießwettbewerb {m}
shooting dart [Gypsobelum] [with snails and slugs] Liebespfeil {m} [Gypsobelum]
shooting date Drehtermin {m}
shooting distanceSchussentfernung {f}
Shooting Dogs [UK title] [Michael Caton-Jones]Shooting Dogs
shooting down zusammenschießend [ugs.]
shooting foot Schussbein {n} [Fußball]
shooting galleriesSchießbuden {pl}
shooting gallerySchießbude {f}
shooting gallery Schießstand {m} [Schießbude]
shooting gallery [esp. Am.] [sl.]Fixertreff {m} [ugs.]
shooting goggles {pl}Schießbrille {f}
shooting guardShooting Guard {m} [Basketball]
shooting hand Waffenhand {f}
shooting handSchießhand {f}
shooting holidays Jagdferien {pl}
shooting incidentSchießvorfall {m}
shooting incidentSchießerei {f}
shooting iron Schießeisen {n} [ugs.]
shooting jacket Jagdrock {m}
shooting lane Schießbahn {f}
shooting licence [Br.]Jagdschein {m}
shooting light [legal hunting hours] Büchsenlicht {n} [Tageszeit, während der legal gejagt werden kann]
shooting locationDrehort {m}
shooting lodge [Br.] Jagdschlösschen {n}
shooting matchSchützenfest {n}
shooting matchPreisschießen {n}
shooting methodSchießverfahren {n}
shooting of a commercialWerbeaufnahme {f}
shooting pain stechender Schmerz {m}
shooting pain attacks einschießende Schmerzattacken {pl}
shooting party Jagdgesellschaft {f}
shooting permit [film]Dreherlaubnis {f}
shooting positionSchussposition {f}
shooting position Anschlag {m} [Körper- und Waffenhaltung beim Schießen]
shooting practice [football]Torschußtraining {n} [alt]
shooting rampage Amoklauf {m}
shooting range Schießplatz {m}
shooting rangeSchießanlage {f}
shooting range Schießstand {m}
shooting range Schießstätte {f}
shooting rightJagdrecht {n}
shooting scriptDrehfassung {f} [eine Version des Drehbuchs]
shooting season Jagdzeit {f}
shooting seat Jagdstuhl {m}
shooting slit [also: shooting-slit] [loophole] Schießscharte {f}
shooting sportSchießsport {m}
shooting spreeSchießerei {f}
shooting spree Amoklauf {m} [mit Schusswaffe]
shooting stance Schießhaltung {f}
shooting standSchießstand {m}
shooting standsSchießstände {pl}
shooting star Sternschnuppe {f}
shooting star [Sphaerobolus stellatus] Gemeiner Kugelschneller {m}
shooting star [Sphaerobolus stellatus] Artilleriepilz {m}
shooting star [Sphaerobolus stellatus]Kanonenpilz {m}
shooting stars Sternschnuppen {pl}
shooting stick Jagdstock {m}
shooting stickJagdstuhl {m}
shooting to death totschießend
shooting to death Totschießen {n}
shooting trainingSchießtraining {n}
shooting up emporquellend
shooting upemporschnellend
shooting upin die Höhe wachsend
shooting victim Opfer {n} einer Schießerei
shooting warkriegerische Auseinandersetzung {f}
shooting war heißer Krieg {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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