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short vowelKurzvokal {m}
short waist-length jackettaillenlange Jacke {f}
short wave <SW> Kurzwelle {f} <KW>
short wave <SW>Dekameterwelle {f} [selten] [Kurzwelle]
short wave bands [radio]Kurzwellenbänder {pl}
short weight Mindergewicht {n}
short weight Untergewicht {n}
short welcoming speech Grußwort {n}
short wellingtons [boots]Knobelbecher {pl}
short whilekurze Zeit {f}
short windkurzer Atem {m}
short word Kurzwort {n}
[short folk song to accompany dancing] Tanzliedchen {n}
[short person with a long body who looks tall when sitting down] Sitzriese {m} [ugs.]
[short pigtail tied together with a bow at the back of the head] Mozartzopf {m}
(short) biography Lebensbild {n}
(short) break [short holiday / vacation]Kurzurlaub {m}
(short) pipe [tobacco pipe] Mutz {f} [auch: Mutze] [regional] [Tabakspfeife]
short-acting kurzfristig wirkend
short-acting beta-2 adrenergic agonist rasch wirksames Beta-2-Sympathomimetikum {n}
short-acting insulinkurzwirkendes Insulin {n}
short-acting insulin analogs [Am.] Kurzzeit-Insulinanaloga {pl}
short-acting insulin analogues [esp. Br.]Kurzzeit-Insulinanaloga {pl}
short-acting (insulin) analog [Am.] Kurzzeitinsulin {n} [Kurzzeit-Analogon]
short-acting (insulin) analogue [esp. Br.]Kurzzeitinsulin {n} [Kurzzeit-Analogon]
short-acting muscarinic antagonist <SAMA>kurzwirksamer / kurz wirksamer Muskarinrezeptor-Antagonist {m} <SAMA>
shortage Fehlbestand {m}
shortageFehlmenge {f}
shortage Knappheit {f}
shortage Kürzung {f}
shortageMangel {m}
shortageEngpass {m}
shortageVerknappung {f}
shortage Manko {n}
shortageUnterversorgung {f}
shortage Fehlen {n}
shortage Mindermenge {f} [Fehlmenge]
shortageMangelversorgung {f}
short-age creationistKurzzeitkreationist {m}
short-age creationist [female] Kurzzeitkreationistin {f}
shortage economy [economy characterized by constant shortages] Mangelwirtschaft {f}
shortage in materialMaterialknappheit {f}
shortage in weightFehlgewicht {n}
shortage management Mangelverwaltung {f}
shortage of Mangel {m} an
shortage of / in milk Milchmangel {m}
shortage of available appointmentsTerminengpass {m} [auch: Termin-Engpass]
shortage of capitalKapitalknappheit {f}
shortage of capital Kapitalmangel {m}
shortage of cash Fehlbetrag {m} in der Kasse
shortage (of cover) Unterdeckung {f}
shortage of doctors Ärztemangel {m}
shortage of drivers Fahrermangel {m}
shortage of foreign exchangeKnappheit {f} an ausländischen Zahlungsmitteln
shortage of goods Knappheit {f} an Waren
shortage of goods Warenknappheit {f}
shortage of jobs Arbeitsplatzmangel {m}
shortage of jobsKnappheit {f} an Arbeitsplätzen
shortage of jobs Mangel {m} an Arbeitsplätzen
shortage of labor [Am.] Arbeitskräftedefizit {n}
shortage of labor [Am.] Arbeitskräftemangel {m}
shortage of labor [Am.] Mangel {m} an Arbeitskräften
shortage of labour [Br.] Arbeitskräftedefizit {n}
shortage of labour [Br.] Arbeitskräftemangel {m}
shortage of labour [Br.] Mangel {m} an Arbeitskräften
shortage of manpower Arbeitskräftemangel {m}
shortage of manpowerMangel {m} an Arbeitskräften
shortage of manpower Personalknappheit {f}
shortage of manpower Personalmangel {m}
shortage of materialMaterialmangel {m}
shortage of money Geldnot {f}
shortage of moneyGeldmangel {m}
shortage of money Geldknappheit {f}
shortage of nurses Pflegenotstand {m}
shortage of offspring Nachwuchsmangel {m} [Mangel an Nachkommen]
shortage of ordersAuftragslücke {f}
shortage of organs Organknappheit {f}
shortage of paper Papierknappheit {f}
shortage of parking lots Parkplatzmangel {m}
shortage of parking space / spacesParkplatzproblem {n}
shortage of parking spaces Abstellplatzmangel {m} [Parkplatzmangel]
shortage of personnel Mangel {m} an Arbeitskräften
shortage of physicians Ärztemangel {m}
shortage of precious metals Edelmetallknappheit {f}
shortage of priests Priestermangel {m}
shortage of raw material Mangel {m} an Rohstoffen
shortage of raw materials Rohstoffmangel {m}
shortage of recruits Nachwuchsmangel {m} [Mangel an Arbeitskräften]
shortage of shares Mangel {m} an Aktien
shortage of shells Granatenmangel {m}
shortage of skilled labor [Am.] Fachkräftemangel {m}
shortage of skilled manpower Fachkräftemangel {m}
shortage of skilled workers Fachkräftemangel {m}
shortage of space Platzmangel {m}
shortage of space Raumnot {f}
shortage of staff Arbeitskräfteknappheit {f}
shortage of staffArbeitskräftemangel {m}
shortage of staff Personalknappheit {f}
shortage of staff Personalmangel {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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