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Shone's anomaly [Shone's complex] Shone-Komplex {m}
Shone's complex [Shone's syndrome]Shone-Komplex {m}
Shone's syndrome Shone-Syndrom {n} [Shone-Komplex]
shongololo [Archispirostreptus gigas] Afrikanischer Riesentausendfüßer {m}
shongololo [Archispirostreptus gigas] Riesenschnurfüßer {m}
shonkinite Shonkinit {m}
shonky [Aus.] [coll.] schäbig
shonky [Aus.] [coll.] fragwürdig
shoo [coll.] [fruit of the Solanum torvum; pea eggplant] Türkenbeere {f}
Shoo! Husch!
Shoo! [go away] Weg! / Geh weg!
shoofly [Caesalpinia decapetala, syn.: C. japonica, C. sepiaria, Reichardia decapetala] [Mauritius thorn] Mauritiusdorn {m}
shoo-fly plant [Nicandra physaloides]Giftbeere {f}
shoo-in [Am.] [coll.] sicherer Kandidat {m}
shoo-in [Am.] [coll.]sicherer Gewinner {m}
shoo-in [Am.] [coll.] [favorite]Favorit {m} [ein als sicher geltender Kandidat]
shoo-in [Am.] [coll.] [favorite] [jd., der sicher gewinnt]
shoo-in [Am.] [coll.] [safe bet] todsicherer Tipp {m} [ugs.]
shoo-in [Am.] [coll.] [sure victory] sicherer Sieg {m}
shooing huschend
S-hookFleischerhaken {m} [DIN 250, S-förmiger Haken mit einem spitzen Ende]
S-hook S-förmiger Haken {m}
S-hook [butcher's hook] Metzgerhaken {m} [S-förmiger Haken]
S-hook [butcher's hook]Fleischhaken {m} [S-förmiger Haken]
shoon [dialect] Schuhe {pl}
shoo-shoo bush [Solanum torvum] Pokastrauch {m}
shoo-shoo bush [Solanum torvum] Türkenbeere {f}
shootSchoss {m}
shoot Jagd {f} [Jagdrevier]
shoot Spross {m}
shoot Jagdrevier {n} [eines Jägers]
shoot Fototermin {m}
shoot [archaic] [shot] Schuss {m}
shoot [sapling] Schössling {m}
shoot [spv. of chute] Rutschbahn {f}
shoot [spv. of chute]Rutsche {f}
shoot [young branch] Trieb {m} [Spross]
shoot apical meristem <SAM>Sprossapikalmeristem {n} [auch: Spross-Apikalmeristem]
shoot axis Sprossachse {f}
Shoot first, ask questions later. [idiom] Erst schießen, dann fragen. [Redewendung]
shoot growthSprosswachstum {n}
shoot lengthTrieblänge {f}
shoot tendrilSprossranke {f}
Shoot to Kill / Deadly Pursuit [Roger Spottiswoode]Mörderischer Vorsprung
Shoot! [Am.] [coll.] [euphemism for 'shit'] Mist! [ugs.]
Shoot! [Am.] [coll.] [euphemism for 'shit'] Mensch! [ugs.]
Shoot! [Am.] [coll.] [euphemism for 'shit'] Verflixt! [ugs.]
Shoot! [coll.] [fig.] [Start talking!]Legen Sie los! [ugs.] [fig.] [formelle Anrede] [Fangen Sie an zu sprechen!]
Shoot! [coll.] [fig.] [Start talking!] Schießen Sie los! [ugs.] [fig.] [formelle Anrede] [Fangen Sie an zu sprechen!]
shoot-down Abschuss {m}
shoot-'em-up [coll.] [computer game] Ballerspiel {n} [ugs.]
shoot-'em-up [coll.] [computer game]Killerspiel {n} [ugs.]
shoot-'em-up [coll.] [film] Ballerfilm {m} [ugs.]
shooter Schütze {m}
shooter Schütz {m} [veraltet für: Schütze (Schießender)]
shooter Werfer {m}
shooter [Am.]Kurzer {m} [ugs.]
shooter [Am.]Stamperl {n} [bayer., österr. für einen "Kurzen"]
shooter [Am.] [cameraman]Kameramann {m}
shooter [coll.]Schießeisen {n} [ugs.]
shooter [coll.] Knarre {f} [ugs.]
shooter [female] Schützin {f}
shooter [person who fires a deadly shot]Todesschütze {m}
shooter [sl.] Schießprügel {m} [ugs.]
shootersSchützen {pl}
shooters [Am.] Kurze {pl} [ugs.]
shooter's elbow [Epicondylitis humeri lateralis, Epicondylitis radialis humeri] Tennisellenbogen {m} [Tennisarm]
shootie [Am.]knöchelhoher Damenschuh {m}
shooting emporschießend
shooting Jagd {f}
shooting Geschieße {n} [ugs.]
shooting Schießen {n}
shooting Filmaufnahmen {pl}
shooting Fotoaufnahmen {pl}
shootingSchießerei {f}
shootingDrehen {n}
shooting {sg} Dreharbeiten {pl}
shooting [attr.] [e.g. accident, gallery, hand, range, sport, training] Schieß- [z. B. Unfall, Bude, Hand, Platz, Sport, Training]
shooting [attr.] [e.g. angle, distance, foot, position] Schuss- [z. B. Winkel, Entfernung, Bein, Position]
shooting [attr.] [e.g. date, location, permit, script] Dreh- [z. B. Termin, Ort, Erlaubnis, Fassung]
shooting [image capture] Shooting {n} [kurz für: Fotoshooting]
shooting [of a person, people, intentional]Erschießung {f}
shooting accident Schießunfall {m}
shooting angle Schusswinkel {m}
shooting associationSchützenverein {m}
shooting at a low speed [time lapse photography]Zeitrafferaufnahme {f} [Vorgang]
shooting board Stoßlade {f}
shooting bout Schießeinlage {f}
shooting box Jagdhütte {f}
shooting box [Br.] Jagdschlösschen {n}
shooting brake [Br.] Kombi {m}
shooting brake [Br.]Kombiwagen {m}
shooting brake [Br.] Kombinationskraftwagen {m} <Kombi>
shooting brake [Br.] Jagdkombi {m} [selten]
shooting brake [Br.] [dated]Turnier {m} [Kombiwagen]
shooting coat [Br.] Jagdrock {m}
shooting competition Schießwettbewerb {m}
shooting competitionPreisschießen {n}
shooting contest Wettschießen {n}
« shivshocshocshoeshoeShonshooshopshopshopshor »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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